26th December 2004 marked something that none of us expected to happen. The Tsunami incident that destroyed Thailand, Acheh, some parts of Malaysia and a whole lot of other places in Asia. I still remember 2 years ago I was watching Metro TV, this Indonesian news channel which is equivalent to BBC or CNN. I was crying because there was this footage of what actually happened since this family was taking the video of what was happening. There were on the 2nd floor of their house and filming what was happening. And what was really sad, the father left the house seconds before tsunami happened.
And now I'm watching the well can I call it a movie called Tsunami, The Aftermath. And I can seriously CRY!
Since I'm part Indonesian so I can really feel the sadness. :(

Masjid BaitulRahman in Acheh
My prayers will always be with those... ohh I can't continue! Sorry... this is too emotional for me! I'm really sorry...
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