So yes this afternoon went all the way to Empire Hotel and Country Club cinema just to watch CINTA. Before that Dhiya and I went to pick up Vic from her place in Bandar and we ended up having lunch at Yayasan! We had dim sum. Yes we had dim sum for lunch but it was all good. :)
So yes Cinta! I'm not really good with reviews but I really have to say Cinta is just amazing, the cinematography is just superb... it makes me wonder is KL that beautiful? (ok fine, i've only been there once but...) It makes the ugliest place looks really interesting. So there are 10 stars in 5 stories in 1 movie. How interesting can this get? Yes some might say it's more like Love Actually, and I have to say it is more like Love Actually but at least the team behind Cinta made the Malaysian version of it with the whole Malaysian feel to it.
Arianna & Taufik
Sharifah Amani - Arianna
Pierre Andre - Taufik
Pierre Andre - Taufik
Taufik is a struggling columnist in a weekly publicated magazine called Majalah Sensasi and well he's the lurus type of guy and does what ever that is told by his friends. His friends are dumping all their work on him. Meanwhile Arianna left Johor Bahru and came all the way to KL in search for the love of her life. In the journey of searching this love of her life, she got acquainted with Taufik because she needed help to find this guy. Taufik helped her not knowing the details of what's happening and the real situation. Taufik brought her back home, his home is located next to a train railway. Along the journey Taufik build this strong feeling towards Arianna without Arianna knowing it. I have to say in this movie Amani did try to get away from her 'Orked-ness' but I somewhat see the Orked in her along the movie... especially the Orked in Sepet. Pierre Andre well he's just him... the quiet guy who does his own thing. His character is not much different from his character in Salon or Dunia Baru. Entah lah! It's just my opinion and plus she's too rebellious to be such a naive girl. To know whether Arianna gets acquainted with Khalif (the so called love of her life) or not or whether Arianna gets together with Taufik... watch it!
Azhar & Azura
Eizlan Yusuf - Azhar
Fasha Sandha - Azura
Fasha Sandha - Azura
Azhar is a big magazine publisher and Azura is just a cashier girl at MPH. Azhar walks in one day into MPH and moved his magazines from one part of the shelf and to another because he wanted it to be noticed. Then Azura came and I guess from there on things just started to spark. Azura told him that the magazines are not worth selling. She explained to him why and all. She explaining all that not knowing that he owns the magazine. *teehee* it was funny!! The thing about Azhar is that he doesn't want other people to know that he's involve in a relationship with Azura. To him it's enough for him and the woman to know that they love each other. This way of thinking had cause a disappoint to Azura because she felt that she was not appreciated. All I can say... I've never really liked Fasha Sandha and her characters just doesn't develop well and what can I say about Eizlan Yusuf. Well I've always been in love with him eversince I first watched Perempuan Melayu Terakhir and in there while everyone else thought he was 'kayu' but to me he was just awwww.... so in Cinta well I think he did well. He made me realise that there are guys like that out there! :p
Dyan & Dhani
Nanu Baharuddin - Dyan
Que Haider - Dhani
Que Haider - Dhani
Sister and brother love! or more importantly sibling love. I guess in here it's true what this peribahasa says, "air yang dicincang tidak akan putus." No matter how much you have a misunderstanding with a sibling... at the end of the day.. they're still your flesh and blood. Dyan is having an affair with someone's husband and she's not happy with the life Dhani is having at the moment. Dhani is working as a portrait person at Pasar Seni I think. He's a degree holder and yet he's doing that job. That's what Dyan is worrying about.. the life her brother is heading at the moment. Along the movie something happen to Dhani and someone died... erh.. I don't want to spoil it. Nanu has always been a favourite of mine... from Perempuan Melayu Terakhir to PHSM... her acting credibility is just amazing.. she makes little scenes really important. I remember the scene at the hospital and I cried!! I seriously did it was just so... heartbreaking. I know someone else cried! hahaa and about Que.. it's something fresh from him and I'm yet to see more of him in the future because I see a future in him. :)
Cikgu Elyas & Rubiah
Datuk Rahim Razali - Cikgu Elyas
Fatimah Abu Bakar - Rubiah
Fatimah Abu Bakar - Rubiah
Elderly Love! Something hardly anyone sees anymore... but this is one of the touching stories in Cinta. I'm not going to tell the story of this except that they met and the rest as people say is history. Every single blog that I read talks about DRR and how great his acting is. The thing is I've not really seen any of his acting except for the one in PGL where he became Bendahara. So nothing much I can say about him but one thing, I'll always remember this dialogue, "Isteri bukannya hak milik tapi anugerah." And I hope one day my future husband will think the same way! In this movie his character is so alive and every single details mattered and it made such an impact. :)
Fatimah Abu Bakar as everyone would know, she was an acting coach for AF and she's also an acting coach for a lot of Shuhaimi Baba's movies. I don't really know her acting background but in here her acting was superb. Natural yet effective. Yes her loghat utara sounded funny but put that aside and we get excellent acting. I mean even the wave she gave Cikgu Elyas touched my heart. How she took care of Cikgu Elyas... my goodness.. it's just so... ohhh....
Hariz & Airin
Rashidi Ishak - Hariz
Rita Rudaini - Airin
Rita Rudaini - Airin
I saved this for last because to me this is the strongest story among the 5 stories. I felt like along the movie when it comes to this story I would cry. Typing this now and thinking back what I watched made me cry. A scene that brought tears was when Airin left Hariz for that Imran guy at the middle of the night and it was raining, Hariz wanted to surprise her with a drawing of their new constructed house titled, "Tanda Cinta Kita". But at that moment was the time she told him that she found someone else. So yea it was raining and the drawing was smudged.. everything was ruined. And after Airin left their house, he carried his daughter into the living room and the background music was the song Cinta... God... I was crying. It was just so sad!! And the daughter woke up and hugged the father. Erh... :(
Rashidi did well here and I'm so proud of him. He brought emotions that is hard for other guys to take on. He cried and it made others cried. The emotions were delivered well to the audience well at least it did to me. And erm.. Rita Rudaini.. hehe she's good. I've always loved her acting and in here... I just wanna slap her and make her realise that she left something that means a lot. Then again in the power of CINTA anything can happen.
Even though it's 5 stories but they are not linked with each other but these characters meet along the way not knowing that they're sharing the same problem regarding CINTA
So my verdict : ****1/2/*****
the soundtrack is great!! I love it! So Syaf... I hope after reading this you will go and watch Cinta, yes? hahah i'm not good with reviews so I hope this is good enough of you. btw.. your b'day picture is cute! :) I didn't know M'sia has a Consul in Medan! When you were in Medan I was in Jakarta. hehe :)
to Dhiya : thank you for driving and we had fun! will do it again another day yes.. this time sushi on you hahaha

Hey Alyaa...excellent review! glad that u leave some suspense for those that haven't watched the movie. sounds like a nice movie...
i must literally drag someone to watch it with me...cuz u know, my frens do no like to watch local movies...but this movie seems diff...
u should do more reviews next time... ;)
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