I slept like really last this morning, OK fine maybe not so late for some of you but it was kind of late for me. First I was chatting with Mawi and he started accusing me of something. I panicked because I thought he was going to accuse me of the FIS paper that we had earlier that morning. Instead it's something along the line of Atilia. This is because there was a day during revision I introduced him to Atilia (not personally lah) and now he's hooked to the song, Sangkar. It's a really nice song very jazzy and very soothing. I hope her album will be out soon. Oh speaking of album, at last, Faizal Tahir's album is out.
Ohhh I've diverted from the real purpose, so yea earlier yesterday around after Maghrib I was getting ready to go to my grandaunt's tahlil. Kalai texted and asked for the Biz law slides so emailed them to him. And around 11ish last night he came online so the 3 of us chatted till the wee hours of the morning. So both of us asked him whether the wife has given birth. And he said maybe soon.
So I asked whether it's going to be a girl or boy. Kalai said it's probably going to be a girl. I asked why? I came up with all these weird reasons and then he said... "if baby keluar the baby will tutup muka" that's because the baby malu cos the baby doesn't have any baju!! That so made me laugh around 0030!! OH MY!!! The three of us so can't meet if not we'll come up with the stupidest jokes.
Ms Johanna (with a silent H) is kambing home soon!!! I so can't wait... :)
FIS paper yesterday sucks. One down Five more to go!!! Go Aylea GO!!!!!
#226 Eeeee I'm malu!!
#225 updates!!
So I'm really sorry for the emotional post previously but erm it was just that I was kind of depressed a bit at that moment so it was good to let go of some thoughts. Since I don't really have much to say and I just simply feel like blogging because well I don't know.
So today I only had a 15 minutes class which was alright I guess because Dr. Ibrahim only gave us back our test paper and then told us what the exam format is for PIJ. After class ended, Razan and I went up to the admin office and handed in our FIS assignment so yes I am officially assignment FREE!! wohooo. We walked back downstairs and into the room, Kalai & Mawi were there so just chatted with them again. It was fun... it was like stress free!! I can't believe some lame jokes can be really entertaining.
Razan decided to get the new Ipod Touch so off to Kiulap we went to AV Electronics. I went with Kalai, Mawi and Naz... so while browsing around the shop I somewhat regretted getting Zen but then again I love my Zen. I was in love with the Apple(s) *get it?* ok yea lame! I'm saving up money though but for this month's allowance I'm so going to get that bag from C'est Moi. Love love that red bag... then there is that new Motorola I saw at Incomm. Oh my... this is bad!! So I was talking after we got back to campus to the guys about my thing for the bag. Naz said, "yea money for bag is alright it's like petty cash!" LOL!
I love spending time in the FSC room. It's a room where I can get some peace and quiet. An also I get a cup of hot coffee every morning :) I'm loving it! I'm loving the people I'm working with. I love my friends in campus! I love the people I spend growing up with! I love my bestfriends! I love my cousins and most importantly I love my family :)
erm... watching The Devil Wears Prada now!
ohh that Chanel!
#224 why?
Jo texted me from Australia just now and I felt like crying reading her message. I miss her terribly and it's hard now to chat to her as she's staying with one of her friends. It was great that she messaged me because I don't know. It just felt good to know she's alright and that she's thinking about me. I think I did cry reading her message. The two of us we went through a lot together and lately I've been pretty emotional. Every little bit can seriously make me cry.
I've been thinking of my babah lately and every time I think of him tears would start flowing, mcm paip pacah! With the exams approaching, I miss him more. Dulu well for the last two semesters, he was the one who would sent me to campus for revision week and would call if I needed anything to eat because he would sent them for me. He was the one who would ask me about my exams and all. He has done so much for me... and yet I feel like I don't appreciate it and sometimes I don't deserve it. I just seriously miss him!! It's getting worse by the day and I don't really talk to people about it because I get scared that I would end up crying. Jo would know how dulu it was always babah did this then babah did that and babah and I went to jln to somewhere or eat somewhere. It was all babah then... now I only have my mum!! People say be strong for your mum and I did during the first few days because I didn't cry or what so ever but now every single detail starts appearing in my head. From the first day he got admitted sampai the day the line went flat! I remember running into that room and seeing him like that. Oh my.... I don't know what else to do!! I can only pray for him now.
babah... i really really miss you!!
p.s this post is a bit emotional, i'm sorry!!
#223 Exam timetable
Those who didn't turn up in campus this today well the exam timetable is out and Nita helped us jot down the time and all. So here it is for the convenience of my fellow course mates. Do double check though and everything else and if you happen to take up a language or any other subjects do check them yourselves. Well this is my timetable but heheh... yea most of it goes for all of us.
Do enjoy and good luck to everyone!! Next week might be my last week blogging before my two weeks hiatus! heheh :)
Have fun guys... and for sure will enjoy reading week this semester. :)
#222 32 years ago!!
So today 32 years ago a man was born by the name of Mahdani aka Kalai!
Ok that sounds rather crappy but yea... someone turns 32 today and it's none other than the famous PLK Zombies player. My own Mr. Manager cum brother cum father cum everything! hahahah so I made him a card lastnight and most of us signed it this morning. I love love the card because on the front it had a picture of the Happy Feet penguins and when he saw it this morning he said, "aiiii BULAT!!" hahaha
but yea... he's the type of guy who is always there for everyone regardless who you are! And this guy never fails to put a smile on my face and I still have no idea why.
He is a father to 2 beautiful children and going to have the third soon. I so hope it's a girl, he'll name it after me. Well that's what I wrote in his card anyways and I hope he'll consider it and I hope kaka siti (his wife) will agree to it. Ahahah... at least I know my name is named for someone and hopefully a pinch-able cute adorable baby girl. Just like wajihah!!
Well to Kalai.. happy 32nd birthday. May you have the drive to create more life! hahah (an inside joke)
#221 Mr. Me-Bites!
Actually something is wrong with my post numbering system so I guess from this post onwards, the numbers are real!
As mentioned in yesterday's post I had my English presentation today and it went pretty well... except the animations on the first slide didn't quite work and I have no idea why. It worked on Kalai's laptop but it didn't work on Dr. Grace's laptop!
And relating yesterday evening's meeting, ended up there was no meeting at all. Instead the four of us who turned up cleaned out the FSC room and it looks so much better now. It feels less cluttered and less dusty and erm... I just we just have to air it out, that's all.
So I guess I'll show some pictures of today's presentation, well it's mostly my group members after the presentation because I forgot to ask someone to take pictures of us during the presentation. Oh yea I just realize I do write long sentences. Erm... something to work on!!

#219 Mr.Brown?
That's a new name given by my friends for Mr. Coffee Boy! Hahah I have no idea why and one of them even said.. he looks like Amirul (some manager at Empire).
I have a meeting later at 5 and I'm just plain tired to go but I know I have to. Erm... and I hope it will be our turn tomorrow because our group planned on wearing our team colour, red and maroon. Amie and I decorated the box this morning and well I have to say it looks pretty cute! Maybe we should start a business one day.
Oh and at last I got my subjects registered for next semester. My course coordinator was very nice in explaining things this morning and I can't help but smile and I still find him HOT!! He has such flawless skin but he's quite blur sometimes. Did I mention what happen when he returned the test papers? I was so surprised to see my marks because I didn't expect it to be THAT BAD! Then Amie who was sitting next to me asked, "ehh not your paper kah?" hahah it turned out my 4th question was stuck to her answer sheets and he counted the marks as well. So I kinda lost 19 marks in total and Amie got the 19 marks. See unfair unfair! So I told him about it... and was like, "ehh...!"
Eh I wanna go now... have to print out some stuff for English presentation tomorrow! I'm tired.. and sick! Well I feel sick! I think it's due to the pasta! Erh...
#217 moodswings
I almost snapped at someone yesterday during lunch but I don't know I didn't because he is a really good friend. I was kind of annoyed about something and then he started doing this joke which to me wasn't funny at all. He then forced me into eating this thing which I didn't really want to eat. Earlier on before 8am, some woman kind of bugged me and that kind of pissed me off a bit. She kept on bragging about the assignment we have to work on and she kept on going on and on about it which really bugged me. I just felt like screaming at her and said, "Yes, I understand you!"
I guess it's my hormones, I'm experiencing back ache, stomach cramps and shit! Figure it out!
I'm almost done with all of my assignments and thank God my business law assignment is done and I'm so thankful the group I'm working with is Great!! shoutout to sheena, bella, tzen and dkay! The English presentation well Kalai's brother is helping us with our advertisement and I'm planning on baking brownies that Wednesday afternoon so I can bring them on Thursday! =) That is if I don't have a meeting on Wednesday! heheh =)
Chatted with Hami a few nights ago and she was so excited about a picture and asked me, "Ka, bila kawin?" I avoided answering the question and she was like, "Ka, you haven't answer my question!" hahha cute little girl! I love them to bits!! Then Yasmin was excited about the same thing and kept on saying OMG OMG OMG!! hahah I have yet to see them!!
Oh went to the MV Doulus vessel and I got sick afterwards, the ship docked but it was still moving and I think I got sea sick! I wonder how it'll be if I was to be in a real MOVING ship. So if anyone is planning on becoming my husband, don't ever take me on a cruise unless you want me to get sick. I rather travel by plane! And take me somewhere it's dry... and no SEA! I don't mind the beach but not SEA! Weird, no?
FIS assignment to go for and of course Accounting presentation! crap! oh well.... exams in 3 weeks I think!
take care my loved ones :)