
I was tagged by Ka Faz!! yes lai alyaa is doing the tag! hahah alai...

1. Tell us your name:

Noralyaa but call me Alyaa and it's pronounced "ey-lee-ah"

2. Three things about yourself:
moody, cheerful, approachable (i think)

3. What’s in your playlist:
2 albums from Taufik, Pot Amir's songs, Kahitna - Tak Mampu Mendua, Faizal Tahir, Elliot Yamin... ohh lots

4. Your favourite music:
I'm a RnB freak and jazz and sentimental rock..

5. Favourite guilty pleasure:
Buying things I don't need... like seriously and sometimes buying clothes and ending up not wearing them because it looks nice on display but it doesn't look nice on me!

6. Favourite food:
Dhal... ohh I love Dhal!! You know the chick peas.. the yellow ones.. the one people eat with murtabak!! yes yes I love Dhal!!

7. Define love:
Love is everywhere? I seriously do think love is everywhere

8. Define sex:
go find a biology book! hahaha it is when two people fall in love and do sexual intercourse legally...

9. Any celebrity crushes?:
Need I say more.. ohh MY TAUFIK BATISAH!!

10. The last person you hugged:
an aunt from tahlil ceremony tadi!

11. The last person you talked to:
my mum

12. The last time you cried:
last night I think... because I was thinking of my dad

13. The last time you had sex:
i is not married

14. The last time you made out:

15. The last person you dated:
hahah someone!! I can't remember because it was YONKS ago... no one wants me! maybe because I don't know

16. The last time you went out:
This evening to a tahlil ceremony

17. What’s on your mind now?:
actually nothing because I'm too tired to actually think

18. What’s bothering you?:
Something that's related to a boy and coffee

19. This year’s resolutions:
hahahah something about being more friendly and talking to someone...

20. Your MSN nick:
alyaa.p! ne me quitte pas

21. What’s your MSN nick about?:
alyaa.p duh! my name and 'ne me quitte pas' a song from nina simone which means Don't Leave Me

22. The people you miss the most:
Jo, Dhiya and Vic

23. Current mood:
sleepy and tired

24. What are you thinking?:
I'm too tired to think but I'm seriously thinking how to afford those shoes from Charles & Keith. Anyone wants to get it for me!!

25. Best childhood memory:
Singapore trips with daddy and mummy! I love going to the zoo and Sentosa. And ohh of course Puncak with again my daddy and mummy... where we would go up to Puncak then stopped by Cipanas to buy vegetables or flowers then on the way down we stopped by Rindu Alam.. where it was really really cold! and ate sayur asem, satay, sup bontot... ahh Indonesia..

26. 3 of your biggest fears:
not graduating, not getting married and having kids (it's one of those things y'know), Allah

28. 3 of the things you hate:
noise... like people shouting for no reason, not punctual... I hate waiting,...

29. Do you blog?:
hahahah not sure.. do I look like I blog? or do I look like blogger! hahah

30. Tag 5 people:
5 people hehehe so here it goes, Dhiya, Nuar, Syaf, Amie, Sheena, Bella!! hahah :) Ok that is 6 but who cares!

I miss my dad!! al-fatihah

#198 happiness...?

sorry I will not be able to post as much as I want to or you guys want me to *hintDhiyahint*. I've been too swamped with uni work especially homework for Accounting & Finance. It took me about 3 days to finish up the 6 question given to us. Well home wise, well it's going pretty well except for the past few nights I don't know maybe I just think too much and from there I tend to think of my dad, I will then end up crying and waking up with swollen eyes. Not a very good scene to see lah I tell you.

campus is so-so... other than swamped with work... life isn't that bad. Friends are always there for me but I miss them overseas a lot. I miss these three in particular, I miss Jo, Dhiya and Vic! I just miss you three. I just miss calling and talking to Jo. I just miss having Dhiya to gossip with and Vic well for everything.. well mostly talk jahat lah about people and I remember she said I'm her news reporter since I somewhat know everything that happened back in St. Andrew's. Hehe :)

Ok so last Sunday I went to my nephew's hantar berian ceremony where the groom exchange gifts with the future bride. It was HOT so I ended up in my aunt's house next to the nephew's house. I wasn't even that aware the groom's rombongan had left for the bride's house. It was fun because I got to see and meet the other cousins... it's very rare that I get to meet them lot.

So I guess I'll just show pictures from last Sunday! heheh if you notice all of us are wearing blue because it's the theme for that particular occasion. =)

What have I been up to?

Miss me?

so yea... heheh been quite busy with classes and all. Tuesday was fun because well according to my 'busy' schedule I have 5 hours gap between my FIS class and HRM class so by around 10ish I'll be off somewhere with Amie and Ferdouse. We usually explore the food places in Brunei which is good because we get hungry really easily in campus. The new food canteen in campus is not that bad but service wise.. erk. Food takes up almost half an hour to arrive which is terrible if you only have an hour lunch break.

So last Wednesday FBEPS held a small gathering for the first years and a group of us helped out with the games. Amie and I were in charge for the human puzzle game. It's complicated to explain but let me show you pictures of the event! hehe :)

an example of man puzzle and you see the dean of FBEPS playing with the first years! oh we love you lah Dr. Azman! FBEPS loves you!

#196 yes, I am still around

My back hurts but that's not the reason to why I haven't been blogging. I think my back hurts from carrying all the plant pots which my mom wanted to move from one place to another and Brunei has been TOO hot! Blame it all on global warming lah. Seriously... it's like crazy hot and even in school it gets too hot! And I seriously don't like walking around campus because I don't know... I think I just don't really like walking around ALONE in campus because I'm so used on having people with me. And plus I get ignorant when I walk alone because I focus on getting to my destination.

So yea classes started on Monday and what can I say? I don't know... it's kinda fun I guess but I haven't get the hang of the thrill yet. I think I'll get the thrill when tutorials start on the 3rd week and most lectures start next week. My mom bought two of the books tadi from TA Morgen.. bought the Business Accounting 1 & 2 book... I think this book is an investment for me... y'know for my LOVE for Business Accounting.

And I think I still love FERHAD! ok that was totally random

Subjects this semester is not all that bad I guess and oh yea I finally decided to quit French. I think I just can't handle the pressure and all for French this semester, I mean it's sexy and romantic but it just gets complicated. I think being and getting sexy and romantic is complicated. *tehee*

Subjects this semester

  • Business Law
  • Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
  • Foundations of Information Systems
  • Introduction to Accounting
  • Human Resource Management
  • English for Management Studies III
Oh well... interesting? I don't have a minor but, since, I'm planning on doing my masters on Islamic Banking and Finance I'm taking subjects that are taken by those doing a minor in Islamic Banking & Finance. Double work! Yes I know... but I guess that's one of the thrill.

My back hurts...

p.s. A relative getting hitch soon! Wohoo... a month full of weddings and tahlils