So today I didn't have Intro To Management, didn't know where Dr. Mona went to. So instead I went off with Amie to meet up with my French lecturer. Haha I needed to check my timetable and it happens that there is a clash for this week. I can't go to two of his lectures and I had to tell him that but he didn't understand what I wanted to tell him. He thought I can't go for his Tuesday and Wednesday lectures for the whole year. So he said, "I can't just change the timetable because you can't make it!" and he has this really think French accent in him. So I had to tell him bit by bit that I can't only go to this lecture this week. Aiyahhh atu pun inda faham!! And this afternoon I was suppose to have English for Management Studies but the lecturer is not quite prepared so he cancelled class. So that's good cos I can go home early.

So lastnight was 19th Festival Filem Malaysia (FFM) and Gubra nailed it as Best Picture!! or Best Movie lah!! And Sharifah Amani won Best Actress. It was a sweet moment for her even though she said something controversial lastnight but I think she had all the rights to say it!! And Sazzy Falak won Best Actress in a Supporting Role. Congrats Sazzy!! You really deserve it!! I mean who doesn't love to hate a bitch. Yet bitchy-bitchy pun still she looked really sweet in Gol n Gincu!! I like I like!!! :)

Since lastnight ada clash between Gol n Gincu The Series and FFM I continued watching FFM cos awards yg ujung-ujung are the best ones right so I didn't really get to watch GnGTS!! But yet Eddie is starting to turn into a jerk but Putri doesn't believe Shasha. Oh well.. I guess Eddie is just turning to be like his father. Ada 3 wives!! Oh well!! 2 more episodes till the last one. I can't wait and I hope after this there is a DVD or something of the serial. I don't mind getting it cos it's just the BOMB!! I love I love!!

I'm just clueless now on what to wear to Uni. I mean I'm somewhat out of baju kurung. hahah!! Erh... and I'm out of tudungs!!

watching numb3rs :)