I have no idea what got into this little head of mine! I cut my hair 'this' short! Aiks.. this is the very first time in my 21 years of living I have hair this short! Aiks...
I'm not regretting it though cos now I don't have to worry much about what to do with it in the morning and it's hassle free... blow dry saja! and then fix fix!
Oh well...
#195 great?
#194 we be the bored ones
Ok fine I am seriously bored, I have no idea what to do at the moment. I would much love to watch DVDs but I can't be bothered at the moment, wait maybe I'll watch some later and plus it's Monday night and nothing is good on TV. Oh last night there was that Oprah Prime Time on Hallmark at 8PM and it had the whole cast of Grey's Anatomy and I enjoyed it so much. I never thought Callie Torres was beautiful but she is... like pretty... and plus her real name is cool.. Sara Ramirez, pronounced Sah-Ra! and Sandra Oh actually looks normal in real life. Hehe and I never expected Dr. Karev has 5 kids.. FIVE... that's just amazing.. and Patrick Dempsey is expecting twins (most likely to be born already). Ok enough of Grey's... so last night I was looking for the Grey's (hehehe) DVD Kalai loaned me and at first thought I seriously thought I had lost them... and I was panicking but then I found them under the TV cabinet!
yes, this is a very random post.
I love Sunday nights because Gol n Gincu is on... I so love the series because there is just a lot of dramas in it. And I think Pierre Andre is HOT!
Uni starts next week, 6th August! What to do? I've seem the timetable and it doesn't look too pleasant! I actually like my classes this semester... and I wonder what will I expect from Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence.
I did some searching in the guest living room yesterday afternoon for some pictures of my dad and I... I didn't have much pictures with him but I know I was close to him because I think I see him the most almost every day since he's the one who fetches me from school and all.
So I scanned some...
#192 Are you feeling it? Magic is Might...
I'm done with the book.. I practically spend the whole day reading it even in the car while running errands with her this morning. Oh by the way I so love the Ministry of Finance's building.. reminds me of Seattle Grace Hospital and Changi International Airport.
So yea... it's depressing. It's after all the last book... while collecting the book yesterday at Booker... I kept on saying to the cashier, "Isn't it depressing? It's the last book?" then Billy said, "Look at her face (the cashier) she is depressed now". Lalala...
I will resort to reading other books I guess.
Find out your Harry Potter personality at LiquidGeneration!
#191 Surprises...
An afternoon of getting together with old friends turned out to be a surprise birthday celebration for me. My birthday was last month, in June so when the acoustic guitar player at Seasons started singing the Happy Birthday song I thought it was meant for Jeh Wen because her b'day in two days time. So I was like.., "ehh it's her.. her b'day y'know!" the guy said...,"it's Alyaa right?" and they placed the birthday cake in front of me siap ada candle lagi! I was in tears well nearly cried but I didn't cos it would look really ugly and all too bad no one took any picture of me blowing out the candle. The guy even sang... close your eyes make a wish... hahah funny.
Then the guy started singing the annoying param pam pam song... and Vic was like, "I'm not sure whether they know any Taufik's songs," so it was alright. Then about an hour after they sang the annoying song.. he wished me Happy Birthday again and he sang Taufik's Usah Lepaskan eeee... it made my day. Fun Fun Fun!!!
After our meet together at Seasons... texted Billy if he wanted to meet up and gave Amie and I our shirts... an hour later we settled down at Coffee Bean and we chose which shirts we wanted. It started to rain when we were at CB so we hurried back to the car cos I needed to go to Booker and get my Harry Potter book. Ohh speaking of Harry Potter... I have my reasons to why I only collected mine today
- It's depressing to read the book as soon as it's released because I'm scared if I start reading it I won't stop and then I'll finish the book and then it'll be that's it?
- I was broke...
so yea.. pictures...
Has it been that long?
Today marks the 40th day.
I can't believe it has been 40 days... I can still remember every single detail until the point the date was 6th June 2007! Days seem to pass by really fast nowadays which is good for me since I can't wait for U to start. It is weird isn't it my wanting to be back in the crowd especially school friends. I just can't wait for all the stupid drama and excitement... I actually miss going and skipping class... another thing to consider is I feel like giving up French next semester but erm... I'll have to think about that again, cos at moments like these I can make stupid decisions.
I can hear those thingies firing off from the Istana, I think the Royal Banquet is going on at the moment!
I have not watch Harry Potter & Order of The Phoenix
I'm watching Gol n Gincu the series... Jo nada Ashraf Sinclair.. well not yet heheheh
Tahlil tomorrow afternoon and I baked brownies and it looks good!
I'm sleepy... but I want to read a book!
#188 07.07.07 day spend with those I love...
so on 7th July 2007 I was out and had lunch with Jo. It was somewhat my first time out with a friend ever since what happened so it was a refreshing thing. It was fun and it was kind of like old times where we would have lunch at Excapade then we'd walk to The Mall and just walk around talking about the people we see, avoid people we don't want to see. It was fun... and plus she was worried I might get depress if I'm at home all the time. I was just not that ready to go out yet I guess around that time but now I'm OK. There are times when I can't help it but just cry... like Sunday I woke up with swollen eyes. Go figure...
Then that night itself my mum and I went for a tahlil function over at angah's in Manggis and met some of my other cousins there. They are a great bunch of cousins who just simply make me laugh and make me forget of all the things I'm going through for a moment. It's always good to venture off a different direction once in a while and just have a good laugh with family members. We talked about nonsense and then started talking about a certain someone who is getting married in September. A few more others came and we started talking about them... then I told of my cousins to call the nephew, Nial, to come over and talk to us. It then turned out to be photo taking session of all of us... it was fun. I don't really have any pictures with them and the pictures turned out really nice even though someone's head got cut off.

That's all I guess... I need to catch up with my reading and ohh house chores.
I'm baking brownies for Thursday's tahlil, I hope it turns out right because it is after all my first attempt.
cheers :)