Saya telah di 'tagged'!

Syafique tagged me! (the only reason because I've never been tagged)

Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!

Six (6) Weird Things About Alyaa...

1. I'm a very punctual person and I expect others to be same too but I know it's hard on some people but seriously I so do not like waiting for people and nor do I like people waiting for me.

2. I smell food or anything because I do anything to them. Like for food for instance I have to smell them first because I eat them and for non-living things well I do the same before using it.

3. I need music before I sleep... I usually have Zen plugged onto my right ear (just right ear) and I listen to the songs before I sleep because I can't sleep without listening to music first.

4. I like to play with people's hair... I just love to play around with it... twirl it, braid it... you name it!! and I love people playing with my hair.. :)

5. I don't eat expensive chocolates especially those like Guylian, Patchi and whatnot... I rather eat the cheap Cadbury... but I prefer the Australian one since it's not too sweet. I prefer Cadbury to any other chocolates even roses! ok well roses and chocolates go well together!

6. People might see as the "western" girl as I usually speak English with my friends and even to my cousins sometimes but seriously... I love listening to Malay songs and reading Malay novels! Malay novels especially those soapy ones that can actually make one cry! And I have a lot of them in my collection but my favourite of all time must be Pilot Cafe.

The lucky 6...
1. Amie
2. Faz
3. Sha
4. Sheena
5. Syaz
6. Razan


Syaf said...

ur weird!

just kidding. i do listen to music before i sleep too. i don't have a Zen. i just use my iPod Shuffle. =)

alyaa.p said...

erm... you're weirder! (is there such word?) you weirdo.. hey at least.. i find it weird to get chicken pox when you're 20! hahah but then i guess... it's just one of those things that we have to face... and endure the chicken pox pain! hehe....

:)feeling any better?