I'm too lazy to actually think of a catchy title... hehe :)
So yea today is officially my first day of my one week holiday. Once Uni opens I have to face an 8 o'clock class oh well at least I'll be having a blasting weekend, InsyaAllah. So today even though it's holiday, I was supposed to have class for Business Taxation but I was toooo lazy to attend so I skipped. I went to The Mall instead with my mum. I wanted to go to Guardian because I wanted to get foundation and I bought the Maybelline AngelFit Foundation in Nude. It's pretty... it somewhat gives me this flawless complexion. I have to play around with it again so get the right look.
So yea I got all my baju raya but not liking one of it because well I have no idea why but yea.. not feeling it. I only like one of it... which is good since I'll most likely be wearing that on Wednesday *if it's Raya* I have yet to make a few changes on my baju. :)
Most of my good friends have left for UK for their Study Abroad Programme. I went to send the Accounting & Finance girls last Saturday. It wasn't all tears as I thought it would be, I don't know sometimes I feel like I have no more emotions. I guess it's because I'll know they'll be back next year so I'm all good with them leaving. Plus, they deserve those spots... they've worked hard for it. The downside of this is I am left alone. See of the girls that left are my close friends... so I'm left with the guys. I'm not complaining or anything but it'd be nice to have some 'girl' talk once in a while.
This year I don't even have the time to get a haircut but I guess I'm happy with how my hair looks like at the moment. It's at a 'just nice' length. :)
I so can't wait for this Raya as it's the only time I get to see my 'girls' and my 'boys'. Kaka rindu lah!!
Another thing.. I've been checking the mail box a lot lately as I'm waiting for a Kad Raya. :)
I cleaned up my room this morning. It might not be sparkling clean but at least it's somewhat dust free and tidier than before. I have my books all stacked up nicely at one corner. My side table looks very pleasant with my speakers and some surah on top of it.
I bought the final book of Ketika Cinta Bertasbih. Will read it soon... :)
Besok malam mama will be cooking satay and kuah kacang... and NASI IMPIT!! well that's the instant Nona one lah but still NASI IMPIT!!!
Have a good one guys...
#318 It's that time of the year again!!
#317 Yaye...
I'm bored... and I don't know what to do. I have to finish off Financial Reporting's assignment so I can e-mail it to my other group member tomorrow. Will do that later after I mandi. I watched TBS this morning after about a month of not watching I think. Erm... :)
Actually kan, I have a lot to do. I have to finish reading Breaking Dawn but I'm still putting that on hold. I might continue reading it later on the way to Lumut. Yes... heading down to Lumut later for Iftar at my aunt's place :) That's always a good thing.
Ohh yesterday the crew (well some of them) went to Yayasan because someone wanted to buy perfume and wallet. Hahah sampai hajatnya at last. I didn't buy anything because I didn't want to break my $100 note. Yes, I always do that.. hehe :)
Bah I think I'll go mandi now...
and yaye.. I did my laundy this morning...

#316 Rindu lah!!!
I guess I'm not as capable as I think I can. I keep on thinking about him. I have to try to forget him. :(
Last Thursday, the crew and the other crew, went for an iftar outing. It was a great turn out and we had a small doa selamat for those leaving for UK soon. It's those small memories that are worth it. We took a lot of pictures and they are all up on facebook.
Who would have thought K-Box is a fun place to release all the stress. Sing your heart out... especially with "One Sweet Day". Erh... I miss it already...
I miss Singapore, I really really do. It was a good week vacation and he was almost out of my system. I sometimes rindu him... owh...
Yes, this is useless post...
I had a dream of a certain someone lastnight and now everytime I see him, I laugh. hahah it's hard especially when he's in the same room as me. He's leaving soon though.. heheh that also... will rindu him... :(
I should watch Ayat Ayat Cinta again. It soothes me every time I watch the movie. And nangis lagi... heheh :)
#315 It's Hami Day...
It's my little (ohh not so little anymore) cousin's birthday today!!!
Thank you for all the fun times we had together and for all being there when I need someone to talk to. :)
I love you lai!! always and forever. Blood is thicker than water. You can always count on me for anything. I'm just a call or a message away. Will see you soon.. more like December soon! or Raya soon.. hehe :)
Take care...
xoxo.. :)
#314 Clueless
When I thought things are going as well as it's meant to be, it's totally different now.
I don't know what to do...
I guess it's true what I hear, we plan things but Allah SWT has better plans for me. InsyaAllah, Amin :)
I don't want to have my hopes THAT high because I did then now it's breaking me.
I can't talk to him and he does not talk to me. Every time I see him I want to tell him things but I can't... I become speechless...
What is going on???
#313 Can we call this one love??
This is the Accounting and Finance student 2006-2010. Missing a few students saja lah but yes... we took this picture last Thursday because the lecturer is leaving. He'll be doing his PhD at University of Manchester. Spot the lecturer... hahaha
Our guru kesayangan
We'll miss you Sir!!! You're the one who I like to argue with and ask weird questions. I always come up with the stupid excuses in your class yet you can still tolerate with my behaviour. We'll surely miss you... I think roughly there are about 30++ of us...
Bye Bye... but will surely see you again this Thursday for the last lecture....
#312 Untitled??
I'm just too tired to actually think of a title so let's just jadi like Maliq & D'Essentials who named one of their tracks on their album, "Untitled". So how is everyone so far... today is the 4th day of puasa for those in Brunei and 5th for those everywhere else in SEA.
Yesterday was the first day of Uni for me during the Holy month of Ramadhan. I thought I wasn't going to feel anything but halfway through my stomach started experiencing these pains. And I was sooo sleepy that I almost felt asleep in MAC. I think if it was S who taught the class today for sure I was in la-la land but then it was "KLS" yesterday so it was interesting. For once I do not regret having "KLS" as a lecturer, at least what ever he taught doesn't masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan. Owhh I had a test for Financial Reporting yesterday and it was HORRIBLE. H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E!!!!! Seriously... Nita was sitting in the middle with Siang and I on her sides so she kept on hearing from me, "Ohhh crap.... salah jua tu...no no.. wrong.. ehh wait..." and Siang with his, "hmphh.. ehhh..." yea.. it was that hard. I even got a headache from thinking where to put some of the figures in. So much for actually studying for the test. Even those who actually studied and did almost all of the exercises were complaining. The lecturer for FR is leaving soon. Guru kami yang tersayang. Seriously... I think I'll miss him. He's one of those lecturers that I got attached to. He was just a nice guy... very lenient too... and easy to ask for help. At least he's the one setting up the exam paper so we kind of know how it'll go. InsyaAllah.
On the lighter note, the FSC's Acting President, Adina gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Monday. It was Tuesday that I saw the pictures on facebook. Congrats once again Dina!!! Adorable baby girl... just like the mommy. :)
Owhh I watched Kekasihku Seru last night and it was mendebarkan. The muka of that old lady is just plain HODOH!!! Seriously... like I didn't expect that coming so I didn't have my remote in hand to change and all. Disgusting lah!!! The story line is getting quite interesting... I can't predict what's the future going to be like. Ohh I now watch Ceraiya as well on www.gua.com.my, it's an interesting story... hahaha. I'll watch that again when I'm very free. I have a lot of work to do. Mostly tutorial works... ialah siapa suruh pending semua the work.
Let me share some pictures...
next need to buy an external hard drive and webcam :) yes it's splurging month!!
Till then everyone...
take care and have a blessed Ramadhan...
Z, as much as I want to hope... I think I'll stop... I THINK!!
#311 Confused...
He was right there sitting opposite of me. Yet, I was too speechless. I couldn't even utter a single word. The only thing I asked was, "you nada class?" and that was it.
Someone even noticed he couldn't look at me in the eye. Weird? How ironic? Just a few weeks back he asked me, "why can't you look at me in the eyes if I talk to you?"
It's been 3 years more or less and yet I'm not bored! The chase still continues... wait and see.
I feel uncomfortable, esok sudah puasa but my jiwa is not tenteram. I have to tell him. I have to....