I'm just too tired to actually think of a title so let's just jadi like Maliq & D'Essentials who named one of their tracks on their album, "Untitled". So how is everyone so far... today is the 4th day of puasa for those in Brunei and 5th for those everywhere else in SEA.
Yesterday was the first day of Uni for me during the Holy month of Ramadhan. I thought I wasn't going to feel anything but halfway through my stomach started experiencing these pains. And I was sooo sleepy that I almost felt asleep in MAC. I think if it was S who taught the class today for sure I was in la-la land but then it was "KLS" yesterday so it was interesting. For once I do not regret having "KLS" as a lecturer, at least what ever he taught doesn't masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan. Owhh I had a test for Financial Reporting yesterday and it was HORRIBLE. H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E!!!!! Seriously... Nita was sitting in the middle with Siang and I on her sides so she kept on hearing from me, "Ohhh crap.... salah jua tu...no no.. wrong.. ehh wait..." and Siang with his, "hmphh.. ehhh..." yea.. it was that hard. I even got a headache from thinking where to put some of the figures in. So much for actually studying for the test. Even those who actually studied and did almost all of the exercises were complaining. The lecturer for FR is leaving soon. Guru kami yang tersayang. Seriously... I think I'll miss him. He's one of those lecturers that I got attached to. He was just a nice guy... very lenient too... and easy to ask for help. At least he's the one setting up the exam paper so we kind of know how it'll go. InsyaAllah.
On the lighter note, the FSC's Acting President, Adina gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Monday. It was Tuesday that I saw the pictures on facebook. Congrats once again Dina!!! Adorable baby girl... just like the mommy. :)
Owhh I watched Kekasihku Seru last night and it was mendebarkan. The muka of that old lady is just plain HODOH!!! Seriously... like I didn't expect that coming so I didn't have my remote in hand to change and all. Disgusting lah!!! The story line is getting quite interesting... I can't predict what's the future going to be like. Ohh I now watch Ceraiya as well on www.gua.com.my, it's an interesting story... hahaha. I'll watch that again when I'm very free. I have a lot of work to do. Mostly tutorial works... ialah siapa suruh pending semua the work.
Let me share some pictures...
next need to buy an external hard drive and webcam :) yes it's splurging month!!
Till then everyone...
take care and have a blessed Ramadhan...
Z, as much as I want to hope... I think I'll stop... I THINK!!
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