I was having this long chat with Jo this afternoon and beforehand in the morning I had a chat with her and she was showing me some 'history'. And it made both of us so melancholy and quite sad because those were the memories we had back in the years of highschool. :) The somewhat best years of my life. I know some of my best years were back in JIS and I know I'm going to have 4 of my best years in UBD. :) So yea... I know this may sound stupid but I kind of like this guy at the moment. It's not the same guy like before because I've lost interest in him. I haven't seen him in ages and plus when I think about it he is a jerk, a charming jerk. Hahaha.. yea I kinda have a crush on this one particular guy but he's leaving for UK soon and I don't know what to do. The feeling is somewhat strong but I don't know how to classify that feeling. It's probably just a crush and I know I had a crush on him back in Form 6.

I just love this guy's characteristics eventhough he can be quite arrogant at times but I just simply love his smile and above all how he listens attentively to what I have to say before he butts in. Mcm when I talk he gives his full attention to what I have to say. I find that really amusing! :) It's hard to find those kind of guys nowadays. Most of the time guys would want to just WIN and not let others voice out their opinions but he's different. So the other day when I was out with him, we were talking about marriage. On what's the perfect age to get married and stuff. So I said.. I'm probably going to get hitch in my mid 20s since I know I'm graduating when I'm 24 and that means I need about 2-3 to be stable with everything. Then he said he's probably getting married when he's in his early 30s. So he asked me why do I wanna get married at that age? He kinda gave away the answer though and he was slapping his tummy.. and he said, "IT'S A GOOD AGE TO BEAR BABIES." That's how his sense of humour is. Ohhh!! I'm sure going to miss this guy. I know I've only known him for quite sometime only but this is the other side of him that I never knew. I know he's a good guy and stuff because I know his family well my dad knows his dad. So yea...

I don't know what to do now!!!

oh well so Uni, it's going great actually. I've accomplished fitting in and I've found new friends and still stick to the old bunch. I know this guy who is half Thai and he's quite funny and he can be lame at times but he's fun to have around. Then ada this one Chinese guy who just goes along with the flow and then there is always the good old Arif. Haha :)

I'm not sure whether I have class or not but... yea.. :)

I'm a happy bunny :)

but I have a headache due to the lack of sleep :(