Hello.. bon soir
I was just reading my old posts on this blog and I just realised something, I somewhat sound bimboish. I actually talk the way I write this blog but I don't sound that bimboish if I talk in school or to my parents. Ok I speak malay with my parents and sometimes with a mix of English but not that often. I speak English in school with my friends with a dash of malay here and there but I seriously don't sound that bimboish! Oh well.. :( I guess it's because I have the whole 'like' word inserted here and there. Yea I do agree I had this accent going on when I first arrived back in Brunei but that was 6 years ago and now I'm totally fine with the way I talk eventhough the whole accent thing still goes on if I want to.
I miss my boys in UK, ok well maybe not as much as I did before because I have to think about myself too right? One of them often comes online but always on away mode so I didn't want to bother him even though I want to chat with him.
Oh yea never really mentioned this but yea my mom's second cousin's son passed away Thursday night and the sad thing was I was chatting with his first cousin when he passed away and we both didn't know about it. I received the news when I woke up for sahur the next day. It was a sad moment for all of us, I know I was never that close to him but I have a feeling that he must be one of the few cousins who used to carry me around. He passed away surrounded by those close to his heart, so that was a good thing. Abg Zakaria... we will surely miss you! :) Hope he is situated to the place near to God. Amin..
till then...
this is a short post.. maybe shortest ever..
i can't believe i'm taking the words out of a 13 year old boy on how to go on a diet. :p but then again it doesn't do me any harm...
btw drink lots of green tea! that's what he said ;P
selamat berpuasa!
I'm full! Alhamdulilah :)
I think I ate a bit too much today... I know it'll go down faster than usual because it is the only meal I'm having today and after I take my shower I'm going to eat the chocolate cake that my mum bought me this afternoon along with H&E Jasmine Green Tea :) *they should pay me for advertising*. :)
So yea I'm in the progress of doing my second and last assignment for this week... I hope I can finish it by Saturday. Ohh speaking of assignments.. I need to get myself papers because I'm out of them. I didn't know whether I mentioned this before but yea last Friday when I wanted to print out my management essay I just realised that I was out of paper. Thank God Siang was online so I told him to print it out for me.
Owhh well... I've been listening to a lot of Maliq & D'Essentials and maybe that's why I'm all good :) I'm not as sad as I was a few days back. When I think about it, I rather be in Uni rather than at home because when I'm at home I tend to think too much about nonsense. At least when I'm in school I have my friends to talk to! :) Oh well my mid semester break is not a mid semester break after all. It's just a break where lecturers give their students assignments and instead of doing it when classes are on... we do it in our own comfort time :) but yet again.. it's a BREAK!! I deserve a BREAK!!
hahah..ok enough of that :)
tata ppl.. :)
bon soir everyone :)
So yea I'm feeling much better now, I think I was thinking too much last night because I had that throbbing headache. And when I have a throbbing headache mixed with other things that I'm currently thinking about I feel really miserable and the only thing I want to do is CRY! And I did lastnight and made me feel much better. I slept early though lastnight because I was just too tired and felt really miserable. I saw one of the guys online lastnight but I didn't chat with him because I was again too tired. :)
So yea I'm done with one of my assignments, that means I need to do one more and study for Logic & Thinking. Erm.. I think I'll start on my English for Management tomorrow. :) That means I'll be done with my assignments because I'm partially done with my Macroeconomics tute questions.
So yea it's the 4th day of Ramadhan and today I didn't really cook because my mom fried noodles. Since she fried noodles, she told me to send some for our neighbour across the road. When I arrived there, she was leaving so she kinda put something else into the plastic bag and told me to take it home. She did take the noodles though if you were wondering. So yea I didn't really look at what she gave but I assumed it was chicken rendang. So during breaking fast just now... my mom said it was beef meat, I ate some and I knew it tasted weird but I'm not sure why. At last my dad said it was LAMB!! Damn it was LAMB and I don't eat lamb! I mean I only eat it if it's cooked this particular way and the only place I can get it is in Jakarta. So yea that'll be a long time before I'll be eating another lamb. But my goodness it was Lamb!! Lamb as in mbekk!! aiyeahh!! Yea I know I'm exaggerating but... erk...
so enough of lamb...
I've been spending my nights chatting with this nephew of mine whom insisted on calling me kaka rather than auntie because she said I look 15!! ahah sweetness!! so yea we talk about the random things in life! I'm like his referance machine or something because I'm the place where he asks for answers if he have doubts on anything. I love Danial!! And yea lai... you will be the next Justin Timberlake because you're handsome no matter what size you are! haha :) see he's kind of big a 13 year old but to me it's alright since it runs in the family. :)
I guess that's all...
Ohh I'm addicted to Maliq & D'Essentials... I love Kangen! It has this very.. jazzy feel to it.. and it's just awesome.. I love it! :) I can't seem to get the album here though. Was looking for it at Joo Chiat Plaza last January but they were out of them. :( Oh well...
till then i bid goodbye :) and bon soir..
sorry i didn't update yesterday. I've been having this constant headaches for the couple of days and I think it's due to the weather. Brunei has been really hot and it's been hazy for these few days so yea I hope that goes away and it won't come back.
So yea as I guess everyone has noticed the side bar of this site, the tag board to be exact is filled with Hady Mirza's name. That's because he is the 2nd Singapore Idol. So congratulations to Hady Mirza and I have to say the winner's single You Give Me Wings is the bomb. I love Hady's rendition of it! :) More force to you my man!
So in a more serious note I've been feeling kind of down. Actually it all started tonight when I read someone's blog and yea it was unintentional because I hardly read her blog. So yea since she's in UK and in the same Uni as this guy that I've been liking so she posted some news about him and few others in UK. I don't know I started feeling so ERH. I mean it's nothing actually but just the thought he's there and I'm here. Yea I never really told him how I felt because I can't stand the whole thing of being rejected. And yea I'm not the type of girl that he likes and plus if he does have a thing for me then why didn't he IMed me on MSN! Erh... I'm hoping for something that I might never have. I seriously want to let go because I don't want my feelings for him kill me. I don't want to feel miserable and feel this way again because it hurts. Sometimes I feel I only smile just to hide my pain. Ok that's exaggerating but yea.. you get what I mean.
And plus I think I'm torn into two... there is this other guy who suddenly appeared in my life after so many months. He somewhat came at the right time because I needed someone that understands me, not that others don't. It's just that he knows how to make me laugh and smile, it's just amazing. I had a great time with him... and he too is off to UK. I sometimes can't even understand myself...
I think I need to understand myself first and get hold of it before others get into my way. I know this feeling will occasionally come and go and I just have to face it. Erh... I just miss them :(
Owh on a lighter note I have a new reader.. it's Shafique right? hehe he has good stuff in his blog... blog more ok! :)
laters :)
Oh btw Jo remember the guy from the Breakfast Show.. the one you thought was cute.. he has a blog! haha
So today was the first day of Fasting, how was it? Erm.. nikmat yang tidak terhingga! hahah apparently I wasn't feeling all that hungry after all maybe a few headaches here and there but one thing was I felt like sleeping. See I slept back at around 5ish this morning because I was chatting with some people. Yes.. we somehow do that now! And it's fun actually eventhough I was half awake.
Owh more of my friends are leaving for UK tonight. I'm so sorry I can't be there to send you guys off but one friend of mine in particular will be sorely missed. He's been there for me for these couple of weeks. Owhh my syg! I'm so gonna miss you! :( And I feel really bad not sending him off but what can I do. My dad won't let me drive just yet.
Oh I had mee rebus for berbuka just now. The Sporean aunty at the Pasar Malam makes the best mee rebus so far. So yea...
Erh.. I need to shower and then rest myself. I have tute questions to do tomorrow. :)
see you ppl!!
and this is so Dhiya - eh jub! welcome to my world!!
yup yup.. my French test went well except I screwed up some bit of the verbs and i can't remember what the word for 'far' is! Oh well I hope I score well for this. So since today is my last day of tests and the start of mid-term break, I told myself I should get something. I told my parents that I wanted to eat at Swensens and we did. There is this new shoe shop right opposite of Swensens, so I went there and bought myself a pair of gorgeous looking shoes. :) Nice shoes for Uni I think. :)
Then headed down to Paloma where my nose went all weird after that because of the perfumes. I love the Bvlgari Rose Essentials though. They smell really good :) I hope my mom is getting that, not for me but for her but I can use it right? hahah
Owh I chatted with him just now, so that was a happy moment for me. I had to go though since I had to eat dinner and when I got back he was offline already :( but this morning I was using Siang's hattrick account and send him some messages :) How sweet right? haha at least he said I was. :) So yea.. happy happy joy joy..
pictures time...

the bag mommy dearest bought me, well i told her to get it for me

the shoesss!!!
Happy Ramadhan everyone :)
Owhh Lionel, hope your eye is better now! :)
Amie - i feel like i have this cheering team behind me!! hahah
pictures of the day...

the before

the after
hahah so how do you like it? I kind of like it, makes me years younger. :)
So yea about the tests well what can I say? It was alright I guess, just seem to had a brain blockage where I know what I want to say but I can't seem to put it down in words. Ever experience that?
So yea today went across the border to Miri and had my hair cut. I just simply love having my haircut there, it's way cheaper but then again i have good hair! hahah
I need to study for my French test tomorrow, that will be my last test before the mid semester break. :) Wohoo...
Happy Ramadan and Fasting everyone. Enjoy the fasting month with prosperity and happiness.
i know i'm suppose to be doing my management assignment which is due this Saturday. I am in the progress of doing it. So yea here are the pictures that I promised..

Pijah and I

me, Pijah and Jeerah

the bride and I

the bride
I hope u like the pictures. That's just a few of them there are more actually!! And these are just from my handphone. I'll scan more soon.. hehe
toodles need to get back to my assignment :)
ohh btw... that guy left lastnight and I did send him off. We hugged and that was so sweet! I nearly cried infront of him instead I cried in the car and at home. Cried this morning in school though because I heard something. :( I'm happy for him though :)
Pictures will mostly be up next week because I'm busy tomorrow and next week. Tests and an assignment due. Erm..!! :( how am I going to cope up with all this!! Erh...
Oh well... I'll see you people next week. :)
pray for me k!!
he's leaving tomorrow :( *sobs*
is today a productive day? erm i'm not so sure myself because I was planning on doing my Economics tutes questions before leaving to my cousin's place instead my other cousin came over so get ready for the ceremony. So that was delayed. On the way there I just realised that my dad won't be around till the end of the ceremony because he had to go to his cousin's place in Lambak for doa arwah.
When I arrived there my aunt told me to go to my cousin's room and helped her get ready. Oh man she looked so pretty and beautiful!! Will post up some pictures soon. And atas pelamin tadi when I salamed her and hugged her I felt like crying because I grew up with her and now she's leaving her single life. I'm happy and sad for her at the same time. I just hope her husband will take really good care of her. I want him to promise me!! I love my cousin soo much and I want the man to take really good care of her!! So yea helped her around a bit and helped her with the presents so that was a good thing. Met some other relatives so that was good too.
Erh can't blog much today... I'm just plain tired!! :(
pictures haha of the day!!

like me with specs? i like hehe

erm... haha this was at FBEPS

amie, me and ferdouse :)

was at CLT!! Future model ni!!

my cousin and I during one of her wedding ceremonies.
Hope u like the pictures... I'm just too tired to blog because I'm just plain frustrated from all the Economics research!!
Laters.. maybe more pictures tomorrow from my cousin's wedding!! heeh
Erm so this afternoon went and played squash, well more like attempted to play squash. So played with Amie then Mawi came and said that they were going to play futsal in the gym area. And Zazu was going to be there, hahah he's always good to have around. Then when we were inside the gym area, someone came in the door and said Hi. I was like in shock cos it was the guy I have the hots for. I'm not sure whether I still do or I don't because the feeling just seems to fade away and then come back and haunt me. So he walked in with Tony I think yea it was Tony and then punched me softly at my back and then I just said Hi back. Then kind of talked to him a bit since he wanted me to show him where the squash court is and stuff. Owh I just found out he's leaving for UK this Sunday. Erm... I don't know. So this afternoon while he was putting on his socks I walked outside to have a fresh air and somewhat I felt tears crytallising (sp) in my eyes. I held it back and it worked. I seriously don't know what to do. I just don't know what to say to him and I know I looked really stupid if I talk to him.
His friends are a big help though, one of them willingly listens to what I'm going through and gives me good advices. Whle the other one being the goofy that he is just jokes around about the whole situation. I mean yea it's a good thing they are joking about it so I won't be too stressed out thinking about it.
Let just see how things go and work in the next few days. Erm..
Next week is a busy week for all of us. Assignment to be hand in, tests here and there but thank goodness the week after next will be a mid semester break for us. :) actually it's Ramadhan already by then and then Hari Raya. Yipp..ee
to S - I will miss you a lot!!
Gosh I'm just dead tired, we had a function going on this afternoon at the house. I don't know what it's called in English but we Malay-Muslim's call it Makan Doa Arwah. Yea so had that this afternoon and it was tiring cos had to walk around greeting guests and stuff. Yea so had a lof of food especially from my aunties and cousins so that was fun. It was fun having some family around for a bit.
Oh last night watched Anugerah Era 2006, the only thing that caught my attention was Sean Ghazi. He was just stunning, the jazzy feel he put into Jeritan Batinku was just fab. I'm so waiting for his album, I heard it's coming out in November and there will be P.Ramlee's songs. Oh I can't wait!! :) I love Sean Ghazi. :)
I wanna sleep now..
niteos!! :)
adopt'>http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/">adopt your own virtual pet! |
i have my own blue llama!! nice...
So yea today... uni was fine I guess. Was in Uni quite early actually and waited for Amie to come and for the rest to come but most of them came late and Arif didn't come at all. Ok the latter erm I don't really care anymore, cos he's just erh I don't know. He's been kind of avoiding me and shit like he won't talk to me and all. Ok fine I like someone else and he knows that, can't he accept the fact that we can't be together and all. Yea he told me that everything is ok but I can sense something is wrong in all this. I mean I'm somewhat enjoying my life and does he have to ruin it?? Erm...
Ok so this morning had Macroeconomics as my first class and it was a tutorial class. I enjoy Macroeconomics because I can really understand it if I actually read the textbook and then go for tutorials because he's a cool tutor. You can just go up to him and ask stuff... he's a cool dude!! So Mr. Suhaimi you rock!! Owhh I had to present something just now even though it wasn't my turn but he ticked my name to confirm that I don't have to do another presentation in the future. Woopiedoo!! Ohh I had to present about inflation rate, I'm starting to enjoy Economics!! Hehe
Owh in French class I learn something new, see Ferdouse aka Fer said I have beautiful eyes *blushes* so today Mr. Gandin typed something on the paper that says you have beautiful eyes which in French is vous avez des beaux yeux so now my MSN nick is j'ai des beaux yeux. Yea I know prasan but heh.. I like!!
Erm then L&T, I think the he's pissed at us cos we are somewhat useless in that subject but then again when I think about it, no use also bach learning it!! Mcm like who cares whether a statement is an argument or inda. If argument then it's argument lah!! Yea I don't really like it but then I have to do well for that class so I have to understand it. :(
lalal~~ been listening to a lot of Ruth Sahanaya, Glenn Fredly and Rio Febrian. I like!!!
Therefore, I conclude this blog with a reply to the commenter
Ladybug - thanx for the comment, yea it's healing but I'll be playing again next week. I hope it won't hurt as much!! thanx for dropping by. :) and nice blog you have there. :)
yea i know it's rare for me to post twice a day but i just can't help it. erm the water is back and running smoothly well maybe not smoothly but at least there is water from the shower head. Glorious!!
Owhh yea my arm still hurts and it's painful, I can't even stretch it properly. Yesterday during Macroeconomics Fer sat next to me and I was complaining to him how my arm hurts and I'm just plain sleepy. He told me to put my chin on top of a water bottle and that I should stretch my arm. So I tried strecthing my arm but I couldn't. That's how painful my arm is!! Erh... all badminton's fault. :)
I'm chatting with Jo and ZA now. Making plans with ZA about having dinner at escapade. I hope it happens. :)
ok so I'm seriously pissed off at the moment. There is no water here well yea there is a tiny itsy bitsy of water but yesterday there was no water for the whole day. Thank God I woke up around 530ish and showered because at the time there was still a little bit of water. When I got back home around 5ish pm, there was no water at all and it continued until night.
But it's good that this morning there is a little bit of water but seems like everyone is using it. Arghh... I'm going crazy without water.
I leave you with a picture I took yesterday morning right before Logic & Thinking class. heeh Enjoy..
erh so tired... class practically started from 10am onwards. Then Dr. Mona decided to have replacement classes at 2pm in which everyone agreed upon even though I was so against it. Then at 3 Amie and I went straight to the Sports Complex because we had ECA. We were suppose to go for the Squash Club thing but there were just too many people waiting to play. Then Billy came and the four of us which consisted of Billy, Amie, Siang and I played badminton. Even though it was total crap but hey it was great fun. It was good to sweat and I enjoyed it. Then moved out to the tennis courts, there watched Arif, Billy and Siang played. Around near 5ish when we were walking from the tennis courts, there was this guy playing basketball so Billy and I played a round of basketball so that was great fun.
Shall do this again next week. tee hee!!! This time bring my own badminton racket and we shall play more basketball when Ferdouse makes it next week, that is if he makes it!! haha
Ohh well I'm just plain tired to type so much hahah :)
ok then toodles everyone..
p.s i hope you like the new layout!! and please do comment on the tagbox. :)
much appreciated
/rio febrian - bukan untukku
picture time...

I wore this shoe this morning to Aunty Rosnah's son's wedding and I like wearing them. They are really comfortable and it's my first time wearing them. If I do go to S'pore at the end of this year I want to buy 'em Nine West. I want those really pointy and high heel ones. I'm loving high heel shoes now!! I love em to bits!! Oh not forgetting platforms too.
Ok then..
take care...
actually this was typed yesterday but only managed to upload it today :) sorry!!
1st September...
which means he'll be leaving in a few more weeks. Erm I don't know how I can stand all these at this moment. Zazu is a big help actually because he's been helping me consult my problems regarding this guy that I have feelings for. He's like the middle man well not actually since he's not helping me with anything but yea.. he's just a good friend to have. A good friend to talk to actually but I don't know why everytime I chat with him we always have these serious conversations about weird stuff. It's mostly about feelings and how I feel and about how he feels about me and that guy. Since he's a good friend of that guy so yea. And plus I'm more comfortable talking to him about these things than to other people. The only thing that's been going on lately is if I see Zazu in uni he keeps on slipping that guy's name when my friends are all around. Not many people know about the feelings I have for that guy.
Oh well it's not like he's not coming back right?
Erh... I know I worry too much!! But what should I do? I can't just go up to him and tell him how I feel about him, I mean I know it's alright but seeing I am somewhat an old-fashioned time of girl I don't think I'll be able to do that. It's so against my values. hahah you get it right? Erh!!!!
Actually I don't know what to say at the moment. I have tutorials assignment due in on Saturday eventhough I'm not the one presenting. And erm yea another assignment which needs to be done!! Erh...
I'm having my espeed2 up!! yipee!!!!!
and this is typed today
So yea I just got back from Uni and I'm really tired. I mean it's not like I had a packed schedule or anything, I don't know why actually. Oh well in the morning had tutes for Macroeconomics so that flew by pretty quickly. Then I had French class but I didn't go because I wanted to witness the miracle of an imac. hahah it's all Siang's fault. :) Then had tutes for Logic and Thinking and that was alright. Had lunch at the male residental hostel (the cafeteria) with Aunty Jie-Jie, Arif, Fer, Liz, Siang and Miza.
Then this afternoon had lecture for Society and that was fun lah actually but erm...
ohh nvm..
so cheers...
erh i want to eat at Swensens :(
p.s my Macroeconomics tutor made fun of my shoes today!! :( :)