#275 The last...

Oh no, I have nothing to look forward to anymore every Sunday night at 1030 pm on 8tv. Tonight was the last episode of Ghost. And the end wasn't as excepted but it was a very suspense ending. I love love love! I never expected he was the guy who raped Cindy and killed Zack Imran. He's so manipulative... but I have to say every so called Malay drama that airs on 8tv is the best. Started off with Gol n Gincu... then Realiti (well it wasn't that great) then this one Ghost! It's just GREAT! Hats off to Ahmad Izham Omar... *waves*

And I so love the song to the opening montage to Ghost, it's called masih jua sang by Douglas Lim and Chelsia Ng. And there is another song but I'm not sure the name but it's also very nice... very soothing. It's amazing how I didn't cry this time around because for the past few episodes, I would just end up crying. Nazrudin did a great job playing Zack Imran... I don't know, this guy should be given more roles or something because I believe he can really go far. Plus, I love watching him on The Breakfast Show.

Speaking of The Breakfast Show, Syafique... this goes out to you! I know you won't be reading this as you will be producing your first ever show tomorrow. But if you do read it before or after the show, GOOD LUCK. You will do a great job because you will always do your best in everything. And it will show! Erh too bad I won't be able to catch it. :(

Oh by the way, I'm hooked to this song by Usher, I Can't Win. And it's all Roro's fault because he kept on listening and singing it. I must say it's a SYOK song!

Oh last night had a rock kapak night. You want to know why? Well I actually watched the AF concert because it was the rock night! Gila it was just an amazing night. Almost all the rock kapak songs were on lastnight. Hahahah I was singing to Riz's Dari Sinar Mata~~

~Keunggulan cinta dari sinar mata yang bergelora~~~

hahah I actually made someone watched AF lastnight and she enjoyed it. She even fell in love with one of them. The same guy lagi tu!!

Ohh another thing, I've always thought coffeeboy looks like taufik batisah but tonight after watching taufik batisah on tv, it's confirmed... they do look alike!

Bah that's all for tonight...

I have a test tomorrow! :)


Syaf said...
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Syaf said...

thanks for the post... so nice of you to write about me and Naz!! Keep watching the show, aite!!