Yes, it is the holidays again. This time for a week. I find it absolutely weird because we started a week or was it two weeks behind the usual schools (as in primary and secondary) and yet we start our holidays 3 weeks before they do. It's just plain not right. This is because I want to go on a holiday (out of Brunei holiday) with the family.
Ohh yea my download finally finished!! :) *I know so out of the topic*
Ohh and I enjoy watching Jon & Kate Plus 8... *again, out of the topic*
So yea this afternoon I had Banking & Investment in mind. In which I did try doing but I got stuck at the third question. Mind you this was last week's tutorial questions... I have the answers to the questions but the path to the answers is still a mystery. I managed to get it though after haf an hour of trying to figure it out and reading the textbook! yes, I read the textbook.. AMAZING.
Yesterday, I was somewhat "kidnapped" by three male species. It started a few nights before where Razan IMed me and said, "you want us to kidnap you on Monday?" I instantly said YES because I know I'd probably do nothing at home since it was after all only day 1 of the holidays. Present were Razan, Mawi and K. They brought me to Mashhor Dairy Farm to send a letter for their upcoming visit. I told them I want to follow their visit because I heard you get to milk the cows. I'm not sure if I'm going though because yesterday, as soon as I got out of the car I smelled something pungent *oh go figure it out*. So imagine going around the farm and seeing the lembu and kambing right infront of you.
I have assignments to do in which it got postponed... yipeee!! :)
I'm hungry!! :(
Ahh well...
I can't wait for Ms. Johanna to come back so I can have my lunch buddy back. :)
On Sunday I had a very in depth discussion with my cousin about WAP. She had hers last year and she was telling me all I have to know about it. I will need to update my CV. I need someone to check it. I think I'll ask this lecturer to check it because she's seriously super nice. Plus her daughter's name sounds like my name. :)
I'll go the kitchen and look for food now.
There pictures were taken last month during our last lunch date with Amie... who I seriously miss at the moment...

Hahah you're the one excited that I'm on holiday :)
It'll be over soon though... *counts* I have about 5 more days left. :)
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