bon soir everyone :)

So yea I'm feeling much better now, I think I was thinking too much last night because I had that throbbing headache. And when I have a throbbing headache mixed with other things that I'm currently thinking about I feel really miserable and the only thing I want to do is CRY! And I did lastnight and made me feel much better. I slept early though lastnight because I was just too tired and felt really miserable. I saw one of the guys online lastnight but I didn't chat with him because I was again too tired. :)

So yea I'm done with one of my assignments, that means I need to do one more and study for Logic & Thinking. Erm.. I think I'll start on my English for Management tomorrow. :) That means I'll be done with my assignments because I'm partially done with my Macroeconomics tute questions.

So yea it's the 4th day of Ramadhan and today I didn't really cook because my mom fried noodles. Since she fried noodles, she told me to send some for our neighbour across the road. When I arrived there, she was leaving so she kinda put something else into the plastic bag and told me to take it home. She did take the noodles though if you were wondering. So yea I didn't really look at what she gave but I assumed it was chicken rendang. So during breaking fast just now... my mom said it was beef meat, I ate some and I knew it tasted weird but I'm not sure why. At last my dad said it was LAMB!! Damn it was LAMB and I don't eat lamb! I mean I only eat it if it's cooked this particular way and the only place I can get it is in Jakarta. So yea that'll be a long time before I'll be eating another lamb. But my goodness it was Lamb!! Lamb as in mbekk!! aiyeahh!! Yea I know I'm exaggerating but... erk...

so enough of lamb...

I've been spending my nights chatting with this nephew of mine whom insisted on calling me kaka rather than auntie because she said I look 15!! ahah sweetness!! so yea we talk about the random things in life! I'm like his referance machine or something because I'm the place where he asks for answers if he have doubts on anything. I love Danial!! And yea lai... you will be the next Justin Timberlake because you're handsome no matter what size you are! haha :) see he's kind of big a 13 year old but to me it's alright since it runs in the family. :)

I guess that's all...

Ohh I'm addicted to Maliq & D'Essentials... I love Kangen! It has this very.. jazzy feel to it.. and it's just awesome.. I love it! :) I can't seem to get the album here though. Was looking for it at Joo Chiat Plaza last January but they were out of them. :( Oh well...

till then i bid goodbye :) and bon soir..