The day started off rather weird. The doctor who rents our house called and said he couldn't move the gate. So my brother in law, my mum, nephew and I went down and checked. One of the wheels was sidetracked from it's actual path so had to move it and all. I never realized that the gate is HEAVY!!!! Tried to lift it up but I couldn't. Oh well settled with that, my mum talked to the doctor's wife who is also a qualified doctor. It was my first time seeing her in person. I've seen her a few times every time I pass the house.
Today had the best lunch I've had in a while. Had really big prawns (i think they're called Tiger Prawns) masak sambal, had two types of ikan goreng and sayur pucuk pakis. Yummm....
So tonight can't eat a heavy dinner because I ate way a little too much during lunch. I might just eat bread or something. I still feel full... so yup!! :)
There are a few photos of me that I like to share. I got them off Effa's blog...
#301 It's a Sunday!!!
#300 My 300th post...
It has been a busy for the last two days. We're trying to squeeze in everyone so they can have a proper good bye for Amie since she's leaving next week for Melbourne. So on Thursday, we went out and watched Wanted at the Empire cinema. It was a great movie. I'm not good in reviewing movies but I know there was no logic behind the story line but the actions were awesome. James McAvoy is a HOTTIE!!!After the movie as usual we had a photo session outside the cinema. It was FUN!!! And I was wearing this shirt that somewhat shows how I've been feeling lately. Just look at the shirt carefully. hehe :)
Yesterday we had a cookout at Siang's place. The menu for the day was-
-Potato topped with sauteed (sp??) toppings
-Chicken Burger
-Apple Crumble for dessert
It was a success and it was FUN!! We helped out and cooked because when we arrived we had to cook the food. It was just a great afternoon with good company!!
#299 More wedding pictures
Yes, this post will have a lot of pictures.
The first batch of pictures are from the malam berbedak ceremony. It was an amazing night, my cousin looked handsome. I had to hand out the gifts for those yang membedaki. I was with my niece... it was fun!!! Lots of pictures but I'd only share a few of them.
I don't know what else to say but that night something happened, my other cousin lost her shoes. She only left them for a while on the stairs and then it was gone. She was so mengusut that night.. and she kept coming up to me and started nagging. There were three angels or bidadari that night. Three little girls wearing pretty and adorable white gowns. :)
#298 On bended knees...
hahah so BoyzIImeN.
but yea sorry and I'm currently bending my knees *erh not really* for not updating the blog. I was busy the whole of last week since it was my first cousin's wedding. I was a part of the organizing committee so yea busy busy busy.
Wednesday I had the chance to meet the old group of friends I had during my St.Andrew's years. We went and had dinner at Charcoal. As for me Charcoal was nothing special. I think I rather eat steak or had salmon at The Airport Restaurant because Charcoal was not for me. It lacked something and service wise... I'm not sure... the waiters and waitress don't even smile. Our group was the loudest though, the last I met some of them was 2 years ago. It was a night to remember, that's something you can't doubt about.
So here are pictures from that night. It was cool!!! 7 ladies and 1 small girl. Cynthia went back to KL the very next day since she had to leave to China for a competition. Argh.... let's meet up again once everyone else is back.. :)
Dhiya if you're reading this... this goes to you. Wished you were there!! :)
Next post will be about the wedding!! :)