Yes, I watched Madagascar 2 : Escape To Africa yesterday. Guess with who... guess... guess...guess.. hahah yaye.. finally met up with Amie yesterday. So yea watched the movie with her and Douse because Siang had to leave early.
First we had lunch at Cheezbox because well I just felt like eating there, anything would do actually. Finally I ate the Salmon crispy something.. it wasn't that bad! :)
I'm just soo happy to finally met her!! hahah and got my slippers as well... Thanx babe!! love love the slippers...
So pictures from yesterday.. well there was only two...
#340 Alpha Male...???
#339 Now tagged by Hami.. :)
1. Some say I'm unapproachable but actually I'm not...
2. I have certain issues with friendship but I guess I'm overcoming those
3. I have high hopes practically about everyone
4. I can be choosy at times but then it's all for good means
5. I have a wide variety of friends... I find that amazing
6. I love it when my cousins are around me... we have the same head
7. I had a thing with hells about two years ago but now it's all flats baby...
8. I think I have some bladder problem (nauzubillah) because yesterday I went to the toilet twice during the 3 hour exam
9. I feel like my hair doesn't grow... how is that??
10. I need new sunglasses!! I seriously do...
:) No exams until the 4th... so it's...

The Ultimate Handbag!! :) pretty no??
2 down 2 more to go...
I'm not sure what to say about the two papers I sat for yesterday and today. I seriously have mixed feelings about it.. it's just plain wrong! :( Oh well... let's just hope I pass the exams...
#337 Tagged by Tina and Hami...
The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.
#336 I fit all his criterias.. :)
It seems like everyone is on hiatus. I think I should join the bandwagon. Then again, I take that back. I might just show up here a day after my second paper because I may get bored. The last 4 days had been quite hectic. Waking up early (not that I don't on usual days) and going to school. It's different this time around because it's revision week. Everyone is surrounded by books and more books, papers and more papers... (kami old style.. kami pakai papers not laptops). I've been surrounded by my FR (ahh rindu M) and MAC textbooks. It's annoying reading these books as the book is full of text (duh, hence textbook!!). It's just too much... I don't know how some people can actually read them. I don't because I just proceed on doing the questions... FR isn't so bad after all, at this stage, I just need to skim again through before the exam this 25th. I think I'm somewhat 80% or 75% ready on that subject. :) MAC is giving me a hard time... because I know there will be theory questions in which I'm somewhat dreading. The calculations aren't that bad I guess once you get the hang it. :) So it's 2 papers next week (25th and 26th) and another two papers the following week (4th and 6th).
Apart from revising, this week has been quite interesting. When you mix with a variety of people, you find interesting things from them. As well as learning new things about the surrounding. When you hang out with a Qari, you'll find interesting things about Islam. When you hang out with BIS students you'll find new things in which you would never find interesting then. Then there are always the group of girls who like to talk but at the same time concentrate on their studies. That's another interesting thing...
We were talking to this guy the other day... so we asked him, "So what your criterias kalau kan cari girlfriend??" And I apparently fit all the criterias..!! hahahah cute... ahhh
I miss my cousins... I can't wait for exams to be over..!!
till then darlings...
#335 Another November baby!!
Had lunch at Le Taj today and I didn't have to pay for it. Nazey did because it was his birthday!! The birthday boy got one big BMW (cake saja though) and a slice of what I assume chocolate cake. :)
Thanx love for the treat.. lain kali lagi!! hahahah I think there were about more than 10 of us.. there and it was quite fun!! It was a good way to end this semester. Next week is already revision week and then it's our exam week. :( Oh well... I'll have to start revising next week. Well I think I'll start tomorrow or something if I feel like it. :)
#334 A big big disappointment...
I think I screwed up on my tax test this morning. I thought I had it all in my head apparently NOT! Oh well... but still I'm so disappointed. The first question was quite easy.. but I totally forgot how the format went. It went downhill from there. Oh... :( :( :(
:( :( :(
#333 Tax is definitely killing...
Not because I'm paying tax because in Brunei, we don't pay tax...
I've been trying to get myself to study Business Taxation since yesterday and it seems like I only managed to finish off the 4th chapter this morning. With intervals in between especially going to the kitchen to get hold of epok epok sardine and coca-cola. Now reading chapter 5 which means I have about 3 more chapters left to read! Belum lagi buat the exercises tu... ARGH!!! This semester is definitely a hard one with lecturers come and go. Some definitely left... :( "M" we miss you!!!!!! well I MISS YOU!! hahahahah
I've been watching youtube for the past few nights and found some interesting songs. A few nights back I saw Sheila Majid's old old songs. I even saw some old songs of her when she was still with RAP. Along with Amir Yussof, Zainal Abidin.. interesting.. very interesting.
Then lastnight I introduced my cousin to Radiostar... I hope she likes it. Well the song I introduced her wasn't exactly from Radiostar but now the main singer is in Radiostar. :)
I'm not in Uni today because.. oh well.. just because...
I look so kusut masai... because I didn't comb my hair.. oh who cares.. bukannya keluar rumah pun!!
#332 It's K's 33rd birthday...
A BIG BIG SHOUTOUT TO "K" on his 33rd birthday but he claims to either be 21 (young at heart) or 27 (that's how old he thinks he is). What did he give me?? hahah he gave me RAMBUTAN!!! he was like, "nah nah makan ahh" hahahahahahah...
Thank you for always listening to me nag about a certain someone. Thank you for always keeping up with my stupid mood swings. Thank you for always making stupid jokes with the rest...
You and the rest of the guys... definitely make my days better :)
Last Year he thought he was rockstar... this year.. I think he thinks he's Superman!! hahah
#331 Let me just break down and cry...
Yesterday we (3rd year AAF students) had a meeting with the faculty dean as he had some issues to address with us. The night before the meeting, I think a lof of us were online discussing what we should tell him and all. It was a fun packed night. Then come the day itself, I went to Uni with Siang. Once we arrived, the dean pun baru sampai. We had a talk with him... it was quite an open issue. We talked to him about issues that are bothering us. At the end of the day I think the meeting didn't go so badly as we thought it would be. We even thought he would scold us for "that" thing. Knowing him, I know he's not the type who jumps into conclusions easily. I'm just glad we are having new lecturers coming in teaching us next semester. To top that good news, I am sooo glad I did well for my MAC (not the make up) test. I was expecting to fail because I seriously thought what I wrote down was total crap but it turned out to be correct. I mistakenly heard Mr. LKS said, "oh the highest is 24/35." So I was like, "crap, the highest is a C." Rupanya it's 24/25! So yaye... ohh I'm not the one who got 24/25. I'm just plain glad.. I passed... :) Now, I only have to worry about the Business Tax test and assignment (in which I'm suppose to be researching for). *hehe*
I have a stomach ache... more like cramps. :( I couldn't even sleep properly last night. Oh last Wednesday night I was chatting with a relative in Singapore. She was telling me her trip to KL and that guy. Since she knows my current situation she was like, "ohh kill that man!!" hahaha crazy girl. Then I said to her, "babe, I want a penguin too" Only me and her knows the story behind that. She's now prada-fied and soon berri-fied! haha :)
Argh.. stomach cramps!!! Right.. I'm off researching why small and medium interprises in Brunei should be tax??
#330 There is still hope...
It never happened before but it did today. Woke up, took a shower and switched on the TV and watched CNN. Yes, you read it... CNN!! I was just plain eager to know the election progress. I was not rooting for anyone but it was just a nice thing to see after all their hard work.
So I reached home around almost 6pm and switched on CNN again and there it was, OBAMA elected president. :) I find his background rather interesting. Go google it up if you want to know.
Ohh right after class this afternoon went to ambil the nephew with my mum. I was somewhat hungry and I was telling Ka Zidah before that I wanted to eat roti canai. So yea I did at CA Mohammad yang depan Mall. So there I was sitting with my mum and nephew. Then I saw this good looking man sitting outside. Maybe not as good looking as Z but yea not bad. His hair mcm si Wow though. Ia makan roti canai and minum bandung. Hehe...
Ohh the other night I was too tired from reading Business Tax I think or was it Financial Management?? So yea I went browsing through the Nine West website and saw a few interesting shoes. Lately, I've been a great fan of flats so ada this one flats very pretty.
#329 At last....
Guess what I had for lunch? I had SUSHI. Well not just SUSHI but other food as well. I was just craving for some Japanese food. We had it all plan on Saturday or was it yesterday. We planned to have it tomorrow but since someone couldn't make it tomorrow it was brought forward to today. There were about 9 of us and it was total chaos. A lot of stories keluar... and someone's mobile got molested. :)
Ohh last night I met the girls. Awwww it was soo good to finally see them. Well I saw them last week but still it was good to have them around. It always have been. I met them in Tutong at paci's place because he's leaving for Haj on the 16th or something. I can't remember but the food was really good last night. I had an ulcer on my gum but still it was ikan masin masak lemak with brinjals. I ate like two rounds of it even though I had a burger right after class.
erh... I'm so tired, I was in Uni practically everyday last week. When I say everyday, Friday and Sunday included. It's really tiring, adding to that I have 2 more assignments to go. Business Tax assignment to actually start. I will start on Friday or something. I just need to rest my head now.. :)
That's it guys.. will upload other pictures once Hami post it up on her blog :)