It's already the end of August and the people who received the government scholarship would be leaving somewhere in mid September which means he will be leaving soon. Erm damn I'm so going to miss him. I didn't know that my feelings for him are this strong even though I still have slight feelings for Shai but he's the past I guess. Jo somewhat dared me the other night to text him and I did. I asked Zazu about it and he was like, "I think you texted him on a wrong timing because the guys have been trying to reach him all day but inda dpt" so I was like ohhh if he text back then it's alright and if he doesn't maybe it's just not my luck. But he did and I was so happy and I slept with a big smile on my face. So that was a good thing :)

Oh about a few days ago well actually it all started last week when I was googling an old friend's name and his name turned up in the JIS Alumni website so I went there and jot down his e-mail and decided to e-mail him who knows it's my luck if he replies my mail. I just gave it a go because the message that he send in the JIS Alumni website was 3 years ago. Then a few days after I send him that e-mail he e-mailed back. I was sooo excited about it that it made me shiver. I mean I've not heard from him in about what 7 years. He too didn't know what to say. But it was really sweet of him to reply my e-mail and I hope we can get intouch and stuff.

Oh yesterday was fun, I somewhat found a new friend. Well I've known this guy for quite sometime just macam atu lah not so close and stuff. Yesterday after our 11 o'clock lunch at the boys' hostel we went back to Uni and I saw Zazu and Abg. so I accompanied them to lunch then Zazu said he needed to go to MoE so I said can I come along with them. So I did and in the car I kinda talked to Abg. he's a really nice guy. Talked about our family backgrounds and stuff. So that was fun!! Typical first knowing to get each other session. And yesterday on the way to Logic & Thinking I was walking with Zazu and he somewhat slipped S full name!! Thank God this other guy inda dangar. Damn cos if he does I know he'll act all weird around me and he's starting to already. Oh well... let's just see what happen tomorrow.

My cousin is confirm getting married this 17th September. Damn I grew up with her and she's 3 years younger and yet she's getting married first. But congrats lah!! I hope I can be her bridesmaid. I wanna kiap kiap her!! I love this cousin of mine!!!!!!! I just got her jemputan tadi. I like her jemputan, it's pink and scented. :) :) Congrats babe!!

p.s. Jo ada shoes yg cantik sekali!!!!! I want!!!

I'm listening to Taufik. :) Owhhh :(

Tuesday FUN Walk!!

So yesterday was the supposably FUN walk. Well it was fun alright and it was funny at the same time. There were only about ten of us there and it was kinda weird actually. So since there was hardly any admin people along Billy became the leader. He's a funny guy and erm I just found out something about him. No wonder when he talks he sounds so convincing he works for an insurance company. haha yea!! along the way i felt breathless but thank God for water. hahah

erm.. more to say but i'm just plain tired and my legs still hurt. Erh!!

today was a productive day. or should i say wasting yet productive? haha ntahlah but it was a fun day. I had French class at 10 then tutorials for Dr.Ali at 11 and then at 1 last minute class for Mr. Sweeney. So while waiting for class at 1, we went to the boys' hostel. We as in I, Billy, Fer, Amie and Miza. See the boys' hostel is not that far but we the girls insisted Fer to drive us there cos we were too lazy.

Then after the 1pm class which only lasted about 15 minutes. Billy, Amie, Siang and I went to Taurean Too. See when Billy said Taurean Too I thought he meant Taurean Two, see how blank I am. So that was fun.

Maybe there will be more of these going out sessions. hahah :P

I'm a happy bunny.

Ohh and Fer is cool!!

not gonna say much just been really tired lately. yesterday class finished at 6 which wasn't so bad after all since amie brought food along. so we weren't as cracky as we thought we would. saw shai for the very first time yesterday in uni. he was helping my lecturer set up the laptop and the projector, so it was good seeing him eventhough i didn't say much to him just waved and said hi. heheh :) he's a good guy but he's a jerk. hahah

starting to enjoy uni, still hanging out with the same bunch of ppl except there are new faces here and there. always meeting new ppl everyday so that's a good thing.

hahah ohh well i'm just too tired to actually type somemore..

watched GUBRA this afternoon and erm.. what can i say?? i'm speechless actually!!!

I was having this long chat with Jo this afternoon and beforehand in the morning I had a chat with her and she was showing me some 'history'. And it made both of us so melancholy and quite sad because those were the memories we had back in the years of highschool. :) The somewhat best years of my life. I know some of my best years were back in JIS and I know I'm going to have 4 of my best years in UBD. :) So yea... I know this may sound stupid but I kind of like this guy at the moment. It's not the same guy like before because I've lost interest in him. I haven't seen him in ages and plus when I think about it he is a jerk, a charming jerk. Hahaha.. yea I kinda have a crush on this one particular guy but he's leaving for UK soon and I don't know what to do. The feeling is somewhat strong but I don't know how to classify that feeling. It's probably just a crush and I know I had a crush on him back in Form 6.

I just love this guy's characteristics eventhough he can be quite arrogant at times but I just simply love his smile and above all how he listens attentively to what I have to say before he butts in. Mcm when I talk he gives his full attention to what I have to say. I find that really amusing! :) It's hard to find those kind of guys nowadays. Most of the time guys would want to just WIN and not let others voice out their opinions but he's different. So the other day when I was out with him, we were talking about marriage. On what's the perfect age to get married and stuff. So I said.. I'm probably going to get hitch in my mid 20s since I know I'm graduating when I'm 24 and that means I need about 2-3 to be stable with everything. Then he said he's probably getting married when he's in his early 30s. So he asked me why do I wanna get married at that age? He kinda gave away the answer though and he was slapping his tummy.. and he said, "IT'S A GOOD AGE TO BEAR BABIES." That's how his sense of humour is. Ohhh!! I'm sure going to miss this guy. I know I've only known him for quite sometime only but this is the other side of him that I never knew. I know he's a good guy and stuff because I know his family well my dad knows his dad. So yea...

I don't know what to do now!!!

oh well so Uni, it's going great actually. I've accomplished fitting in and I've found new friends and still stick to the old bunch. I know this guy who is half Thai and he's quite funny and he can be lame at times but he's fun to have around. Then ada this one Chinese guy who just goes along with the flow and then there is always the good old Arif. Haha :)

I'm not sure whether I have class or not but... yea.. :)

I'm a happy bunny :)

but I have a headache due to the lack of sleep :(

So today I didn't have Intro To Management, didn't know where Dr. Mona went to. So instead I went off with Amie to meet up with my French lecturer. Haha I needed to check my timetable and it happens that there is a clash for this week. I can't go to two of his lectures and I had to tell him that but he didn't understand what I wanted to tell him. He thought I can't go for his Tuesday and Wednesday lectures for the whole year. So he said, "I can't just change the timetable because you can't make it!" and he has this really think French accent in him. So I had to tell him bit by bit that I can't only go to this lecture this week. Aiyahhh atu pun inda faham!! And this afternoon I was suppose to have English for Management Studies but the lecturer is not quite prepared so he cancelled class. So that's good cos I can go home early.

So lastnight was 19th Festival Filem Malaysia (FFM) and Gubra nailed it as Best Picture!! or Best Movie lah!! And Sharifah Amani won Best Actress. It was a sweet moment for her even though she said something controversial lastnight but I think she had all the rights to say it!! And Sazzy Falak won Best Actress in a Supporting Role. Congrats Sazzy!! You really deserve it!! I mean who doesn't love to hate a bitch. Yet bitchy-bitchy pun still she looked really sweet in Gol n Gincu!! I like I like!!! :)

Since lastnight ada clash between Gol n Gincu The Series and FFM I continued watching FFM cos awards yg ujung-ujung are the best ones right so I didn't really get to watch GnGTS!! But yet Eddie is starting to turn into a jerk but Putri doesn't believe Shasha. Oh well.. I guess Eddie is just turning to be like his father. Ada 3 wives!! Oh well!! 2 more episodes till the last one. I can't wait and I hope after this there is a DVD or something of the serial. I don't mind getting it cos it's just the BOMB!! I love I love!!

I'm just clueless now on what to wear to Uni. I mean I'm somewhat out of baju kurung. hahah!! Erh... and I'm out of tudungs!!

watching numb3rs :)

So this morning had class at 8 and I thought it was going to end at 10 but instead the class only lasted for about 15 minutes. How stupid was that? So I walked around with Amie and we ended up at FBEPS and we didn't know what to do since we have about 2 hours to kill. So Shukri passed by at the faculty and I shouted at him... y'know to congratulate him since he got the government scholarship.


So yea he offered to take Amie and I out for brunch. So that was really nice of him, we went to Sengkurong and I treated them brunch since it may be the last time I'll be seeing Shukri before he leaves. Wahhhh!! NO!!! he's such a sweetie. Thanx Shuk!! :) We talked for a bit then ZA joined us and talked more!! Ahaha.. it was a nice sweet small gathering. Arif and his two friends ditched Amie and I to go to the Sports Complex. God knows what they're doing there. :p hahah!!

I'm having mixed feelings about something actually!! Oh well I'll try to overcome this feeling :)


Ok so i haven't blogged for quite sometime but I'm in somewhat a dilemma. A few things are in my mind and it won't leave.

I hope I can get rid of them as soon as possible because keeping them are not helping at all.

So uni started on Monday and well it was alright I guess. Things are starting to pick up from where it first started. I'm starting to enjoy lectures and the people around me now!! I hope this goes on until....

Oh yea I have not seen him around Uni yet and I'm starting to miss him. He's a nice guy except... erh I don't know...

oh well!!

that's all for now then ok..

so today was the official first day of university for me. what do i think? erm it's alright i guess. it was kinda tiring cos had to walk around and do some errands regarding some scholarship papers and allowances papers. other than that i guess UBD isn't a bad place after all.

what got me really tired was having to walk from FBEPS then to the CLT then to SHBIE and then to SA. it's a long long walk and it's not a 3 minute walk like Shai told me. Owh I didn't see him at all today. is that a good thing? erm.. not sure. i know i've been wanting to avoid him but at the same time i want to see him as well.

oh well...

only have one class tomorrow and not sure whether to attend the Tuesday Fun Walk thing and it's 5.5 'fun' walk. hahah oh well i'll see how it goes tomorrow...

i can't, can i?

I just can't forget this one guy.
I tried to avoid him for the past few days but I kept on crashing into him.
I don't know what to do.
I feel awkward around him.
Sometimes I just feel like crying seeing him.
But I don't have the power to turn back time.

Am I really feeling something???