I was tagged by Ka Faz!! yes lai alyaa is doing the tag! hahah alai...
1. Tell us your name:
Noralyaa but call me Alyaa and it's pronounced "ey-lee-ah"
2. Three things about yourself:
moody, cheerful, approachable (i think)
3. What’s in your playlist:
2 albums from Taufik, Pot Amir's songs, Kahitna - Tak Mampu Mendua, Faizal Tahir, Elliot Yamin... ohh lots
4. Your favourite music:
I'm a RnB freak and jazz and sentimental rock..
5. Favourite guilty pleasure:
Buying things I don't need... like seriously and sometimes buying clothes and ending up not wearing them because it looks nice on display but it doesn't look nice on me!
6. Favourite food:
Dhal... ohh I love Dhal!! You know the chick peas.. the yellow ones.. the one people eat with murtabak!! yes yes I love Dhal!!
Love is everywhere? I seriously do think love is everywhere
8. Define sex:
go find a biology book! hahaha it is when two people fall in love and do sexual intercourse legally...
9. Any celebrity crushes?:
Need I say more.. ohh MY TAUFIK BATISAH!!
10. The last person you hugged:
an aunt from tahlil ceremony tadi!
11. The last person you talked to:
my mum
12. The last time you cried:
last night I think... because I was thinking of my dad
13. The last time you had sex:
i is not married
14. The last time you made out:
15. The last person you dated:
hahah someone!! I can't remember because it was YONKS ago... no one wants me! maybe because I don't know
16. The last time you went out:
This evening to a tahlil ceremony
17. What’s on your mind now?:
actually nothing because I'm too tired to actually think
18. What’s bothering you?:
Something that's related to a boy and coffee
19. This year’s resolutions:
hahahah something about being more friendly and talking to someone...
20. Your MSN nick:
alyaa.p! ne me quitte pas
21. What’s your MSN nick about?:
alyaa.p duh! my name and 'ne me quitte pas' a song from nina simone which means Don't Leave Me
22. The people you miss the most:
Jo, Dhiya and Vic
23. Current mood:
sleepy and tired
24. What are you thinking?:
I'm too tired to think but I'm seriously thinking how to afford those shoes from Charles & Keith. Anyone wants to get it for me!!
25. Best childhood memory:
Singapore trips with daddy and mummy! I love going to the zoo and Sentosa. And ohh of course Puncak with again my daddy and mummy... where we would go up to Puncak then stopped by Cipanas to buy vegetables or flowers then on the way down we stopped by Rindu Alam.. where it was really really cold! and ate sayur asem, satay, sup bontot... ahh Indonesia..
26. 3 of your biggest fears:
not graduating, not getting married and having kids (it's one of those things y'know), Allah
28. 3 of the things you hate:
noise... like people shouting for no reason, not punctual... I hate waiting,...
29. Do you blog?:
hahahah not sure.. do I look like I blog? or do I look like blogger! hahah
30. Tag 5 people:
5 people hehehe so here it goes, Dhiya, Nuar, Syaf, Amie, Sheena, Bella!! hahah :) Ok that is 6 but who cares!
I miss my dad!! al-fatihah