happy 55th birthday to my dearest aunty :)

Allah selamatkan kamu!! hahah we actually sang that during her b'day just now! :0) it was fun!

It was like an open house and a b'day kesyukuran thing at the same time so there were a lot of people. Most of my relatives were there from my uncles to my aunties to the cousins and then the little nephews and nieces but now grandchildren for me yet! I guess soon hehe :)

So remember my cousin that got married a week before Ramadhan! heheh she's pregnant. She's 9 weeks pregnant. I'm so happy for her! :) So I'll be an aunty soon well not that I'm not already but I guess this baby will be special. Hahah I think I might spoil this baby! Not sure though! I mean I did grew up along with my cousin and she's having a baby. Yipee :) it's like it's my baby as well. You get the idea right. erm... oh well nvm if you can't...

Erm... I'm tired and I did some revision for Macro this evening after I watched The Da Vinci Code. Oh speaking of Macroeconomics I got my test paper back this morning and erm.. well I passed. I thought I was going to fail the paper since it was kind of hard. Erm.. so have to work extra hard for next week's test and then for the exam as well.

Oh I'm currently in love with Faizal Tahir's Maha Karya Cinta. :)

Bon soir :)