
I just finished watching Numb3rs and it seems to keep getting more complicated. Y’know the whole tragedy and the other stuff going on in that series. I guess other than Numb3rs the only series that I keep a track on is Desperate Housewives but then that’s getting boring too. It just seems to get too lengthy and boring and with the non-stop conflicts and such. And the thing is the non-stop conflicts are the same thing over and over again. I’m just so sick of it. And plus there are no more hotties in there so no use of watching it anymore. Other than that I’m all for Gol n Gincu that’s on every Sunday night at 10 on 8tv. So keep an eye on that. Ohh Jo, Ashraf Sinclair is not in there only for a few scenes only. He’s not as hot as he used to be. Ahaha… but he’s still good looking.

Ohh for these few days everywhere I go I see glimpses of Rich everywhere, it doesn’t matter whether they are pictures or just the word Rich. Wahhh why why why??? It’s too devastating to watch. Ohh he was on Trek Selebriti last night ohh he’s so gorgeous. I like… Ohh catch Estranged on Beat TV this Wednesday at 10 on Astro Ria (channel4).

K then that’s all. Will be watching the concert tonight and the only reason why I’m watching it is RICH!!! (<33)

I’m off steaming buns and corns. Heheh 