I think this may sound sad.. but I really want to do them but since no one "tagged" me so I might fill them in myself... hahahah
# Are your parents married or divorced?
happily married..
# Are you a vegetarian?
I seriously think I can't because steak is just too good for me and so is chicken now!! Ok fine I don't eat that much chicken...
# Do you believe in Heaven?
yes i do because... i just do
# Have you ever come close to dying?
back in 7th grade in Jakarta...i felt like the world was spinning and i couldn't stop throwing up but i didn't see 'the light' so i guess i was fine...
# What jewellery do you wear 24/7?
i don't really wear any jewelleries... can't really keep them on for long but the one thing that i need to wear before i go out is my watch
# Favourite time of day?
at night when everything is just plain quiet...
# Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
yea... why? aren't you suppose to eat them?
# Do you wear makeup?
i try to look presentable so yes i do... most likely just eye liner, blusher..
# Ever have plastic surgery?
hahahah a friend thought i had plastic surgery but i didn't.. and this was back in 6th or 7th grade
# Do you colour your hair?
# What do you wear to bed?
shirt and pants.. or shorts
# Have you ever done anything illegal?
# Can you roll your tongue?
yes of course i can
# Do you tweeze your eyebrows?
i try not to look like Bert from The Sesame Street so yea I do
# What kind of sneakers?
not really sneekers.. i love them flats and heels but i do have sneakers and they are Adidas
# Do you believe in Abortions?
I guess it's your choice.. I'm against them.. seriously if you don't want the baby (pre-marital pregnancies) then think before having sex or pakai condom lah... but then condoms break.. so don't do sex.. before marriage..
# What is your Hair color?
it's brown.. reddish.. erh seriously i have no idea
# Future child’s name?
ameer reza or malik for a guy and nadia for a girl
# Do you snore?
nope.. cos i asked amie once when she passed by me sleeping in the chancellors hall and she said i don't snore
# If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
at the moment I'd like to go to Bali
# Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
nope.. used to sleep with bugs bunny then now i sleep with lots of pillows
# If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
buy a house in bali or spore
# Gold or silver?
# Hamburger or hot dog?
i don't mind both
# If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
erm... any seafoods... but then i'll probably die due to high cholesterol level so don't know...
# City, beach or country?
city and beach...
# What was the last thing you touched?
me laptop..
# Where did you eat last?
at some indonesian restaurant in gadong..
# When’s the last time you cried?
ohh nearly cried watching Death Note but like a good good cry.. a week back
# Do you read blogs?
hahah yes.. some of the interesting blogs are hardly updated... *cough*Syaf*cough*
# Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
erm... i always wear pants/jeans and shirt.. does that count?
# Ever been involved with the police?
not that i remember of..
# What’s your favourite shampoo, conditioner and soap?
pantene and palmolive at the moment.. i change a lot...
# Do you talk in your sleep?
since i don't snore i doubt i talk...
# Ocean or pool?
# Window seat or aisle?
# Ever met anyone famous?
erm.. anyone famous? i think i have...
# Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?
i'm happy but not that happy so yes... i'm not that truly successful
# Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
# Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
oprah but i used to watch ricki lake back in jakarta.. stayed up just to wait for her show
# Basketball or Football?
neither but wait.. i like basketball...
# How long do your showers last?
10 minutes..
# Automatic or do you drive a stick?
# Cake or ice cream?
cake... cos have ice-cream cake.. *make sense?*
# Are you self-conscious?
sometimes... when i want to impress someone
# Have you ever drank so much you threw up?
hahahah i don't drink so i doubt ppl throw up after drinking too much water, do they?
# Have you ever given money to a beggar?
# Have you been in love?
erm... yes i guess but for the wrong ppl...
# Where do you wish you were?
bali or spore
# Are you wearing socks?
no way..
# Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
nope.. and i don't want to
# Can you tango?
erm.. maybe
# Last gift you received?
xmas presents...
# Last sport you played?
don't do much sports
# Things you spend a lot of money on?
books, food, clothes
# Where do you live?
kiarong @ brunei
# Where were you born?
RIPAS @ Brunei
# Last wedding attended?
my dad's cousin's son
# Most hated food(s)?
erm... i still think eating lamb is wrong.. but i sometimes eat it..
# What’s your least fav.?
erm.. lamb...
# Can u sing?
erm... i hope so.. but most likely in the showers
# Last person you instant messaged?
Johanna Liew
# Last place you went on holiday?
# Favourite regular drink?
heaven and earth jasmine green tea
# Current Song?
I had Eagle Eye Cherry Save Tonight playing just now..
that's all for now..!! haha have fun reading them.. as much as I had fun filling them in..
Death Note 2 : The Last Name
Amie and I watched this movie yesterday afternoon, the 02:15 show to be precise. The rest of the gang watched it later on that night but Amie and I thought since we had class early in this morning we might just watch it in the afternoon and well we can always say we watched it before them. I cried at the end... it was just pretty sad for me! I won't give away the details because well some of you may want to watch it. I'm not a follower of the anime or the manga but watching the sequel was just so.... overwhelming! But if you guys are planning on watching it, do watch the first movie beforehand because in this movie there are no flashbacks or anything. It seemly goes straight from where the first movie left off.
Oh before that earlier in the morning I went to this bank, H**C. I wanted to withdraw my December and January allowance and then transfer it to another bank. So I went to their brance in Gadong and went upstairs just to find their forms are not labelled and there are no pens what so ever. Since I forgot to bring my pen I had to go back downstairs and used the pen that they have at the counter but to no avail because the ink dried out. So I had to ask the counter lady whether I can borrow their pen. Went back upstairs and waited for a whole 15 minutes or could it be 20 because my number was called. Then, I got to the counter the person behind the counter didn't even smile or even greeted me. He was nice though but kind of pissed me was he asked whether I have a PIN number. I told him that I do and he told me that I could have used the ATM machine. Since I wanted a large note I wanted to use the counter. But something pissed me off even more... he said their computer can't read my signature. I didn't update it or something. ERH... H**C annoys me now!!! So went down to the ATM machine and took out the amount I wanted.
After that I went to Sta. * Bank and transferred my money and that was FAST. Like SUPER FAST. Didn't even take me a mere 5 minutes and everything was settle. Their form boxes are labelled and their pens are working! Erm... seriously... H**C's service has seriously gone down! I think the only reason to why I still have my account there is because everytime my allowance is out from the government.. H**C account holders get hold of their allowance first.
Erm... I mean they've been around for so long and yet their service... erm... they even lost my welcome kit once! how stupid is that??
I'm watching Casper now and yesterday I watched Mulan and this afternoon I watched Beauty & The Beast.
A friend asked me whether he can buy stock? Y'know as in stock exchange! heheh he's just being random tonight. And he got me into Michael Jackson because he said.. he heard this song on the radio but he can't find it on limewire. Weird ehh my cousin!! He's a friend and a relative!
My days have been quite hectic, my MIB tutorials got changed from Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday morning (where I have no class at all) but I got that settled when I told the lecturers that most of the people in my class wanted a change. So most of the people in my class just went into some other empty classes. So I ended up with Amie... hahahah the 'tidak cantik' girl! I'm not saying she's ugly, she's really pretty but it's just an inside joke that happened during MIB tutorials! She's been practising her malay and I find it really cute! We had a substitute for our first tutorial but how I wish she is my tutor because she's really cool! Well at least she spoke in English, so that most of the chinese (and some malay) in the class can understand what she's talking about.
My French classes are really screwed up. See this is my schedule
Thursday - 0800-0900
Saturday - 1600-1800
I have a two hour late class on Saturday! On a SATURDAY!!! my goodness... I shouldn't be complaining since everyone else can't seem to make it on any other days. And since most of us objected to have class on Wednesday :)
ok for my overseas readers... classes and working days in Brunei are from Monday to Thursday and then Saturday. Fridays and Sundays are off!
I'm currently watching Notting Hill. Ohh the other day spend my time watching Serendipity on Fer's laptop at the FBEPS lobby. Hahah then I saw Ken... so I texted Amie and said.. 'erm.. it's serendipity' hahahah crazy!!
ahh well i better get back to watching Notting Hill. Hugh Grant is HOT.
how invisible is invisible? erm...!! something that I've been talking about on and on till the point I guess my friends considered me as annoying today. Ahh well it's for me to find out!! I guess I'm an example of invisible. I kind of feel crushed in a sense that people look pass through me. Sometimes I feel like I'm judged by the means of my looks and not my personality. Ok fine... sometimes looks can be judged but by not getting to know the person, it's just not fair! Sometimes I feel I should live in the cyber world where no one knows how I look like unless they're reading this blog and saw my pictures. I mean at least these people can just read the posts that I've written and judge me from there and get to know my personality and such! It's better that way, that's how I think at the moment. '
When I get involve with someone, it always turn out to be the wrong person. Ah well I'm only 20... there's more to life than how I feel at the moment.
My mind is somewhat blank and I can't really think! Argh! I want to scream! I need a drink (green tea) and calm myself down! I'm just having issues! Erm...
I want Bali! or Spore!
After breakfast at Jing Chew this morning I had to go to Supa Save and do some grocery shopping because I'm getting these rashes on my body so I needed to get medicated body powder and shower gel. So now I smell like Dettol! But it's the nice one not the really bad smell! Oh well Dettol is not so bad and the whole prickly heat thing is ok now because I used the talc powder!
Well that's not the point because when I got home my aunt was waiting for us. So I walked into my room switched on the lights and I saw a CICAK. I have a thing against cicaks, they annoy me. Well y'know how if you move something the cicak will also move but this cicak didn't move a bit! And it had dots on its body! It's disgusting! So yea cicak+me=don't go well! My dad had to help get rid of the cicak from the room. It's just ewwww!! I was screaming yes seriously screaming because my dad wanted to throw the cicak at me!
Ohh yesterday I had fun! Went out with Jo for sushi then just walked around the Mall and ended up buying a shirt. And I have lots of shirt not even out from the luggage. Then right... went to Swensons and had banana split with the nicest combination of ice-creams ever! Met some cousins and a friend of my mom there! :) Ohhh my allowance for January is in. Erm.. things seem to speed up quite fast these days. :)
Lalala... I'm watching Wendy Wu on channel 61! I'm saving up cos I need the cash for something. Owh I can't wait!
Was in Miri on Friday because babah wanted to get a small radio. His other one well let's just say.. it deteriorated since it's really old!
So while I was browsing around the Malay movie section at Speedy and I came across Selubung. I've been looking for that movie for ages and lastly I found it. What's interesting is it's a DVD and it only cost me $9.90. Cheap cheap and it's original! I try not to get bootleg ones if it's a movie that I'm really into! I've been looking for that movie for the past year! and lastly!!!
So yea it's Deanna Yusuf and the young young M.Nasir!! (he looked really different)
It's a sad movie but then again it's full of knowledge and all. :)
Director - Shuhaimi Baba
The Day We Find Love
erm.. not sure whether this works.. but my goodness this was ages ago and i love this song!! notice the love not love'd'. erm... i LOVE!!!
The New Look..
after all the thinking that I made, I cut my hair this afternoon. It's quite short but I guess it should be hassle free from now on since I don't have to use that much shampoo and conditioner and it'll take less time to blow dry! :)

Wednesday? Off Day?
I hate sand flies! They gave me a scar! Stupid stupid stupid!
Oh yea... I might have Wednesday off through out this semester. How cool is that? Well I might if my French teacher doesn't come up with a timetable that includes a class on Wednesday. Well since he said I quote, "likes me very much." I hope he doesn't have class plans on Wednesday. Hehehe... I found out there are only 4 As from the two classes and one of them is MOI! hahah ok ok I may sound a bit full of myself but I'm proud of it. At least I'm good in something :)
Had lunch today with the gang which includes Billy since he texted and asked whether wanted to have lunch or not! So we met up at the boys hostel because I thought they might have those delicious roasted chickens (ok find Syaf, I do eat chicken). Only had chicken rice! Yes chicken again! Today might just be.. chicken day for me! My goodness...
I feel like eating pizza now! Ohh God why am I being random? Oh well it's occasional... maybe my hormones are woishhh or doishhhhhh!!!
Ohh regarding my Zen... ohh well I think I might just end up with Zen as Syaf suggested. Ohh Razan.. it has nothing to do with you! Zan, Zen.. y'know! So don't mess with me!
so regarding my erm... taggies well commentors! (is there such word?)
Syaf - Yes, I'm sticking with Zen.. sounds feng shui-ish but it's good right? Good feng shui?
Spider - hahah yes yes it's been a long time! Zenny... hahah sounds like a guy's name! and not a good one either! like Led Zeppelin! ok.. that doesn't make sense... ignore me there!
Sha - hahahah good choice.. but I think I'll stick to Zen.. sounds professional and erm... pleasant! heheh...
alright then people...
I'm off watching Grey's Anatomy... loving it!
p/s - all my commentors name starts with a 'S'... lalala cute..
we're just ordinary people!!
currently listening to Hady Mirza's rendition of John Legend's Ordinary People. Oh John Legend is performing tomorrow at The Esplanade, Singapore. I think! Yes yes I'm sure he is!
Uni starts tomorrow and the timetable just looks pretty confusing. I know it's not it's just... y'know too full! I hope everything is good tomorrow! I'm actually dreading 2nd semester now. I was excited of the thought of being back in Uni, now it's just erm... I don't know. I have everything packed for tomorrow!
Gosh I'm tired and I'm just waiting for my Zen's battery to fill up! Why is it taking so long?
Btw I need a name for my Zen! I can't call it Zen.. cos it sounds weird!.. any suggestions? :)
McDreamy, Rexy and ... taufik batisah? hahah
Ok nevermind the last bit!

I don't know what to post about...
- I went to pluck my eyebrows for the first time after a year plus maybe and it hurts!! it was painful and I so didn't like it but the results were good :)
- I love the Digi advertisement on tv. I love those yellow ppl!! hahah cute...
See I told you this is going to be really stupid.
I'm watching Il Divo on Harith Iskandar's Thursday Nite Live! They're not bad after all. I was in Spore at this fabric store, Collezione on Arab St. (they sell really good quality cloth especially silk chiffon) and Il Divo was on! Maybe I should get Il Divo's CD now! hahaha I remember Zimah showing me their CD and all. I was like.... erm.. they're a ugly bunch! hahaha :)
Oh yea... Jo asked me how to tell her friend who has this emo fringe to get a proper fringe because her emo fringe is ugly. So she asked me to tell her in a nice way without putting the word ugly in. So I told her to tell her friend that her fringe looks weird and of course her friend's reply will be, 'erm how weird?' it leads the question and then y'know.. the cycle goes on! So yea.. if I tell you something is weird.. then you get the point! I'm just being nice... weird is a nicer word than ugly, don't you think so?
Uni starts in 3 days I'm so excited. :)
holidays are almost over and...
I gained weight... this always happen everytime I get back from Singapore. Well it's most likely because I stuffed myself with those All Butter Sultanas cookies I got myself from Marks & Spencers. Y'see All Butter=All Fats... I think I'm always going to be chubby... and not that it's a problem or anything but I would like to be a little bit slimmer. :) I've always thought I'm comfortable with the shape I'm in or maybe I am but every time I step on those scales... I would like to see my weight to be in the 50s... but it's always above 55.
So yea I was chatting with Ziman and asked him, 'how can people eat so much and not gain a single weight?' I love his reply,'... ermmm.... cacat!'
hahahah ok fine maybe they're not but they are the ones lucky enough to be born with a high metabolism! I'm not much of a fan of exercising but I miss the times when I shoot some hoops. Maybe I should get back to jogging when uni starts.. y'know just jog around or shoot someone! hahah..
I'm watching Musik (at) Ria and VE is on!! I love VE!! They do great remakes.
Ohh did I mention I think (ok I think) I saw U-Wei Hj Shaari (Buai Laju-Laju, Jogho) in Singapore? Well if it was him... then I saw him shopping at Zara! haha :) Ohh Zara has a great collection of clothes.. but they are either too small or too big or too nipis. :(
I'm testing my old webcam.. i hope it works :)
So at approximately around 2, I arrived in Uni and waited with Raymond in front of the Chancellor's Hall for our results. You see the results are posted according to faculty and the results are posted in the lobby of the hall. The door was locked when I arrived and when the door was open, everyone rushed in and looked at their results. So basically since there aren't much FBEPS students, there were only 2 of us there well 1st years that is! hehe :)
So I did kinda well... no Es or Fs.. thank goodness.. but there are 3 Ds. Will try and do better next semester. And I have to maintain my French grade! Erm... I love my A for French. :) hehe..
ok then :)
see all of you soon..
i'm a happy bunny
random things :)
owhhh now I know why I love living in this kampung! It's because we get free fruits... there is one basket full of rambutans in the kitchen from my aunt's rambutan tree :) I likey!
Owhhh actually I'm having mix thoughts of cutting my hair. Everyone (well not everyone) I know is like having their hair cut or having new hair styles. I want to! I'm quite bored with my current hair! I love the fact that it's long and wavy and all but erm... it's just plain boring! I know if I cut my hair like super short... I'll regret it. Erh I'll have to start thinking again!
Erm.. results should be out this afternoon but I doubt it lah! It's all about the 'maybe' and the 'what if...'
Erh... BORING!!
going to go and read some books :)
more pictures... S'pore part deux..
Me and the bull! Apparently the bull is some sort of advert for a restaurant at The Heeren
Singapore!! and of course my 1st official blog for 2007
So yea... left Brunei International Airport at around 11AM because some important people were on board! Arrived there around 1PMish and went straight to Park Hotel Orchard Rd. It's located just opposite of Paragon and erm.. well and it's right infront of Takashimaya so yes I was basically staying in a shopping heaven. :) Right after we checked-in and rested for a bit, headed off straight to erm... Lucky Plaza cos the mom wanted to get slippers and I had to get my iPod! So when the mom bought her slippers... I went in search for my supposeably iPod but ended up not getting it because I ended up getting Creative ZEN Vision:M. It's very nice!! And I got the black one but had to exchange it with a white one two days after. A lot of things happen to the player when I was there but now all I can say... Alhamdulilah it's working just fine!

Actually I'm too tired to type out what happened in Singapore. The only thing I can say is... it was super duper FUN!! Post Christmas Sale everywhere. Decorations were still up so it was Season's Greetings everything! Lights were magnificiant!! Let me have the pictures tell you the real deal!...
Vivocity's Food Republic
Mr. Yellow M&M's and I
The big banner on Orchard Rd.
Goodbye 2006 and Hello 2007
Well I'm flying off to Singapore in approximately 3 hours. The flight is at 1040hrs, so I will most likely be back on the 5th if nothing happens.
Cheers everyone... enjoy the holidays and well for those UBDians the 9th awaits us!! hehe
see you guys on the 15th my fellow UBDians!!