It's Chinese New Year and it was pouring rain this afternoon in Bandar. And erm... since I had nothing to do this afternoon I ended up wrapping the Market Leader book and did microeconomics notes. I guess I'm done with all that... I have a thing for writing notes, I just love it because I'm like doing a lot of things at once... see I'm exercising my arm while writing, reading and understanding the subject. I don't just copy blindly, I read and understand it and if I dont' understand then I refer to the textbook. And my notebook is written in different coloured pens since it helps me revise. And plus I'm doing what Ustaz Hj. Zainuddin told us to do in Islamic Business Ethics last Saturday. I guess it's true, colours do stimulise the brain system. :)
I present to you my afternoon....

Happy holiday!
New look, eh? Nice...
Happy Holidays...
rewan - you're the guy from right? love reading the blog! makes me more aware of indie movie and music! :)
syaf - haha yea i know i was bored and i'm kinda done with every single work I have to do!... love your blog look too. :)
am lovin ur zen.
and i cannot believe u took a pic of micro txtbook. are u a pure nerd or what?!??! hahaha
i'm js kiddinggg
hahahahah sheena!!!!!... no no i'm no nerd, was just bored. you chinese (God, I sound so racist here) are busy collecting angpao... i was at home.. trying to do well for 2nd semester..
in other words.. yea i might just be a nerd... deep down in me
Sha Yea, I know! :)
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