#269 Something...

I've been listening to a lot of jazz lately and I'm kind of loving Al Jarreau. I even downloaded this song by Bali Lounge, Angels of the Island, it sounds rather mysterious but it's all good. Oh I can't wait for tomorrow night. I hope the streaming will be working so I can listen to Suria Lounge on Suria FM. Yes I listen to Suria Lounge. It's rather interesting, Taj plays good music. Great music to be exact. I just wish that the Suria Lounge's website will be updated because I can't seem to know the songs being played.

Ohh I think two nights ago, I kept on playing the ballroom scene from Enchanted. I know sounds rather jobless but I just love the song. I can somewhat relate to it, it's that sense of longing to be with someone. Oh well... I tend not to think about it too much as it drives me crazy. I've stopped thinking about these things because if I do, like I used to, it makes me rather cranky and cry. So yea... I rather not think about it at the moment. I just let things flow with the go.

I have Quantitative Analysis test tomorrow and I'm only about 60% ready. I'm not good with statistics because can never really understand it. It's not that I don't want to understand it, it's just plain confusing. I have stopped for tonight and I'll continue tomorrow morning before IBF.

I had a meeting with Big Boss yesterday... it was very motivational. It was fun actually listening to his words of wisdom. Good luck with everything Big Boss... your ideas are brilliant. I know where to find you if I need help. =) Do keep in contact...

Currently there are 4 boxes of donuts at home from Singapore. I'm going crazy just looking at them. It's all in the fridge at the moment... biarkan lah dulu!! I'll eat them soon!

Arghh I'm kind of sleepy...

So later lovelies...

p.s. Ivy, OMG!! Hello you!! Yes I'll be there around in June, I'll tell you when alright. Maybe we can meet up..! It's been ages. :)

you lose some, you gain some. that's part of life