What have I been up to?

Miss me?

so yea... heheh been quite busy with classes and all. Tuesday was fun because well according to my 'busy' schedule I have 5 hours gap between my FIS class and HRM class so by around 10ish I'll be off somewhere with Amie and Ferdouse. We usually explore the food places in Brunei which is good because we get hungry really easily in campus. The new food canteen in campus is not that bad but service wise.. erk. Food takes up almost half an hour to arrive which is terrible if you only have an hour lunch break.

So last Wednesday FBEPS held a small gathering for the first years and a group of us helped out with the games. Amie and I were in charge for the human puzzle game. It's complicated to explain but let me show you pictures of the event! hehe :)

an example of man puzzle and you see the dean of FBEPS playing with the first years! oh we love you lah Dr. Azman! FBEPS loves you!


Tina D said...

Hahaha, the human puzzle looks like fun!

I had done a little orientation for my juniors as well, and it was so much fun! I miss that. Sigh..

Hope you're doing good. :)

Syaf said...

the campus food at MUM is like hospital food. hhahaha. sad.

Anonymous said...

I miss being part of the planning commitee for the orientation for first years. lol.