Here would I like to wish two beautiful girls...
#296 Like seriously??
You know what?? I just realised that I have a copy of Usher's Here I Stand album still in my luggage! Like seriously?? How can I totally forgot about it?? Ohh my...
I have yet to listen to the album but I totally have Faizal Tahir's Aku.Muzik.Kamu's album on repeat. And I'm totally in love with Sampai Syurga's video clip! I love love!! :) So yea I guess Faizal is one of my favourite male singers. :)
Oh yea results were out on Saturday. I'm quite content with my results. Kind of disappointed with one though, I totally thought I did well for the paper but I only got a C for it. So it was kind of disappointing. Erm....
Oh well... can't wait for tonight.. hehe :)
#295 Singapore Part II
Day 2
I got up early in the morning well around 8ish I think. Actually I wanted to sleep in a bit more because I couldn't sleep the night before but I wanted to go to McD and buy breakfast. So took a shower and walked to Plaza Singapura. I thought it was a short walk (actually it was) but to me it was a long walk because well I just felt like it was a long walk. It was really humid that day and I was sweating. So when I finally arrived at Plaza Singapura I was trying to remember where exactly was McD, then found the basement and went straight to McD. So ordered the usual breakfast which was meal 5 I think which consisted of pancakes and beef rashes (I'm not so sure about the beef) and bought Amie her potato something.
Reached hotel and ate breakfast and after that around 10, we left the hotel and off we went Vivocity. It's located at the HarbourFront and very close to Sentosa. We walked around and my feet were killing me. It was a really really big place so we just walked around and shopped, well I did. heheh :)
So here are pictures from VivoCity
Sorry no pictures of Bugis cos we were busy shopping!! I think we almost got lost and found ourselves ard Rochor which is Chinatown! hahah :)
Then at night as usual, it's Orchard Road for us!! And that night I bought my most expensive buy for this trip! hahah won't tell but you'll know one day! :)
Day 3 it was Raffles, Suntec, Marina Square and ESPLANADE!!
#294 An event I have always loved!!!
And that is a wedding!!
So today my cousin had his akad nikah. It was a small occasion, well it was at his place because it was only his close family members. I was one of the people who had to angkat his hantaran to be taken to his bride's house. Before that had to guard the wang hantaran and mas kahwin.
So here are some pictures from today's event.
More functions next week... :)
#293 This sucks...
It's either facebook hates me or I don't know. I seem to have trouble uploading my pictures on facebook.
When I started to fall so in love with you... you showed your bad side.
#292 Singapore Trip Part I
Since I am the pemalas person that I am, I'll make my Singapore trip posts in parts yea. So as any sane people I know, parts will always start with part I.
So what happened on Day 1??
Day 1.
Amie arrived at the airport around 630am I think and I only arrived around 645am. I waited for my mum while she parked her car and then Amie and I checked in. We asked for front seats and we got front seats. I think 3 seats behind Business Class. The flight was pleasant because there weren't many people on board. Our flight was at 800am but we only took off at around 820am. So arrived in Singapore around 10ish. We were the first ones to get off the plane and once we reached immigration and wanted to claim our baggage, our baggage were the first ones to be out on the belt. :) so yaye for us. Took the cab and reached Hotel Rendezvous at approximately 1045am. Did the things people usually do when they check in into the hotel. Reached our room... Room 523 and tipped the concierge, hahaha dua dua lupa to tip them. So I told them to wait and gave them the money.
We went to the DFS, next to Royal Plaza Hotel and then went to Isetan, CK Tang, Takashimaya again, Wisma Atria... hahah everywhere lah around Orchard Road. :)
Went back to the hotel using the MRT. It was a great experience. :)
Balik hotel... I was too tired but I couldn't sleep. I was going through the whole, first night on a different bed syndrome. hehe :)
I guess that's basically it...
More on day 2 tomorrow.. it was Vivocity and Bugis...
#291 Je suis ici!
I am here and safe back in Brunei. I touched down at approximately 1.03 pm yesterday and now my body hurts.
Therefore I can only upload pictures and do a proper post maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. My arms are sore!
One thing I can say... it sucks traveling alone if you're a crazy shopper 25kg is not enough. I traveled alone and I had 12kg of excess baggage! Sad I know and I had to pay $79 for it. :(
I didn't have much pictures though from this trip because I was busy shopping and on Thursday stayed most of the time at home because my aunt was sick and I was too tired to walk. :)
It was fun though... a very memorable trip.
#290 It's that time of the year!! Happy 22nd to ME!!!
Yes! today is my 22nd birthday. So Happy 22nd Birthday to Alyaa. P!!! :)
I would like to thank the following people who have texted, IMed, facebooked and everything else wishing me all the happiness in the world:
- Razan (the first one who greeted me on MSN, that's probably because we were chatting and plus he said to put his name first)
- Effa (hehe your personal message on MSN, THANK YOU!!)
- Ka Zidah
- Bebku NITA (the first text message I got, I hearts you babe)
- Nuar (hahah he's the guy who made the first years call me SITI now)
- Ashraf
- Mawi
- Ferdouse
- Ammar (who share the same birthday as I do except he's 2 years younger)
- Abg. Edo (I seriously thought he forgot :[)
- Sheena (haha you got right this time around)
- Bella (thanx for the wish on your blog, you should start taking a picture of me soon)
- Hami (lai, I hearts you lots!!!)
- Yasmin (hahah ODD ONE)
- Amie (thanx for the shirt babe and will see you on MONDAY, YAYE)
- Ren Siang (thanx for the cake :))
- Nazirul Ariffin (from the wilderness of Tutong with luv)
- Kalai (I'm still waiting for my DONUTS)
- Shairazi
- Izmah
- Iman (hahah OLDER than me)
- Johanna (babe, I'm sorry if I've done anything wrong...)
- RUSH (hahahah I hearts you lots too babe, Datin ku ani ehh)
- Aryfz (you'll be home soon)
- RORO (I'm not mad at you anymore and thanx for the wish)
- Chawa (aww lai, thanx for what you did on your blog. I glowed)
- Shukri (your birthday soon :p)
- Hazizul (thanx for everything, you hummed or you sang?? I enjoyed my day brabisly as you wanted me too. thank you again)
This other part is a special shout out to my girls...
See three nights ago (3/6/08), I went out with the girls from my SAS years namely Mok, Vic, Eva and Jeh Wen. We went through a lot through our form 4 and 5 years. So we planned on having dinner together since we haven't seen each other for a long long time. So we had sushi for dinner and talked a lot. Well joked most of the time especially remembering the times we had and the things that happened.
Then all of a sudden a cake came and the Excapade waiters and waitresses came and sang Happy Birthday. I was really really surprised and I didn't expect the girls to do it. I mean it was after all just a dinner to catch up on things. I was really shocked and amazed how they pulled it off with out me knowing.
Thanx guys... :)
so here are pictures from that night...
ohh for those who knows what happen last year on this date knows why I don't celebrate my birthday on this date.
Today also marks the 1st anniversary of my dad's passing.
Not a second I don't think about him. I was daddy's little girl, being the youngest and all. So yea...
#289 Selamat Ulang Tahun!!
Have fun.. cousin! Enjoy today and will see you in abt 10 hours time!! hehe