Today was a fun day... why? I actually skipped Logic tutorials alongside Amie (her first time skipping any classes), Siang and Chong and well I think Siang Ping too. Went for Macroeconomics tutorial and erm.. French class. In French it was fun because we kind of learned some stuff more intensely. Only now I know how to put some nouns and verbes together well in a French way. Hehe... I promise from now on I shall not skip anymore French classes unless there is an emergency *hehe*. Oh and the teacher is planning on having extra classes in week 15, this should be good. :)

I was reading some website lastnight and I can't help but notice something. For me, every single first day Raya is somewhat a sequence.. like I know whose house we'll visit next and I expect the same thing to happen when we arrive to that house every single year. And something kind of spoiled it this year, I was expecting to talk to someone and mingled with him and stuff but he was no where to be found. And he's one of the few people that I look forward to seeing every single year because I hardly see him and I just love having his presence. I guess it's because I never really had a brother except for my 'susuan brother' so that's why this guy's presence is really important to me. I feel really safe and protected when I'm around him and plus he gives good advices and he's super nice :) I wish I have a brother like him... well he is kind of my brother since said.. if anything goes wrong just talk to him and he takes good care of me. :)

Erh enough of him...

Just been feeling really down lately... and I have no idea why! ERH!!!!

Chatting with ZA at the moment and he's talking about whether he should pick up a british accent or not and says I have an american accent and it's fake! hahah


picture taken on Thursday before Logic lecture.. *i love this picture*


Johanna said...

lawa layout mu dang. :)

Johanna said...

eh lai, i forgot to say when you have *ehem* ubd punya allowance, jan lupa *koff* lanja ks? ;P heehee

alyaa.p said...

lai.. it's out already.. a few days before raya! bah if i still have extra cash left then blanja on u lah! lunch at frats :) as usual. :) i'm craving for pasta or sushi.. anything will do now hehe