yup yup.. my French test went well except I screwed up some bit of the verbs and i can't remember what the word for 'far' is! Oh well I hope I score well for this. So since today is my last day of tests and the start of mid-term break, I told myself I should get something. I told my parents that I wanted to eat at Swensens and we did. There is this new shoe shop right opposite of Swensens, so I went there and bought myself a pair of gorgeous looking shoes. :) Nice shoes for Uni I think. :)
Then headed down to Paloma where my nose went all weird after that because of the perfumes. I love the Bvlgari Rose Essentials though. They smell really good :) I hope my mom is getting that, not for me but for her but I can use it right? hahah
Owh I chatted with him just now, so that was a happy moment for me. I had to go though since I had to eat dinner and when I got back he was offline already :( but this morning I was using Siang's hattrick account and send him some messages :) How sweet right? haha at least he said I was. :) So yea.. happy happy joy joy..
pictures time...

the bag mommy dearest bought me, well i told her to get it for me

the shoesss!!!
Happy Ramadhan everyone :)
Owhh Lionel, hope your eye is better now! :)
Amie - i feel like i have this cheering team behind me!! hahah
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