#340 Alpha Male...???

Yes, I watched Madagascar 2 : Escape To Africa yesterday. Guess with who... guess... guess...guess.. hahah yaye.. finally met up with Amie yesterday. So yea watched the movie with her and Douse because Siang had to leave early.

First we had lunch at Cheezbox because well I just felt like eating there, anything would do actually. Finally I ate the Salmon crispy something.. it wasn't that bad! :)

I'm just soo happy to finally met her!! hahah and got my slippers as well... Thanx babe!! love love the slippers...

So pictures from yesterday.. well there was only two...

No, we weren't watching James Bond.. this was just for fun!!

Inside our cinema! Just before the movie started!! :)

I just can't wait for exams to be over!!! ERH!!!