I feel so drained and sometimes I just feel like crying and let out all the pain. I'm not sure of what pain but I can feel some pain inside me. Hehe... owh well I'm done with my management essay, I'm lucky because I have good group members since they did the research for me. It's not an individual assignment so I'm pretty lucky.
Erh I'm just too tired, this afternoon class ended a bit early for English it ended ard 1.30 and Amie and I headed for the guys' hostel and ate there. That's when memories came back and I felt like shedding a tear or two. Then headed for the hall where I did the essay and but my laptop died on me. Amie and the rest went and watched some Korean movie since there is this Korean festival thing going on in UBD. I didn't go with them so I continued doing my essay before my laptop died. When I was left alone, I actually fell asleep on the sofa. It was nice sofa so it was nice to curl up and sleep. I thought I was half asleep but Amie said she passed by and she could see I was sound asleep. :) That's how tired I am! :(
I better sleep now before things get worse tomorow..
have class at 8...
i had this long post all typed up lastnight but somehow there was an error when i tried to upload it. so yea yesterday at home there was this small get together with my UBD friends and a few ex-SAS cum UBD students. so the place was practically noisy and it was such a great time. Fer came with this Effoure friends like Zyman, Afam and Farhan. The rest of the guys that came were Billy, Siang and Razan. Meanwhile the girls, there were Amie (who was the earliest), Mok, JehWen, Hui Ing, Siang Ping and Chong. It's just fun having them around. :) So thank you guys for coming.
I even uploaded pictures lastnight but erh... so yes here are pictures from yesterday
and pictures from 2 days back over at my cousin's place
Abg, Me and Yasmin

Abg Nusi & I
so raya is here and well am I excited? I was excited but then my first day didn't really go that well, my parents and I went and visited my uncles in Tutong and my aunty in Lumut (all mom's side) then only we go down back to Bandar and visit my mom's cousins and my dad's brother. Oh then went to Mami's place (mom whom breast-feeded me) and met my brother there and he as usual was goofing around. :) I love him! :)
So I guess here are some pictures... :)
just a few...

2nd Day Raya
my brother and I
that's all for now!!
too tired to blog and have nothing much to blog
so as i promised... i present you the famous boy of the evening
oh btw Raya falls on a Tuesday in Brunei and I think Malaysia as well which really disappoints me because I still have to do my English presentation tomorrow. Erh!!! I'm just too tired to even think about it now!
So I leave you with this...
I want to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin... I'm sorry for everything. Enjoy Raya people *hugs*
photo credit www.brukiosk.com
went out for iftar again today and this is our destination is ILotus. It's a nice restaurant and I love the food there well the buffet spread was really good because it had seafood and not the typical meat BBQ thing. So that was good.. I actually had two servings of clams and prawns. So yea it was good.. actually the people that I was with were a good bunch. There was Razan, Mawi, Iyah and Nisa (the twins), Effa, Nita, Amie, Khairul, Kalai and his son (Haziq) and not forgetting Billy!
so here are pictures...
me & amie
me, billy and mawi
the twins (iyah & nisa), effa and nita
paternal instinct (ohh look at kalai's son so cute)
like father like son, kalai and haziq (razan on the far right)
amie, me and billy [:)... it's always a great time with them]
next post.. will be the famous boy of the evening.. very handsome :)
I'm sick and I have a sore throat and yet I ate so much prawns and clams! Oh well I had a great time and I think we should do it again :)
-laters :)
I'll be going to ILotus tomorrow evening for iftar. It's all planned by Mawi... a friend of mine. It's more like a get together for Billy (i seriously miss him), so I'll be seeing him tomorrow evening. And he has this other plan where the next time he's taking us out for lunch or dinner it will be on him, we can just choose anywhere we want! :)
I have class till 5 tomorrow so I told him to pick Amie and I up from UBD and I think he's sending Amie back home and my parents are picking me up cos they're taking me out. My allowance is out! hahah i mean UBD allowance.. and I'm a happy bunny!!
so expect pictures tomorrow.. :)
ohh my hair is now red/purple... cantik sekali!
hello lovely people... :) hope you guys are having a blast because I have despite the laziness that has been attacking a lot of us. As mentioned last week I had that tough assignment done for Management and this week erm... well more like next Monday I have a presentation for English. :( I don't really like presentation especially when there is no topic given.
So I guess I'll leave you with pictures of before that remember I mentioned that I had a test for QM. Well everyone knows their results except for me and this other guy! Erm... I wonder what happen...
so yea pictures...
trying to concentrate in QM
when laziness strikes... everyone else smiled and i didn't.. :(
this was this morning during the FBEPS Student Council Election... avec mes amis who are running for a place in the FSC Zyman and Siang *hoping to win the Ipod Shuffle*
trying to do a catwalk down the lecture theater.. haah this was before Management class :)
i have yet another long day tomorrow... I start at 8 and erm finish at 5!! But thank God for a 3 hour break before my 2pm class and an hour before my 4pm class! And y'know I seriously hope that Raya is this Monday :)
Good morning my beautiful ones :)
Just had sahur and I don't usually sleep straight after sahur, I'd sit in bed and start browsing through the internet. This is because I let the things that I ate slowly go down my system. Hehe.. so yea.. today is a long long day for me! Will be having class from 9-2 then another hour of class from 4-5. Erm.. it's fasting month and there is still class from 4-5. This session will be on again on Thursday :).
Well I hope I can stand this. Well if Fer can stand it... then I can! :)
... laters

...and the rest of them that came that night :)
So overall I had a great time with these people eventhough some of them I've only met once.. for example the guy behind Zyman! :)
Shall do this whole thing again one day :)
I love them all...
Enjoy the pictures :)

taken by Donovon

listening to Drama/ Ning Baizura feat. Nikki & Yanie
hahah currently in love with this song even though it took me a while to digest it. :)
So yea I had buka puasa with Zimah at Seasons and it was fun.. two of the girls cancelled out last minute so I guess this is the last time I'm going to offer them anything because they like to cancel out on the last minute. I mean I planned this gathering about a week ago and I told them about it also a week ago. To me a gathering is more than just a gathering, I would not plan it for no reason. I want it to be the time where we just eat and talk and laugh and it's all about having fun but I guess to some people it doesn't mean anything. They've done this a few times to me so I guess this is the last time. I mean it's alright if they told me at the beginning if they can't make it so it's easier for me to plan out things. But they just have to cancel out last minute. :(
So yea buka puasa at Seasons was fun because Zimah and I talked a lot about stuff... it was fun catching up about her cousins and my cousins and my crush on certain guys. Hahah yes I find a lot of guys really adorable but that doesn't mean I have feelings for them. And that doesn't make me a playgirl like some guy said! I still can't believe a guy told Adeb that I'm a playgirl, I'm not surprised if it was a girl tapi this.. a guy!! Oh I wonder what has gotten into guys nowadays.
So while I was in Season, Billy called but Amie talked and asked whether I wanted to watch a movie with them. Called Babah and asked if I can go and watch and yes.. I watched John Tucker Must Die with them Billy, Amie, Siang and Fer. Before watching that movie, I had DQ with the rest... then Fer came with Zyman, Hazwan and Afam (sp?) and took lots of pictures but I only have 3 from my mobile phone. The rest is with Amie so I shall ask her tomorrow for the pictures because most of her pictures are candid pictures. :) I like!! And it was good seeing Billy again! hahah.. oh yea he paid for my movie ticket :) Shall do this again more often! It was fun!!
so here are pictures from this evening..
Me and Amie at DQ
oh well... really not in a mood for blogging but yea so yesterday someone finally turned up in Uni but brought bad news for me and well the rest of the gang. One of my close friends (well I consider him a close friend) is quitting Uni because well I guess his reasons are strong enough and I really pitied him because he has the potentials to do well but as he said.. he is like a car after about 10 years of not being driven and you try to drive it.. it's all rusty and it takes a long time for it to start to get back on its wheels. Gosh I'm so going to miss him because he is always there for Amie and I. He's our lunch partner, our ice-cream buddy, my consult buddy (because I talk to him about my problems), and well he's just many more. He's just plain cool for a 29 year old married man. :) He'll be really missed by all of us!! :(
And yes yesterday I heard something that kind of really made me go 'ARGH'. I was walking with one of my friends and we were talking about the form 5 reunion and well oh yea about something then he said that he heard someone said that I'm a PLAYGIRL. Haha for those who knows me would know I'm not like that. Yea I might not be one of the most friendly-looking bunch and may look a little bit arrogant during first glance but once you get to know me I'm alright... ahah Jo came up with the sweetest list lastnight to why I'm a good friend.. and I'm her bestfriend.. hahah Jo *hugs* I just don't understand why people would want to chop me as something when they don't even know me. I mean no one really knows me except for those who are always with me so it's just not nice to be labeling someone when you don't know them. I just hope that this so-called rumour will not spread fast because it will somehow ruin my Uni reputation. :) If I know who has been spreading all this.. owhh that person is so going to get it from me. Erm...
Well I better get back to sleep... I only have class at 10 tomorrow and I don't feel like coming early so I'll be there a bit late... :)
before i start a proper post... a big big shoutout to my dearest nephew, DANIAL!!! Happy 14th Birthday lai!!!!!!! you've grown so much... kaka loves you...
haha he is such a sweetie actually.. and plus he doesn't act his age. He is very mature for his age and yes this is the nephew who taught me how to do go on a diet. The whole green tea thing and everything.... love him to bits and pieces and yes I'll be seeing him soon.. :)
Erh.. I have replacement tutorials tomorrow from 2-3 and it's for QM. I wonder how this will turn out tomorrow. We'll be having this new tutor tomorrow who happens to be a quiet man... haha I hope he's not as quiet during tutorials. Ok he's not that quiet it's just that as Syn said.. he's very soft-spoken. hehehe
oh well... i have a new baby.. I'm not telling just yet what it is...
The guy that Amie and I have been waiting for is back in Brunei. hahah yea Billy is at last in Brunei well I think he is because he misscalled me when I was in English class but when I texted him he didn't reply. Erm.. mysterious guy oh well he better be back.
So yea was in Lumut just now because my aunty had a tahlil ceremony going on and at the same time iftared there. So after when all of us ate outside I moved inside into the kitchen and started to eat these small cupcakes or was it muffin oh well it's something along those line. And my cousin who is just 5 days younger than me was sitting somewhere near me and I asked him whether he has Pepsi or something fizzy. He said nada but he actually went out and bought some for me. Awww.. how sweet of him. Actually I hardly talk to him but I don't know today he seemed really happy and erm.. in a good mood so yea... that's why I talked to him. heheh now I know he is a sweetie.. awww.. :)
I think if jadi lah this Saturday I have to go to erm... Mister Pizza after I have my berbuka puasa session with my girls. It's because Zyman told me that he's going to be there with a few of my other friends having sungkai! hehe.. :) what a busy week...
Oh QM test.. was very funny this morning, the 4 of us sat the back (me, amie, siang n zyman) so we were like discussing the answers. hahah so it was like not a test after all.
oh well.. i better get going now.. too tired to actually type. :)
bon soir
just got back from an aunt's place where we iftar-ed there. :) The food was good but when I arrived home I immediately ate the Kebab that I bought this afternoon. :) Owh my chocolate cake is waiting for me. I know I should eat moderately and I am... the kebab is actually quite small and the food I ate at my aunt's place was somewhat little compared to the others. And the chocolate cake.. well let's just say... it's a small slice of chocolate cake. Let me have my food :)
The day started out with Macro... gosh.. my tutor is getting sarcastic from day to day. I dont care though because he is a cool tutor and now he's our lecturer. And yea last Thursday's lecture was the weirdest one I'd ever encountered. :) He cut the class short because it was fasting month and he was too tired to talk longer. So the class ended 30 minutes earlier. :)
Well next week (Saturday) I'm going out with my girls for Iftar. :) I can't wait... I've seen them in yonks. I'm missing each and every single one of them.
So here is a picture of me.. this morning in Macro.. while waiting for Mr. Suhai to come. :)

But this afternoon went out to get some food, I'm just too tired to go out even though I did nothing at home but then again maybe it's because I'm fasting.. haha :) I have homework to do but I guess I'm partially done with Macro and I'm half way done with Logic! I still don't understand why we have to do logic.. it's annoying!! Oh yesterday had the test for Logic and well I guess it was easy because it was MCQ!!
Oh yea on a lighter note.. I can't wait for the class of 2003 SAS Reunion. :) Jo is planning for it to happen and I seriously hope it will because I would like to gather around the ppl that had a big impact in my life :)

Jo and I a couple of years ago...

This is the FBEPS courtyard.. I guess this is the only faculty that has a very close-to-nature feel to it
y'know what happens when we don't have class for 3 hours. heheh :) we go to the beach. so today we went to Tungku beach. This is because usually if it is not puasa month, Amie and I would go to the male hostel to eat with Billy. Since Billy is not around and it's fasting month therefore our last resort was the beach.
so there were Amie, Arif, Fer, Zyman and I...
so here are the pictures...

me and amie before leaving the parking lot in Fer's car

when zyman finally settled in the car...

when we finally arrived... see the three boys.. hahah that is Fer, Arif and Zyman

moi :)
Enjoy... :)
Hello dunia..
heheh.. ok ok so this morning had that presentation for Quantitative Method which I discussed with Siang lastnight. That went pretty well, I had to keep on looking at this girl who sat at the very front because I'm not sure whether my answers are right or not so thank goodness that that girl kept on nodding her head and so did the twins. :) Oh yea yesterday we were introduced to this guy who is suppose to be tutoring for QM but since he's not taking the morning class that means I'll still be having my current lecturer's tutor class. :( *double bleh*
This part of the semester is doing pretty well so far even though it has only been day 2 but yet it's fun. I got back my French test results today and did well. I think it's a B. So yea double yipee... oh yea starting today and the following two days are the signing up for FBEPS student council. See I was at the chancellor hall from 8am because I had class there and the signing up was at Smallville FBEPS so I didn't get to sign up. This is because they are limiting the positions to 3 candidates per program per year. So 3 from BBA, 3 from PPA and 3 from Eco. But later this afternoon while waiting for my parents to pick me up, one of the guys approached me and Syn and asked whether we're interested. So I said it's fully booked but the others said.. ohh might as well just sign up saja who knows someone backed out on the last minute. Haha oh well we are getting free polo tee, badges and erm... movie tickets.. hahah campaign strategy.
I'm tired and I have a test for Logic and Thinking and QM test next Monday. So now I shall do my French h/w.
till then.. :)
life is not difficult, it's us living the life that is making it difficult
sixty.6 noralyaa puspa says:
cos imagine if they are abt just 30 shelves right..
M¥th¡©ªl™º¹²³ Θ no matter how much you hoped or wished, there will never be a miracle cause god is only there to witness. says:
haha right
sixty.6 noralyaa puspa says:
meaning 30 boos.. and only from 30 cm from the left
sixty.6 noralyaa puspa says:
does that really show any result of defects? i don't thin so..
M¥th¡©ªl™º¹²³ Θ no matter how much you hoped or wished, there will never be a miracle cause god is only there to witness. says:
yea loh its too little to decide
sixty.6 noralyaa puspa says:
so the targeted popn is the defective boos
M¥th¡©ªl™º¹²³ Θ no matter how much you hoped or wished, there will never be a miracle cause god is only there to witness. says:
sixty.6 noralyaa puspa says:
but the sample popn are boos that are not defective..
sixty.6 noralyaa puspa says:
hahah we're taling stats..
sixty.6 noralyaa puspa says:
this is soo cool
M¥th¡©ªl™º¹²³ Θ no matter how much you hoped or wished, there will never be a miracle cause god is only there to witness. says:
this is what I'm doing at the moment.. chatting to Siang about my QM presentation tomorrow morning. Cos I have no clue on how to do it... erh.. damn damn damn.. might as well flunk me or something. But I promised myself.. that I will try and do well for this subject because it is after all a faculty required subject. I bet if the lecturer is someone else.. I would have actually like this course but I can't seem to like the lecturer and I have no idea why. Yea more rants from me.. but then I've iftar-ed so it's ok for me to rant on and on about my day.
It was weird how my day actually went really well, not well well but it was well. My feet hurt though because I was wearing them new shoes. I think I might be having blisters at the back of my feet. :( And Amie was wearing her new purple flowery slippers, the ones that she bought at the same store I bought my shoes. And I think she's having blisters as well. Haha serves us right to be wearing new shoes & slippers to uni. I should just stick to my other heels and platforms. hehe ;)
So started State class today and I have to say I'm starting to enjoy it despite the way he talks. I mean I have nothing against the way he talks but it's just funny and with the whole 'alright' thing going on. It's just funny.. hahah *i have this giggly feeling in my stomach*.
till then I guess... I'm sleepy but I know I won't be sleeping till like 11ish tonight or something. hehe :)