I didn't really notice that my blog is a year old until I checked because since Syaf's blog is turning a year old. Actually I started blogging back in 2000 but then I used livejournal because it was really easy to use since I had no idea any html codes and such! I started blogging because I felt weird back in Brunei after about 5 years being overseas (Indonesia). I know most of you are going to think... ahh it's just Indonesia and it was only for 5 years. The thing is I kinda grew up there... from the age of 9 till 14. So it's like I spend my adolescence years there. Indonesia opened my eyes to the bigger picture in life and then came back in 2000 and everything just seemed weird. School, friends, surroundings.. it just seemed awkward. Another reason to why I started was to keep in touch with old friends y'know keeping them updated with my Brunei life.
Then the blog started becoming personal as it was a place for me to pour everything out. I wasn't public about who I was then. I had nicknames and such and there were no pictures of me then. I became friends with a lot of people just by blogging at livejournal. One of them was a young woman in KL who I met for the first time in 2005 I think. Apparently her mom is the sister of a friend of my mom. Whose husband worked with daddy in Indonesia! What a small world? Then I met her again for the second time last year when I had a trip to KL to visit my uncle who underwent chemotherapy there. Got close to my current bestfriend through livejournal because she used to read my blog and I read hers! Then in 2002, we some how became bestfriends. Sweet huh? Until now!! Even though we had that fight in 2004 but we're all good now!! :)
Ohh how I miss the small community of Bruneian bloggers back in the days. Now, I don't know! I like blogging now because well I read my fellow UBD-ians blogs and it's just fun. You get to see the other side of people. Sometimes the good sides but then there are times where you see the bad side of them. I can be a judgmental person, I judge people by my first encounter with them. I try to change that because I don't really like it. It's a bad habit of mine! And blogging makes me see the people's characteristics!
And I have to agree blogging has expanded my number of friends. And I'm loving it! :)
till then... :)
#162 princesasophie is a year old already!!
#161 Study@UBD
Study [at] UBD started yesterday and today is the second and last day. It was a blast, I was fun seeing all these freshies going to the FBEPS booth and the FSC (FBEPS Student Council) helping around. Even though I wasn't one of the members but I just stayed at the booth and bugged them. That I do best! haha :) So yesterday walked around the FBEPS booth and all of a sudden saw a cousin of mine who works for BMobile. So talked to him for a bit but he wasn't there today. Ohh too bad! Ohh yes usually I have no class on Wednesday but then today I had a replacement class for French so attended that then at about 10 went to the Chancellor Hall and walked around with Amie and talked to some people. So yea basically spend my 2 hours in the Chancellor Hall talking to lecturers and tutors and friends and cousins. Yup I socialize and it was FUN!
here are some pictures from today's event:Oh Amie is wearing that thing (can't remember what it's called) because she's representing the Japanese language booth! Nice yes? hahah they guys wore some Japanese custom in which I forgot to ask what it is! But them boys looked good :)
till next time :)
#160 Way Belated National Day and food!!!
Friday 23rd February 2007 marked the 23rd National Day for Brunei Darussalam. I know I'm two days behind but hey at least I remembered! So Friday afternoon went to Ren Siang's place for a CNY open house I guess but it's the usual faces who came so it was more like a get together thing. Almost everyone who was present during the sushi session came plus a few other faces. So it was good and of course food was great. I loved the pizza especially the tuna but I didn't eat the chicken and had a little bit of everything else but yes the horseshoe made my day. The guys laughed at me because the chocolate from the horseshoe kinda got its way on my chin! So when I was about to take pictures... they were like gesturing moves indicating I have chocolates at my nose and all! Naughty people! :p but at least I had fun! Douse was our so called driver cos he had to pick Amie and I up!
I seriously do not like long holidays in Brunei because it feels like I've run out of places to go to! The sister went off to KL today with her bestfriend and her bestfriend's sister. She went to accompany the two because the sister's bestfriend's sister is getting married so they're buying some things in KL! Have no idea what... but the sister will only be back on Friday!
Thank God classes are back on next week if not I'll probably rot in boredom! But then mid term break starts on the 5th and then we'll be swamped with tests when we get back! Erh... uni life! :) and :( at the same time!
pictures up next time cos I haven't uploaded them yet. :)
Enjoy the upcoming week you guys!
p.s. I've added Bella and Merv in the blog roll! go read them!! by the way merv where you at now?
#159 Pool and Sushi
Today was fun!!! SUPER FUN!! First in the morning went to Amie's place for some visiting since it is still Chinese New Year and the kek batik was super soft and moist.. and I love it. When they rest came and stayed there for a bit then all of us went to Gadong to have our lunch at the sushi restaurant, Excapade. Yes, my friends we had sushi for lunch and it was just plain good! Sushi never tasted better... I just love having them around especially during our sushi sessions. Maybe we should do it again! After our sushi session, we headed for The Mall where we're suppose to catch the 3.30 show for Norbit but we still had about more than an hour to kill before Norbit starts so Siang suggested we play pool. I just went with the flow because well I don't know how to play pool... hehe :p but played one round with Amie since she insisted.

#158 Selamat Tahun Baru Cina...
It's Chinese New Year and it was pouring rain this afternoon in Bandar. And erm... since I had nothing to do this afternoon I ended up wrapping the Market Leader book and did microeconomics notes. I guess I'm done with all that... I have a thing for writing notes, I just love it because I'm like doing a lot of things at once... see I'm exercising my arm while writing, reading and understanding the subject. I don't just copy blindly, I read and understand it and if I dont' understand then I refer to the textbook. And my notebook is written in different coloured pens since it helps me revise. And plus I'm doing what Ustaz Hj. Zainuddin told us to do in Islamic Business Ethics last Saturday. I guess it's true, colours do stimulise the brain system. :)
I present to you my afternoon....

#157 Roti Norbi! :)
picture taken raya 2006
no, no there is nothing going on between me and him so if anyone sees this picture and thinks there is something going on between us don't think that way. We are relatives and he's like a brother to me even though he's my erm.. nephew?and this is really lastly....
and since most of my friends are Chinese. Enjoy the holidays people! and to my best friend, Jo... you're leaving in less than 10 days :( I love you babe! *hugs*
#156 pain continues...
I seriously have no idea what to do with this knee the muscle pain I have! I know it will ease in a few days but the pain is just y'know well not that excruciating but then again it hurts everytime I try to walk after I sat down for a long time. Actually it didn't hurt that much last night or even yesterday but the pain only started this morning when I walked to French class and walked back to Chancellor Hall.
Ohh at the end of Logic & Thinking tutorial class my phone vibrated and well I received a text message from a friend. This friend and I had some history together, not so good of a history I must say. He can be consider an ex-boyfriend I guess but then again the whole relationship thing didn't turn out how he wanted it to be because I just didn't feel like it's going anywhere so I broke up with him after about a day! yea I know, some of you might think, "wow, just a day!". Well to me, what's the use being in a relationship when one party doesn't feel comfortable about it right? Then we became friends like we used to be but he can sometimes be a bit.. 'negative'. I seriously didn't like how his mood swings come about. One moment he can be all cheery then another he can be all moody, not talking to me and shit!
So yea.. he texted and asked if I wanted to go out tonight with him and have this double date thing alongside his friend since she's leaving for Australia soon! The plan was dinner and a movie but then I turned him down since I don't know! Am I afraid of commitments or it's just how I respond to him nowadays. He's a really nice guy but... I don't know. So called him up and told him that I have other plans tonight but here I am at home typing away and going to watch Heroes! Oh well... at least we're still friends right? Erm... *sigh*...
Valentine's Day is banned in Brunei due to the history behind Valentine's Day. So yea... but hey.. at least I feel loved because of the people around me :) I love the people especially family and friends. I feel like I have the greatest friends in the world. And of course my blogger friends as well. Just want you to know my blogger friends... you're not tagged but you're LOVED by ME!
hehe ok then :)
#155 - pain...
hahah my body hurts!! I think my knees hurt more and my back is starting to act up! And it's all due to basketball. Went and played with Syn-to, Ing-to, Wantin and lastly Wantin's friend Nina. First it was just me, Syn and Ing where we just played around but that whole playing around really made me sweat. And I loved it! I can seriously feel my heart pumping and for someone who doesn't have a good stamina... it kind of hurts! but GOOD! hehe :) Us, girls had half of the court to ourselves while the guys had the other half. So it was fun!
Uni's been pretty flexible... it's not as hectic and work is not as much as I would expect it to be. On Tuesday Introduction to Information Computer Technology only lasted for an hour when it's suppose to be a 2 hours lecture. :) and she gave us chocolates.
I've been hooked onto Heroes. It's just amazing and I can't wait to watch the rest of series because I borrowed it off a friend and well I'll be watching it soon eventhough it's only up to episode 11. And another thing I'm hooked onto The Sims. The people are just heheh funny! And I have no idea why.. the people can't cook.. and always ended up burning the kitchen. And seriously what's up with plumbing system at SIMS, it's always leaking. Ohh on another note... John Legend is great. I love his songs! :)
This is so going to be a random post because I don't know what else to say... ohhh before this I was wondering what's so great about Wentworth Miller then yesterday I watched my very first episode of Prison Break and I have to say Wentworth Miller looks good in the series but in pictures, he's just not so let's say... so eye-candyish! but he can't beat coffee boy. hehe!
I'll post more when I have something else to rant about :)
Bye Bye people.
/Tandanya - Maliq & D'Essentials
Saya telah di 'tagged'!
Syafique tagged me! (the only reason because I've never been tagged)
Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!
Six (6) Weird Things About Alyaa...
1. I'm a very punctual person and I expect others to be same too but I know it's hard on some people but seriously I so do not like waiting for people and nor do I like people waiting for me.
2. I smell food or anything because I do anything to them. Like for food for instance I have to smell them first because I eat them and for non-living things well I do the same before using it.
3. I need music before I sleep... I usually have Zen plugged onto my right ear (just right ear) and I listen to the songs before I sleep because I can't sleep without listening to music first.
4. I like to play with people's hair... I just love to play around with it... twirl it, braid it... you name it!! and I love people playing with my hair.. :)
5. I don't eat expensive chocolates especially those like Guylian, Patchi and whatnot... I rather eat the cheap Cadbury... but I prefer the Australian one since it's not too sweet. I prefer Cadbury to any other chocolates even roses! ok well roses and chocolates go well together!
6. People might see as the "western" girl as I usually speak English with my friends and even to my cousins sometimes but seriously... I love listening to Malay songs and reading Malay novels! Malay novels especially those soapy ones that can actually make one cry! And I have a lot of them in my collection but my favourite of all time must be Pilot Cafe.
The lucky 6...
1. Amie
2. Faz
3. Sha
4. Sheena
5. Syaz
6. Razan
Don't talk much about football/soccer but....

Spore captain Mr. Aide Iskandar with the CUP!

Group Photo after the WIN!

I love this photo!! hehe :) GO LIONS!
I've been a bit cranky lately and I just found out why ohh well it'll only last for a few days so I hope I can bear with myself!! and I hope others can bear with me. I've been busy with uni work and all and plus I have nothing much to blog about!
Actually something caught my attention today and it has left me confused and I think I will try to seek for the answer soon! If not I shall continue with my life and smile all the way. :) I've been doing a lot of economics revising and I have no idea why because as Grace said today in economics.. "Economics is crazy because it contradicts itself" hahaha she's funny!! aiks.. didn't know it's nearly 9! Oh well I seriously want to finish the book I'm reading now! Actually currently reading two books.
First is the one I bought back in Spore, Everyone Worth Knowing and the second book is the book I recently bought in Miri, Honk! If You're Malaysian haha I have to say the latter is just mighty funny! I was reading excerpts of the book to Amie and Siang and they were laughing so hard this morning! haha a good way to start our morning and of course COFFEE! Owhh I think I seriously need coffee in the morning if not I'll go all BLEGH! I even had a headache once! Ohh well...
Might be going for basketball tomorrow.. with them boys :)
photos credit goes to www.channelnewsasia.com and www.espnstar.com
ps. I miss someone :(
South Park :)

miss amie