A sum up of the week!!
Last night was my first time ever watching a futsal match, it was exciting and the result... I have a sore throat. I think because I kept on cheering and screaming. Haha I wasn't rooting for any team but yea I have friends playing in all the teams so just support all of them.
I heard the final score was 1-0 between the lecturers team and the blue team. So yea the lecturers won the Dean's Cup Futsal Tournament! Above all them.. there was drama, phrase of the night Sayang Sekali... and more!! I didn't take any good shots of the game, I think I'll have to wait for Syazwan for the pictures. Most of us came last night so it was a great time mingling with friends. :)
Won't really post up pictures from futsal.
But yea on Friday, our Organizational Behavior class had a visit to RBA. Arrived at RBA Center around 8 and headed straight to the training room where some of the officers were already there waiting to give us a speech. It was a long and fun speech actually. Then all of us were divided into 4 groups and visited the different departments. I went to the Flight Operations and Simulator department. Met and saw familiar people, one of them being a family friend. Hehe.. funny guy!!...
Let me show you the pictures...
and the last picture! this was a candid shot of RORO!! Handsome ehh Roro!later my lovelies..
down with a flue :(
#272 You know you love me!
#271 We actually went!!
Yes, we (Amie, Kalai, Razan, Mawi & I) braved ourselves through the whole traffic just to get to Giant. Giant apparently reminds of me of Wal Mart back in Mall Karawaci, Jakarta. I think it's the whole ware house concept I guess but it was fun. I guess fond memories of Jakarta was all coming back to me at that point. Ahhh I miss Jakarta, I miss the food, Kol Nenek, Tahu Goreng, Ikan Nila, Sayur Asem, Sate, and the list goes on... .
Actually it took us about 20 minutes or so just to find parking. We kept on missing the empty spots and if we did find one parking spot it was either we were a space ahead or too far behind. Argh... but we had entertainment in the car. Someone was singing dari teksi... ke miri, the songs ranged from Sudirman to Exists and I think Enchanted. Yes we were that bored in the car but entertained at the same time. I pitied Amie though as she had to put up with all the nonsense we did in her NEW. Yes, at last a new one. I like like like it!!! At least I got to be the first one riding in it... besides the other guys. Oh I met someone at Giant this morning. He's a friend of my dad and he used to work in the embassy as well back in Jakarta. I was walking out of Guardian and I saw this familiar looking guy and just stared at him. Then he pointed at me with this big smile on his face. He was like, "how are you??" and all... he used to be like a second father to me back in Jakarta as he liked to spoil me as he doesn't have any daughters. heheh =)
Ohh before Giant, we were at Yayasan as we had breakfast/early lunch at CA Mohd. We were kind of loud but I guess we were only loud when we started laughing, other than that we're fine. Oh I remembered it happened once at JC, my dad masih ada and all. There was this table of guys consisted of the famous and well known guys in Brunei... they were talking and then suddenly they burst out laughing. My dad was like, "that's how you differentiate them with other people." I guess I understood what he meant. Oh well...
Ohh I guess I have to go for the Dean's Cup this Saturday as it is the finals and help out with anything. I hope he'll be there. ;)
Later my lovelies.
p.s. Chawa - hahahahahah ntah maybe!! you'll just have to wait and see!
#270 I'm just good with numbers!!
Hahah ignore the title, I had nothing interesting to type there.
I went to Kiulap this afternoon with my mum and I saw a pair of pretty silver shoes from C'est Moi. It was considered cheap but my mum didn't even get it for me. And I haven't withdraw any money yet so I might just get my hands on it soon. Oh pretty silver shoes~~ unless I find a much prettier one then I might get the other one. Hehe... haven't found any bags that might interest me yet, still waiting for that. I should wait till my trip to buy all these right.. yes I should. Ohh I can't wait...
I'm planning on getting a new watch. I found a few interesting ones online and most likely choose the black one. It's really pretty! I need to get accessories for my Zen. I saw these pretty earphones online and it's available only 'there', I'm so excited.
Now everything is settled, only waiting for 'THE DAY" and then YAYE!!!
but now have to concentrate on assignments and the upcoming exams. I hope I do well again this semester. I'm praying... to do well for this exam.
Something has been lingering in my mind. Most likely talk about it in the next post.
I'm going to watch Ghost later on 8tv. It's FUN!!
#269 Something...
I've been listening to a lot of jazz lately and I'm kind of loving Al Jarreau. I even downloaded this song by Bali Lounge, Angels of the Island, it sounds rather mysterious but it's all good. Oh I can't wait for tomorrow night. I hope the streaming will be working so I can listen to Suria Lounge on Suria FM. Yes I listen to Suria Lounge. It's rather interesting, Taj plays good music. Great music to be exact. I just wish that the Suria Lounge's website will be updated because I can't seem to know the songs being played.
Ohh I think two nights ago, I kept on playing the ballroom scene from Enchanted. I know sounds rather jobless but I just love the song. I can somewhat relate to it, it's that sense of longing to be with someone. Oh well... I tend not to think about it too much as it drives me crazy. I've stopped thinking about these things because if I do, like I used to, it makes me rather cranky and cry. So yea... I rather not think about it at the moment. I just let things flow with the go.
I have Quantitative Analysis test tomorrow and I'm only about 60% ready. I'm not good with statistics because can never really understand it. It's not that I don't want to understand it, it's just plain confusing. I have stopped for tonight and I'll continue tomorrow morning before IBF.
I had a meeting with Big Boss yesterday... it was very motivational. It was fun actually listening to his words of wisdom. Good luck with everything Big Boss... your ideas are brilliant. I know where to find you if I need help. =) Do keep in contact...
Currently there are 4 boxes of donuts at home from Singapore. I'm going crazy just looking at them. It's all in the fridge at the moment... biarkan lah dulu!! I'll eat them soon!
Arghh I'm kind of sleepy...
So later lovelies...
p.s. Ivy, OMG!! Hello you!! Yes I'll be there around in June, I'll tell you when alright. Maybe we can meet up..! It's been ages. :)
you lose some, you gain some. that's part of life
#269 Happy Birthday my handsome boy!
Muhammad Haidhar Idris!

You can always count on me for anything. Despite being an aunt to you, you guys still want to call me KAKA! :)
Thanks lai, you always brighten up my life even though you can be a tad bit annoying. hahah but it's all fun!
Kaka loves you! :)
Hugs & Kisses
#268 My prayers will be for you
First and foremost before going on to what I have to say about my days, I would like ask everyone to pray for my Islamic Business Ethics lecturer, Ustaz Zainuddin, supaya cepat sembuh and kesihatan yang berkekalan. He is currently sick and battling his way through. When I first heard about the news that he got admitted to RIPAS last week I thought it was the usual sickness and he'd be alright. Yesterday, it was a whole different story, we found out he is really really sick. He has helped me a lot in many things. He talked to me when he found out arwah babah passed away. Well more like he asked me whether it was true, that's because he saw my parents about two months before my dad passed in Miri. My dad talked to him and all. And Ustaz even said to me, "Setiap kali Ustaz lintas McDonald's in Miri, teringatkan your arwah ayah."
So other than that, I would like wish those going for the interview for University of Kent the best of luck. I hope you guys get it!!! My name is not shortlisted, ahh siapa nda suruh blajar.
Oh another thing yesterday, I went into our office and switched on the lights. As soon as I switched on the lights, the hallway in FBEPS suddenly blacked out. So now I know where the cause of the blacked out on Monday and I know who did it! hahah Zeezul ckp, "ahh maybe the lights pilih treasurers saja... minta duit tu!"
As you can see I'm bored and I've watched Enchanted again for the third time. Twice in the cinema and yesterday on DVD. I sang along to the songs!!! All of the songs!! hahah cute no??
I'll post up pictures when there are good pictures.
And thanx to the guys who went to JC with us yesterday! It was fun... gossiping, some friend even tried to hit on some guy! hahah si Denny!! heheh dari Bali!! you know who you are!
#267 I queued up, I actually did!!
The last two days had been one of the most entertaining and happy days in my life.
I don't really want to share what happened on this day because well I'm kind of embarrassed. The only thing I can say is what happened really made my day and every time I think about it, I put on this big smile on my face. :) Thank you to you! So who say my face keras huh, huh??? And that guy said keep on smiling... heheh yes will do!!
Amie went, "So now, what stage??" hahah babe, i have no idea! I think there is no stage, just go with the flow.
Ohh my cousin came that night, I told her what happened. She went all crazy and said, "aiii cute ehh babe boy!!" I miss her already! I miss kamu dua!! I miss my Hami and Yasmin!! and of course Hawa, kaka miss kamu semua!!
Yesterday morning had breakfast at Yayasan, before that we (me, Amie, Nita & Effa) walked around and checked out Fun Donuts. Of course it was still close. So went to have breakfast and after that walked around again for a bit just to kill time. So I decided to queue up infront of Fun Donuts (it wasn't even open yet and it was around 10ish), it was just for fun. This is because a week before I was telling Amie how I wanted to queue up and I want to know how it feels.
So I think I queued up for basically 1/2 hour. It was erm... satisfying. Bought the 1/2 dozen for people at home and bought 1 dozen for them in Uni. There are pictures of me queueing up but I haven't upload them yet from my phone! hahahah yes apparently there was a paparazzi on the loose yesterday snapping pictures of me queuing up! hahah
I'll post them up maybe later when I actually feel like transferring the files!
Oh I don't have class today so I must and have to finish off my Islamic Banking's tutorial work!
Laters my lovelies!!! :)
p.s Razan, there a post!!updated 1.32pm!!
#265 Am I done with work?
This happened earlier this morning around 12.30AM! Yes I was trying to finish off my Company Accounting & Reporting. I was half way doing it then I fell asleep. I kind of tried finishing it this afternoon but to no avail because the work is kind of hard. It is all theory so I had to look around in the book for the answers and at the same time open my A level textbook to look for the answers. I think I might have to browse through the slides he gave us. Erh....
I have to study for OB tomorrow because apparently there will be a test. How fun? I didn't know about it till last Monday and Effa didn't know until yesterday! Oh well...
Since I won't be that busy with other errands, I'd be able to kind of study in peace. heheh ;P
And and.. go visit him. He made a special post just for ME! Awww I feel so special. :)
Cheers then... going off watching Gossip Girls and Gilmore Girls... lalal~~
#264 So Close - Jon McLaughlin
You’re in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I’m with you
So close to feeling alive
A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close
So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you’re beside me and look how far we’ve come
So far we are so close
How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We’re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far
#263 Advertorials
Effa asked me to post this up on my blog so here it goes
For more information, please contact - Umi - 8121241.
#263 That moment in time :)
I've been out for two mornings already. I was out yesterday morning with Amie and Siang. I must say yesterday morning, what I've wanted for quite sometime well I got it yesterday. Just wait and see in June, it didn't cost me a fortune though but I guess with that amount, it's all worth it. :) I am still smiling when that piece of paper reached my hands. :)
Remember how I said I've been craving for sushi last week well I had my dose of salmon maki yesterday. It was good... and it was totally fun yesterday because almost everyone came. Those dear to me lah! Thank You guys.. :) I love love love....
Wanted to watch a movie yesterday but then I had some things to do at home. I feel quite unproductive lately. I've tried doing one of the questions for Islamic banking and I must say it's quite alright. Not so hard as long as you understand the concept. :) I have yet to start on my Company Accounting assignment, 62 MCQ ohh well...
Oh this is so random, I can't seem to find my nail cutter! oh nail cutter where are you????
This morning went out with Anuar, I accompanied him to interview the HRD manager of HSBC. It was a whole new experience but nonetheless I think I've learn a lot from her. :) Now I know what to expect if I do apply for a job there.
I better get to sleep now... I have to attend a meeting tomorrow. :)
#262 I am "6 years ago"
Yes, I am watching the first season of Gilmore Girls and from what I read on the credits it was shown 6 years ago. so yea I'm reliving my life from 6 years ago. See how bored I've gotten and it's only day 1 of the holidays. I did do something productive though. I printed out the questions for the Company Accounting and Reporting and the Answer Sheet, hahah yes I have answer sheets. :) I made a promise and Amie witnessed it all, I promised Amie that I won't skip Company Accounting anymore. There are 62 MCQ and it is due next Monday. Fun? Well yea... and as mentioned I should start on my IBF assignment.
Ohh I watched Oprah last night and she had Celine Dion on. Celine Dion sang Because You Loved Me, it was beautiful... very beautiful. It's an amazing song. Oh I remember talking to Mawi about wedding songs. I can't remember which song he wants but I know I want Hingga Akhir Pasti, end of question.
Take a listen :)
It's one of the most beautiful songs.. I've ever heard ;)
Oh I don't know what made me visit this website. It made me realize why didn't I read it the first time around. Weird isn't it? Oh well......
I'll just leave you with that song... play it alright. It's a good song...
#261 Celebrate good time, C'mon!
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! well more like half of 4th semester! yes I am in my 4th semester! hahaha I had to figure that out for a bit.
So what did I do? Dressed like a pregnant lady and walked into FBEPS, submitted my OB report that I've worked hard for the last 3 days and walked again to the Chancellor's Hall and attended Islamic Banking & Finance lecture. So unsurprising to see not a lot of people. Three of the other girls didn't come because I know they had to finish up OB. Today's lecture was very interesting though. It was on Bay Salam where sale transactions are made on a pay first, goods come by later. I think I'm taking that up for my individual assignment which I should start during this holiday. Adding to that I still have to work on the group individual.
I do have a lot of work to do, don't I? hehehe :)
I'm for sure going to have a good time next Tuesday, we have everything all planned out. Be sure to watch out for the pictures.
I didn't attend two of my classes today because I just felt too lazy. Everyone else looked like they've been up for a week or something.
KALAI is playing for the FINALS today!! GO PLK ZOMBIES X!!!! Wish I could go though but doubt I will. I told him that if we come, we'd come with poms poms!! PINK ones!!
Till then...