Lagi lagi Gubra...

I was reading some blog lastnight about this movie and well the person who played the role of Arif is Adlin Aman Ramli, the son of AR Tompel who is one of the famous people back in the 50s who acted with P.Ramlee, Saloma and those gang back during the era of Studio Jln. Ampas, Singapore. In Gubra he played a role as a cheating husband, I don't know why but it's weird when I think about it. He's like I don't know around his late or mid 30s and even though I've not seen Gubra but I can imagine him playing this role because his face is just soooo the typical cheating husband look. I know it's not good to judge him by his looks but seriously if u see his picture you'll believe me.

I went to Yasmin Ahmad's blog lastnight and asked her whether Gubra will be screen here in Brunei. I think it's not fair if a movie like this is not screened here in Brunei. It deserves the same right as the other movies from Malaysia. Just because she 'was' an indie film director that doesn't make her any less. Because I know her works are just magnificient...

Shit I can't find any pictures of Adlin Aman Ramli... ohh is a poster of Gubra..

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that's all k.. bye..