#182 Open Heart Surger (By-Pass)

My dad had to undergo open heart surgery yesterday evening around 6 since three of his arteries are blocked. One of them was 100 % blocked while the other two were 90% and 80%. The operation lasted for about 7-8 hours I think because we only talked to the doctor around 4ish this morning. I haven't been sleeping well and I'm getting all dizzy and erh...

I'm only at home for a bit to get some rest because even though we're at the hospital we won't be able to do anything since my dad is still having his rest and he can't talk to us yet since the tube is still in his mouth. Went to see him this morning though and he was looking better not pale or anything.

Lastnight most of my friends and family came to donate their blood since the blood bank said they are afraid they might not have enough. So I called most of the friends and most of them came and donated their blood. I couldn't donate my blood even though it's the same as my dads because my blood count is low. Amie did donate her blood... :) Thanx babe for coming and being there for me. Billy, Kalai, Razan, Mawi and Siang came as well... :).

Well I better get my rest... thank you for the prayers and everything. I have no idea how to repay them. Thank You again!! :)



Anonymous said...


I'm sure your dad will fully recover. That was really sweet of your friends to come down and donate blood.

I'm like you. I can't donate blood even if I want to, I'm always below 45 kg, which is the mininum weight the donor should have.