hello my beautiful people and also handsome one! haha ok fine I'm done with 2 of my exams and 5 more to go. Erh... I can't wait for everything to end. The feeling of exam... erh.. not so nice! I was chatting with someone the other night about exam and he was like..., 'yea after 9 months of no formal education and now after just 3 official months of university, we're down with exams' It's just horrible. Erm.. well I'm thankful that my exam yesterday which was Logic & Thinking went kind of well, there might be minor glitches here and there but then again.. who cares about informal fallacy!
And today had State & Society which is basically a combination of sociology and politics. No comment on this one because the subject just won't fill up my brain. Last night was funny though because almost all of my friends who are taking up this exam was online and all of us had state & society in our MSN display name. And well I think there were about four of us talking about the same topic. It was a sleepless night but I was really tired from the morning exam that I really needed sleep. So instead of burning the midnight oil, I went to sleep. How useful? Then only this morning that I revised for state. Erh...
So yea this following week will be boring because it will be fill with exams!! Exams end on the 9th for me... and it's my French paper. That should be alright then I'm FREE!!
till then everyone... wish me luck :) *muah*
2 down 5 more to go!
i'm happy and proud being a woman
I was just reading her website and I nearly cried. I was reading her latest post on Women and how Allah SAW made man and woman both equal and that Allah doesn't favour any gender. For more information just read her website. I love reading her posts because it makes me realise that there is more to life than just myself and my surroundings. Meaning sometimes when one is just too absorbed with their current life, they tend to forget about their origin and the things that shaped them. Life is big.. and it is fair... I guess it's just us, humans, that is making life unfair! Erm... I might not be one of the most religious people in the world but I try to keep my maruah and not taint my family's name. I still know the difference between right and wrong. I still know what I should be doing and not. I'm glad that my parents taught me all this. As I said earlier I might not be as religious as some of the people out there, wearing the hijjab (even though I do occassionally) and such but... erh... I still know the limits to things. :) I'm not angkut bakul's but I guess it's just reminder to us, humans, regardless what religion we are that we should always believe in what we believe. Does that make sense? Erm...
On the lighter note, remember the day when I rant on and on about my macroeconomics test? Well I received it back today since I was in uni (yes, during revision week). So got that from Mr. Suhaimi's room... the papers were on the floor in a box! The rest then went home and I stayed in uni till 4 and studied. hehe at least my day was productive, I got some 'society' in my head now! Ohh I had a chat Abg (not my brother but erm.. some guy by that name) last night and it was just plain funny. I told him that I want a new brain because I think my brain is not working. He replied that he only knows people in the kidney market and he'll ask them to ask around for a brain! hahah isn't that just funny? well it is to me! I'm just amusing myself... it's a stress reliever!
Ok then all I bid you all goodbye...
Fratinis anyone?
so yea I did say that I wouldn't be posting anymore for the following week but I just had to. So yesterday someone was generous enough to take me, Amie and Siang out for lunch. The guy is none other than Billy. Ahaha but he was about 40 minutes late which means he owes us $40. Since Amie made a suggestion to 1 minute he's late, he owes us $1. Hehe.. so it was a fun long ride just to go to Fratinis Sungai Akar! He just had to take the long way. I wasn't really familiar with the highway so the first thing that came up into my mind was, he was going to kidnap all 3 of us but then I know he's not the type.
So in the car, we suggested a lot of places y'know for us to have lunch... from Indian food, Malay food, Chinese food (was actually craving for TPH) so last last we settled for Italian food. The funny thing in the car was I know my stomach was growling because I didn't eat breakfast so I told Billy that I'm on a diet *what diet?* and that yesterday is my day off since he's taking us out for lunch. I told him that I'm on atkins diet... hahah he laughed at it. Oh mind you I'm not in any sort of diet. Can't be bothered... I just take in less rice that's all. So as usual ordered Fettucine Carbonara, Amie ordered the same thing but hers was chicken while I had beef. The guys ate a 12inch pizza and I had a slice of that... I never really realise that the serving they have at Frats was soooo huge! I mean I remember eating back in Gadong and it wasn't that huge!!! Mon Dieu! Seriously I can't eat at Fratinis for the next month! I can still feel myself full! hehe
The journey continued again on the way back.. talked a lot in the car but I can't be bothered since I was too full... I could have fallen asleep in his car.. with his smooth riding! Arhhh....
Ahh well...
Jo - babe where are you? how many more days? 13 or 12? heheh baliklah!
while waiting for Billy...
I did mention that I want to watch this movie right? It opens on the 30th November and I'm still thinking whether I should go and watch it. Then again I'm not sure whether it opens on the same date here in Brunei. I was reading a few blogs regarding this movie and I've read quite positive feedbacks which makes me want to watch this movie even more. I need someone to go with me though! Erh... I was nearly crying reading some of the reviews eventhough it didn't give a full overview of the movie. I guess the thought of not being able to watch it in the cinema is just very painful. *yes I'm over exaggerating* And plus I read that this could be one of the best Malaysian movie this year! *the thought of it* :(
anyone wants to go with me? hehehe!!
oh by the way, Syaf are you going to watch the movie? Please do a review in your blog if you do catch it! Yes?
Oh send my cousin off today, she left for KL because she's continuing her studies in UIA! She cried and I cried. Another cousin leaving me! :( And we grew up together. Good luck to you.. :)
I might not blog next week because as nothing interesting will happen. Well maybe there will be something on Tuesday not sure yet though! hehe :)
getting high through coffee at Coffeebean
Weird thing happened this morning, when I arrived I saw them (Amie, Siang and Razan) on the way somewhere and I thought they were going to leave me or something. Rupanya they were on their way to ICTC and do the course evalution survey. So I went along with them since I have nothing much to do. Then Siang started telling me a story about latte so I told him why not we go Coffeebean and have breakfast. So we did... the four of us went at around 8.30 I think and it was fun. Amie didn't eat anything, I had coffee and yes.. the coffee was rather strong and 3 packets of sugar wasn't enough.
I had fun! :) Told Billy to call me just now and we planned on having lunch soon! Maybe next week. Erh next week is reading week. hehehe
pictures from...CB
so that's all...
exams in two weeks time well less than two weeks. :) eheks
erm.. doritos anyone?
so yea here i am sitting on my bed.. with my lappy infront of me and doritos and extra mild salsa dip next to me! see how depressed I am? I know Amie, ohh don't worry this habit won't last long. So yea why you may wonder why is Alyaa in such a state? You want to know? You want to know? well it's all due to the stupid macroeconomics test I had this afternoon. I mean duh I know the paper is not stupid but I think I am. I totally screwed up in the test, I think what I wrote may be right but the graphs I drew are wrong! I actually cried after the test. Ferdouse was there to witness it, I hardly cry over things nowadays but erm.. I think because I did read and wrote notes for macroeconomics and I thought I knew what I was doing but it turns out I didn't. I got confused halfway and I feel like the energy and the time I did revising didn't pay off and I was disappointed. Like REALLY disappointed.
oh well I knew I could have done better so yea... erh!! I hate this feeling. It's like a feeling of erm.. it's a mixed feeling of a lot of things! ARGHHHH!!!!!!!! I hate this!!
I wanna watch Death Note.. and ponder about my situation!
till then...
i don't think i'll be posting up a real post today so i'll just leave you pictures from the FBEPS raya celebration that Ziman took. :)
it looks like Chong tried to look at something under my tudung
4 of us and half of Ihsan hehe
happy 55th birthday to my dearest aunty :)
Allah selamatkan kamu!! hahah we actually sang that during her b'day just now! :0) it was fun!
It was like an open house and a b'day kesyukuran thing at the same time so there were a lot of people. Most of my relatives were there from my uncles to my aunties to the cousins and then the little nephews and nieces but now grandchildren for me yet! I guess soon hehe :)
So remember my cousin that got married a week before Ramadhan! heheh she's pregnant. She's 9 weeks pregnant. I'm so happy for her! :) So I'll be an aunty soon well not that I'm not already but I guess this baby will be special. Hahah I think I might spoil this baby! Not sure though! I mean I did grew up along with my cousin and she's having a baby. Yipee :) it's like it's my baby as well. You get the idea right. erm... oh well nvm if you can't...
Erm... I'm tired and I did some revision for Macro this evening after I watched The Da Vinci Code. Oh speaking of Macroeconomics I got my test paper back this morning and erm.. well I passed. I thought I was going to fail the paper since it was kind of hard. Erm.. so have to work extra hard for next week's test and then for the exam as well.
Oh I'm currently in love with Faizal Tahir's Maha Karya Cinta. :)
Bon soir :)
death note
So as I said.. lastnight about 9 of us went and watched Death Note. I wasn't quite expecting it to be like that but I'm amazed at how original the storyline is and all. And yes it was me who screamed when Ryuk suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the subway. It was fun... I really enjoyed myself. It has been awhile since I last went out with friends and watched a movie. That last time was with Amie, Siang, Billy and Fer and that was masa bulan puasa! And we watched John Tucker Must Die!
as I said.. uni is finally absorbed into my system. I have to admit I do have a great bunch of friends.
so where did Amie and I had dinner last night.. here it is...
in search for the letter L on the internet. to her L has two meanings.
1. the character L from Death Note
2. well i can't tell...
trying to strike a pose before dinner. :)
we didn't have any group photo.. oh well...
there are two movies that I want to watch
1. The Red Kebaya
2. Cinta
oh yea Death Note has a sequel and it's called Death Note : The Last Name.. and yes.. Tatsuya Fujiwara is handsome!! :)
ok then ppl laters..
FBEPS Raya pictures
so yea my intention on updating more for the 100th post didn't quite work since I had a test to study for. hehe! so yea yesterday we had a Hari Raya celebration at FBEPS and there were tons of food but I only ate a little because I took my food later than the others. Hehe it was a fun occasion since I met an old friend of mine. Well I've seen him around FBEPS but never really said anything because I was afraid and malu if he didn't recognise me. Instead yesterday he started the conversation with me. he even said my full name! ok and I being so 'humble' chehhh... said yea.. and malu malu lah! Gosh... act like perempuan melayu terakhir! hahah
so here are pictures...
oh this last picture... the guy in blue his name is Ihsan and we've been friends since primary 1 and it was only yesterday that he talked to me and asked if i still remember him. heheh it's nice to reunite with old friends. Oh and yea Shai well he said he was from PGGMB but I guess I never really knew he existed. Oh well this is the reunion of 3 PGGMBian! :) Sweet.
I guess I am enjoying uni after all. :)
Going out tonight with a lot of people and we'll be watching Death Note
/added - I have amie's link on the side! so do the clicking on her! :)
100th post?
this is my 100th post well that's what it says on my blogger home! hahah so happy 100th post to me!!
I should make this 100th post rather interesting but since I have a test in less than 4 hours... I shall not! or maybe I should modify it a bit tonight. Yes, I shall do that.
I have a test this morning and in the afternoon I'm attending the FBEPS hari raya celebration :)
this should be fun!!
k then ppl wish me luck and toodles :)
a good cry!
I haven't had a good cry and lastnight I let out everything that I've kept all this while. I just let it all out... tears were streaming down my cheeks. I don't know what triggered it but it sure felt good even though I know what ever that is in me and what I've kept all this while will not go away and dry out like my tears did. Sometimes I don't even know what is wrong with me.
Actually I talked to Zimah yesterday afternoon about what's going on in my life and I know she won't judge me based on what I told her because what I told her was kind of embarassing. I'm not even sure whether I should share it or not. Ok, it's basically I think I've found what I want in a guy but I can't have him due to some unavoidable circumstances. I know I'll never have him and that hurts and to find someone like him, I wonder if it is even possible. Erm... I guess I'm just too close to him. I don't want to drift apart from him in all of a sudden because that's just not nice. Erm... I'll just have to not think about it. I know it's just one of those feelings... it's like... I just want a guy who is like him. :(
Oh well... I have a test on Wednesday and I can't seem to fit it in my head! Erh...
Today was a fun day... why? I actually skipped Logic tutorials alongside Amie (her first time skipping any classes), Siang and Chong and well I think Siang Ping too. Went for Macroeconomics tutorial and erm.. French class. In French it was fun because we kind of learned some stuff more intensely. Only now I know how to put some nouns and verbes together well in a French way. Hehe... I promise from now on I shall not skip anymore French classes unless there is an emergency *hehe*. Oh and the teacher is planning on having extra classes in week 15, this should be good. :)
I was reading some website lastnight and I can't help but notice something. For me, every single first day Raya is somewhat a sequence.. like I know whose house we'll visit next and I expect the same thing to happen when we arrive to that house every single year. And something kind of spoiled it this year, I was expecting to talk to someone and mingled with him and stuff but he was no where to be found. And he's one of the few people that I look forward to seeing every single year because I hardly see him and I just love having his presence. I guess it's because I never really had a brother except for my 'susuan brother' so that's why this guy's presence is really important to me. I feel really safe and protected when I'm around him and plus he gives good advices and he's super nice :) I wish I have a brother like him... well he is kind of my brother since said.. if anything goes wrong just talk to him and he takes good care of me. :)Erh enough of him...
Just been feeling really down lately... and I have no idea why! ERH!!!!
Chatting with ZA at the moment and he's talking about whether he should pick up a british accent or not and says I have an american accent and it's fake! hahah
picture taken on Thursday before Logic lecture.. *i love this picture*

I love candid shots taken by Zyman, hehe I guess he's just a born photographer :) So this picture was taken again at my place last Saturday :)
I guess tomorrow most of us are heading for Razan's place after Logic & Thinking since he's holding an open house. This should be fun but I do hope Ferdouse comes to Uni tomorrow because he's been missing lately. Yea he's busy now! :)
I miss someone hehe!! :) more like in a friendly way...
oh yea I wanna watch CINTA, it'll be out 30/11. The story line looks interesting. 10 stars, 5 love stories and 1 movie :) Erm... yea more like Love Actually but ani Malay style. hehe