#198 happiness...?

sorry I will not be able to post as much as I want to or you guys want me to *hintDhiyahint*. I've been too swamped with uni work especially homework for Accounting & Finance. It took me about 3 days to finish up the 6 question given to us. Well home wise, well it's going pretty well except for the past few nights I don't know maybe I just think too much and from there I tend to think of my dad, I will then end up crying and waking up with swollen eyes. Not a very good scene to see lah I tell you.

campus is so-so... other than swamped with work... life isn't that bad. Friends are always there for me but I miss them overseas a lot. I miss these three in particular, I miss Jo, Dhiya and Vic! I just miss you three. I just miss calling and talking to Jo. I just miss having Dhiya to gossip with and Vic well for everything.. well mostly talk jahat lah about people and I remember she said I'm her news reporter since I somewhat know everything that happened back in St. Andrew's. Hehe :)

Ok so last Sunday I went to my nephew's hantar berian ceremony where the groom exchange gifts with the future bride. It was HOT so I ended up in my aunt's house next to the nephew's house. I wasn't even that aware the groom's rombongan had left for the bride's house. It was fun because I got to see and meet the other cousins... it's very rare that I get to meet them lot.

So I guess I'll just show pictures from last Sunday! heheh if you notice all of us are wearing blue because it's the theme for that particular occasion. =)