actually this was typed yesterday but only managed to upload it today :) sorry!!

1st September...

which means he'll be leaving in a few more weeks. Erm I don't know how I can stand all these at this moment. Zazu is a big help actually because he's been helping me consult my problems regarding this guy that I have feelings for. He's like the middle man well not actually since he's not helping me with anything but yea.. he's just a good friend to have. A good friend to talk to actually but I don't know why everytime I chat with him we always have these serious conversations about weird stuff. It's mostly about feelings and how I feel and about how he feels about me and that guy. Since he's a good friend of that guy so yea. And plus I'm more comfortable talking to him about these things than to other people. The only thing that's been going on lately is if I see Zazu in uni he keeps on slipping that guy's name when my friends are all around. Not many people know about the feelings I have for that guy.

Oh well it's not like he's not coming back right?

Erh... I know I worry too much!! But what should I do? I can't just go up to him and tell him how I feel about him, I mean I know it's alright but seeing I am somewhat an old-fashioned time of girl I don't think I'll be able to do that. It's so against my values. hahah you get it right? Erh!!!!

Actually I don't know what to say at the moment. I have tutorials assignment due in on Saturday eventhough I'm not the one presenting. And erm yea another assignment which needs to be done!! Erh...

I'm having my espeed2 up!! yipee!!!!!

and this is typed today

So yea I just got back from Uni and I'm really tired. I mean it's not like I had a packed schedule or anything, I don't know why actually. Oh well in the morning had tutes for Macroeconomics so that flew by pretty quickly. Then I had French class but I didn't go because I wanted to witness the miracle of an imac. hahah it's all Siang's fault. :) Then had tutes for Logic and Thinking and that was alright. Had lunch at the male residental hostel (the cafeteria) with Aunty Jie-Jie, Arif, Fer, Liz, Siang and Miza.

Then this afternoon had lecture for Society and that was fun lah actually but erm...

ohh nvm..

so cheers...

erh i want to eat at Swensens :(

p.s my Macroeconomics tutor made fun of my shoes today!! :( :)