sorry i didn't update yesterday. I've been having this constant headaches for the couple of days and I think it's due to the weather. Brunei has been really hot and it's been hazy for these few days so yea I hope that goes away and it won't come back.

So yea as I guess everyone has noticed the side bar of this site, the tag board to be exact is filled with Hady Mirza's name. That's because he is the 2nd Singapore Idol. So congratulations to Hady Mirza and I have to say the winner's single You Give Me Wings is the bomb. I love Hady's rendition of it! :) More force to you my man!

So in a more serious note I've been feeling kind of down. Actually it all started tonight when I read someone's blog and yea it was unintentional because I hardly read her blog. So yea since she's in UK and in the same Uni as this guy that I've been liking so she posted some news about him and few others in UK. I don't know I started feeling so ERH. I mean it's nothing actually but just the thought he's there and I'm here. Yea I never really told him how I felt because I can't stand the whole thing of being rejected. And yea I'm not the type of girl that he likes and plus if he does have a thing for me then why didn't he IMed me on MSN! Erh... I'm hoping for something that I might never have. I seriously want to let go because I don't want my feelings for him kill me. I don't want to feel miserable and feel this way again because it hurts. Sometimes I feel I only smile just to hide my pain. Ok that's exaggerating but yea.. you get what I mean.

And plus I think I'm torn into two... there is this other guy who suddenly appeared in my life after so many months. He somewhat came at the right time because I needed someone that understands me, not that others don't. It's just that he knows how to make me laugh and smile, it's just amazing. I had a great time with him... and he too is off to UK. I sometimes can't even understand myself...

I think I need to understand myself first and get hold of it before others get into my way. I know this feeling will occasionally come and go and I just have to face it. Erh... I just miss them :(

Owh on a lighter note I have a new reader.. it's Shafique right? hehe he has good stuff in his blog... blog more ok! :)

laters :)

Oh btw Jo remember the guy from the Breakfast Show.. the one you thought was cute.. he has a blog! haha