#156 pain continues...

I seriously have no idea what to do with this knee the muscle pain I have! I know it will ease in a few days but the pain is just y'know well not that excruciating but then again it hurts everytime I try to walk after I sat down for a long time. Actually it didn't hurt that much last night or even yesterday but the pain only started this morning when I walked to French class and walked back to Chancellor Hall.

Ohh at the end of Logic & Thinking tutorial class my phone vibrated and well I received a text message from a friend. This friend and I had some history together, not so good of a history I must say. He can be consider an ex-boyfriend I guess but then again the whole relationship thing didn't turn out how he wanted it to be because I just didn't feel like it's going anywhere so I broke up with him after about a day! yea I know, some of you might think, "wow, just a day!". Well to me, what's the use being in a relationship when one party doesn't feel comfortable about it right? Then we became friends like we used to be but he can sometimes be a bit.. 'negative'. I seriously didn't like how his mood swings come about. One moment he can be all cheery then another he can be all moody, not talking to me and shit!

So yea.. he texted and asked if I wanted to go out tonight with him and have this double date thing alongside his friend since she's leaving for Australia soon! The plan was dinner and a movie but then I turned him down since I don't know! Am I afraid of commitments or it's just how I respond to him nowadays. He's a really nice guy but... I don't know. So called him up and told him that I have other plans tonight but here I am at home typing away and going to watch Heroes! Oh well... at least we're still friends right? Erm... *sigh*...

Valentine's Day is banned in Brunei due to the history behind Valentine's Day. So yea... but hey.. at least I feel loved because of the people around me :) I love the people especially family and friends. I feel like I have the greatest friends in the world. And of course my blogger friends as well. Just want you to know my blogger friends... you're not tagged but you're LOVED by ME!

hehe ok then :)


Syaf said...

Happy Belated V Day to you...

I still couldn't believe that is actually banned in brunei =)

alyaa.p said...

yea same goes to you... Happy Belated V-Day. I thought you thought Valentine's Day is just a profit day for shop owners! hahah :) but then yea.. there's no harm in making one day special where love is actually in the air. :) hehe