So practically had a really nice time with all of them. I had to wait for Fer to get me from UBD since he doesn't know the way to Razan's place. So I had to wait for like 15 minutes before he arrived. So went to Razan's place in Beribi then while we were there, Billy came and then the 2nd batch of people came like Zazu and his gang, Nita, Nisa, Effa were too as well. :) Siang and the rest had to leave early because they have class at 1 so I decided to stay there and asked Billy to send me back to UBD and he did since he had to do some errands in UBD jua!
In the car, he was telling me some stories and some stuff that kind of made my day. It's not everyday someone compliments me. :) Maybe I do have the qualities that he mentioned but I don't think I'm ready yet though. The thought of it is really great but having to do it at this age erm... I guess I'm just not ready yet. I can't tell what it is yet since he said it's just between us both. It's always a joy to have a talk with him. Erm.. his absence from UBD is seriously erm... even he admitted that he misses UBD :(.
Oh well so yea overall I had a great day except for some stupid incident during Macro. I'm not feeling well due to erm.. women problem so I felt really uneasy. Hehe... oopsie!
Will be heading off to Temburong tomorrow since my uncle invited us over! Erm... I can already see the long queue at the Immigration. Damn! :(
still need to finish off Macro tutes questions. Erm.. I'll do it tomorrow evening if I come back early. lalala..
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