Hahah ignore the title because I'm currently reading The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. I've read it before back in form 6 but recently a friend bought it for me as a gift so I read it again. I'm kind of tired from all the school work so I started reading some other books instead of textbooks.
I'm happy to say that I'm done with some of my assignment. I'm done with the first part of the English assignment and I'm done with my MIB presentation preparations. I just have to wait for the presentation day and then do the essay and I'll be one of the happiest young lady around for that week forward. :)
Did I mention that I find JFK (Xfresh) cute? hehe I remember back in 2005 I called up Xfresh and talked to him and he was just so sweet. He said I should be a radio presenter... heheh I just smiled when I think about those old times again. I remembered calling up Jo and told her that JFK e-mailed back... :) Oh speaking of Jo... woman I miss you soooo much!! I'm glad that your internet connection is back on because now I can chat with you :) Just wanna say I miss you! Seems like all is well there in Melbourne.
Ka Farah called tadi and said whether I want to be their MC for this Monday's forum. I had to decline but I really wanted to. I have classes on Monday and the French lecturer wanted to have a replacement class as well. It was good talking to her.. I think CSPS is close to my heart sudah! hehehe :)
Ahh well I better go... oh I watched Mr. Bean yesterday! It was a predictable movie but nonetheless it was super duper entertaining. I had a really good laugh. :p
#169 I am the Blue Woman
#168 Apologies
I know I know I'm seriously sorry I haven't been updating much, it's just that I've been swamped with tests and work. I think I'm done with all of my tests yes yes.. I'm done with all of them and I got back some of them and I'm happy to say despite all the 'work' stress from the CSPS thingie I manage to do well, not super duper well but I passed most of my subjects. I had Islamic Business Ethics test yesterday and on Friday night I was out till like around 11 because I had an Appreciation Dinner to attend and that was Super Duper FUN!!
So regarding the dinner we came around erm.. 1915 I think and waited for the rest to come but our 'mentors' only came around 2000 and some of us started eating already. It was a BBQ themed buffet set up that night at Pantai Restaurant and there were lots and lots of seafood and it was my first time eating OYSTERS! I have to say I love oysters as long as it's cooked (wait I'm not even sure whether the oysters were cooked that night, erm...?) oh well but yea... it tasted so good with tabasco sauce and lemon. Erm... I'm not sure how to describe the night but it was indeed a moment to remember. :)
I'm actually in the middle of typing my coursework which is a research on two international companies and I'm doing a research on McDonald's and Subway. The thing now is I'm having a mental block I'm not so sure how to link some sentences and words together. It's due on April 5th though and yea I know I have more time left but the thing is I want to get this over with.
Some some stuff that I need to do for the upcoming weeks
- MIB presentation
- English Essay and Poster
- IBE Assignment
- Study!

there are more pictures at http://noralyaap.multiply.com
#167 CSPS-UBD Forum 2007
I'm actually quite tired and I'm really happy and relieved that the forum has ended. I must say it went really well except for a bad start and a few bad things that happened in the beginning but overall I must say, our hard work really paid off. From all this experiences that I gained for that past 2 weeks I must say that I think I'm one stressed out woman. I get frustrated and stressed out really easily. I think that's one thing that I really have to work on. I realized that when I saw pictures of myself working and I looked like a total wreck. Well it only happened a couple of days before the forum itself but before that I was totally fine. :)
The forum was held at The Rizqun International Hotel last Wednesday, March 14th 2007. Went there around 0645 with Siang Ping and arrived there before 0700. The hotel wasn't that hectic yet but things turned out to be jammed pack around 0745 when people started pouring in and doing registration. Lets just say about registration I had something to do and then it didn't turn out as well as I planned it to be. Eventually started crying a few hours after that and someone saw me with my red eyes and started asking what went wrong? Oh well I guess I'll just have to learn from the mistakes :) As mentioned... around 1730, the forum ended and I was so happy that it ended but just didn't wanna let go for the memories but memories are meant to be cherished so yup! :)
From all the things that happened during the CSPS thing, one thing for sure... I've made a lot of new friends. And I'm not even complaining, I feel more comfortable talking to certain people and get to know them even better. I just love love love working.p.s. didn't do so bad for my mid-term tests. I thought I was going to flunk with all the work. Alhamdulilah :)
#165 I'm feeling really proud :)
Why the title you ask? Well I did mention that I'm currently working/volunteering for this big forum this Wednesday and well for the past week I've been in contact with this lady from RTB scheduling news coverage, video recordings and the biggest, the radio interview with the Executive Director of the Centre. So yea after all the work I did, chasing this lady around, calling her up every single spare second I had (I'm exaggerating), giving the draft of the interview I typed out for the ED the radio interview was on yesterday morning. It kicked off with the interview with Rangkaian Nasional at 915am. There was another complication that morning because the direct telephone line in the ED's room is not working so I had to call this other guy at RTB some big guy there and told him the new phone number. Then half an hour after that I was told the interview was on so I went out to the main room where the clerks work and listen to the interview. The big boss congratulated me. I felt really proud of myself. :) I mean I should right? I've never felt so proud in my entire life well that is after getting good results for my Cambridge exams. heheheh
I'm done with that the other thing that I had to do was the programme thing which I finished yesterday and was approved by the other big boss. I e-mailed him and Ka Farah copies of those so it can go into printing. Ohh I'll be getting a name tag. hehe :) happy happy joy joy!!!
Ohh I need to get back to studying. I need to study for IICT and well a lot of other stuff! hehe :)
till then my dear friends...office politics hehehehe
#165 a birthday, work and tests
Sorry, I meant to post yesterday but I fell asleep like before 10 lastnight. Yes I've been pretty tired and kind of stressful in a way. I did mention that I volunteered for this forum, it's going to be held next Wednesday at The Rizqun International Hotel. So for the past few days, I've been getting some paper work done for the forum itself, been calling up people to get back to us about their participation. Whether they're coming or not? The whole she-bang, yesterday I called up some sponsor and some hotel to make reservation for the dinner and I don't know, things just didn't turn out how I wanted it to be. Oh well it's good that the people from Empire got hold of the Lady Boss. The Lady Boss is super duper nice... she helped me out with the programme this afternoon and even asked for my opinion. I love it when people ask me about my opinion, at least it makes me feel important and that I'm part of the job. Another great thing is I get to meet a lot of new people, talked to a lot of different people. I just love love it! The only thing that I still have to do is erm... design the programme cover! hehe :)
Ohh yes yesterday was Mr. Billy's birthday. I texted him up and asked whether I can call him instead he called back! The first thing he said was, "Happy Birthday".. hahah sot lah! I should be the one saying that to him. Lovely lovely guy he is!! haha he's off to Pulau Redang next week!! Sun-bathing!
Oh well I don't think I'll be blogging in the next few days because I'm busy with work and I have to study for my tests and I have to finish up some homework!
Ohh yes HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY CURIOUS SYAF! love love love!!!
#164 Le teste de Francais
I had my French test this afternoon at around 5ish. We could have started earlier if monsieur hadn't spend his time going over our homework. Dictation itself took about 20 minutes of the test time and the writing part is usually 1 hour but due to time constraint we only had it for like 40 minutes. Well actually he gave us extra time but since everyone else wanted to go home at 6PM sharp so all of us ended the paper around 6ish! I so do not like the paper, actually it's not hard if I had actually studied for it but erm... OK fine I did study for it but I just went through the exercises and the homeworks. It just won't go into my brain! I still can't quite differentiate between imparfait and passe compose . And I'm planning on sitting for this test... it's still not confirm yet though! Oh well... lets just hope I do well for this one. I know my dictation is good since I understood what he actually said this time around. This whole thing is just worrying me! Oh well...
Mid semester break starts next week, it's more like cracking the brain week! I have tests to sit for when uni opens. And a computer project to do! erh... and I'm volunteering for that Center of Policy Studies conference held on the 14th! Erm...... all I need now is time management. I seriously need help in time management! Aiks!! I seriously need to get serious from now on! I even feel like crying now thinking about it! :( Ahh...
Can't be bothered now... I'll post again when I'm in my right state of mind! I'm just thinking a whole lot on a Saturday night!
I had cheesecake for dinner and it's not just any cheesecake but it's from Starbucks. Yea the sister is back from KL and she called up and asked what I wanted. Since I'm not a big fan of fast food anymore and I still don't see what's the big fuss about BurgerKing so I just asked her to get me cheesecake. She was at KLIA when she called so yea I had cheesecake. I went to the kitchen about an hour ago and I saw two packets of ALL BUTTER SULTANA COOKIES from Marks & Spencer!! Yes I'm happy I'm happy!! I live on those cookies. I love them to bits and pieces. It's weird how I felt in love with them. Bought like 1 small packet and 2 big packets in Singapore and I kinda just finished them in about a week. :) Yes, that's how much I adore them.
Yesterday the gang had lunch with our unexpected guest! haha this unexpected guest texted me around 9 and asked whether I'll be going out for lunch. I'm the type is doesn't quite like texting people so I called him up and told him to meet us at TPH! It was super fun meeting up with him. The birthday coming up soon! hahah I got it right the first time I said it but he made me feel so malu cos he said it's wrong!
Oh yea mid term holiday next week but I'll be busy with this conference thing I'm volunteering for. This should be fun :)
till then ppl..
p.s. Syaf I'll email you soon!! :)