#204 the things worth mentioning are not going to be mention

something happened to me yesterday in school. nothing big, just some funny incident and my cousin thinks it's really cute and annoying at the same time.

I've been kind of filled up with work and lectures but most importantly I'm getting a well deserved BREAK next week!! it's school holiday for us UBDians... and I have things plan for my friends and I, most likely we're going to iftar somewhere.

Actually I'm just updating for the sake of updating cos a friend was nagging and told me to blog! so here I am blogging for you my dearest best friend in New Zealand!! hope you're feeling better. :)

Oh on another note, one of my favourite blogger has stopped blogging. I don't know why but you'll be surely missed! I know you'll be busy with work... but your link will always be on the side bar. take care now you!! don't get too stressed out at work... :)