So today was the first day of Fasting, how was it? Erm.. nikmat yang tidak terhingga! hahah apparently I wasn't feeling all that hungry after all maybe a few headaches here and there but one thing was I felt like sleeping. See I slept back at around 5ish this morning because I was chatting with some people. Yes.. we somehow do that now! And it's fun actually eventhough I was half awake.

Owh more of my friends are leaving for UK tonight. I'm so sorry I can't be there to send you guys off but one friend of mine in particular will be sorely missed. He's been there for me for these couple of weeks. Owhh my syg! I'm so gonna miss you! :( And I feel really bad not sending him off but what can I do. My dad won't let me drive just yet.

Oh I had mee rebus for berbuka just now. The Sporean aunty at the Pasar Malam makes the best mee rebus so far. So yea...

Erh.. I need to shower and then rest myself. I have tute questions to do tomorrow. :)

see you ppl!!

and this is so Dhiya - eh jub! welcome to my world!!