#181 Happy Birthday

I know it's a bit late but hey...

HAPPY 21st Birthday to a friend whom I knew from blogging!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYAFIQUE! I should have wished you yesterday (16/5) but I just got back a few minutes ago from the hospital.

My dad got admitted into the hospital this evening. He said he was getting gastric pains since last Sunday but he thought it was just minor pain but this evening around 8ish when I got back home from watching Spiderman 3, he said the pain was getting worse. So my mom told him to go to the hospital and we did... well the nurses did an ECG and found something weird with his heart rate, therefore he needs to be monitored until the pain disappears and his heart rate stabilizes.

And I'm really sleepy!! well.. that's all. Do pray for my dad. I hope everything goes well and he doesn't have to be at the hospital for a long time. I don't like hospitals... it's a dreadful place! Erm...


Syaf said...

Thank you for the birthday wish! I'll be praying for your dad. I hope everything will be fine....

Anonymous said...

Hope your dad gets better soon :)