It's already the end of August and the people who received the government scholarship would be leaving somewhere in mid September which means he will be leaving soon. Erm damn I'm so going to miss him. I didn't know that my feelings for him are this strong even though I still have slight feelings for Shai but he's the past I guess. Jo somewhat dared me the other night to text him and I did. I asked Zazu about it and he was like, "I think you texted him on a wrong timing because the guys have been trying to reach him all day but inda dpt" so I was like ohhh if he text back then it's alright and if he doesn't maybe it's just not my luck. But he did and I was so happy and I slept with a big smile on my face. So that was a good thing :)

Oh about a few days ago well actually it all started last week when I was googling an old friend's name and his name turned up in the JIS Alumni website so I went there and jot down his e-mail and decided to e-mail him who knows it's my luck if he replies my mail. I just gave it a go because the message that he send in the JIS Alumni website was 3 years ago. Then a few days after I send him that e-mail he e-mailed back. I was sooo excited about it that it made me shiver. I mean I've not heard from him in about what 7 years. He too didn't know what to say. But it was really sweet of him to reply my e-mail and I hope we can get intouch and stuff.

Oh yesterday was fun, I somewhat found a new friend. Well I've known this guy for quite sometime just macam atu lah not so close and stuff. Yesterday after our 11 o'clock lunch at the boys' hostel we went back to Uni and I saw Zazu and Abg. so I accompanied them to lunch then Zazu said he needed to go to MoE so I said can I come along with them. So I did and in the car I kinda talked to Abg. he's a really nice guy. Talked about our family backgrounds and stuff. So that was fun!! Typical first knowing to get each other session. And yesterday on the way to Logic & Thinking I was walking with Zazu and he somewhat slipped S full name!! Thank God this other guy inda dangar. Damn cos if he does I know he'll act all weird around me and he's starting to already. Oh well... let's just see what happen tomorrow.

My cousin is confirm getting married this 17th September. Damn I grew up with her and she's 3 years younger and yet she's getting married first. But congrats lah!! I hope I can be her bridesmaid. I wanna kiap kiap her!! I love this cousin of mine!!!!!!! I just got her jemputan tadi. I like her jemputan, it's pink and scented. :) :) Congrats babe!!

p.s. Jo ada shoes yg cantik sekali!!!!! I want!!!

I'm listening to Taufik. :) Owhhh :(